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  RaamBitty said:
DUDE... did u even bother to look for that... jesus.....

:PKMN Can Learn All TM/HM

920722C6 0000D001

120722C6 000046C0

D2000000 00000000

I did bother to look, and I'm not looking for the TM/HM one because I already have it. I'm looking for non-TM/HM code. Understand?

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  poetikal said:
I did bother to look, and I'm not looking for the TM/HM one because I already have it. I'm looking for non-TM/HM code. Understand?

ignore the guy who can't read.

the code your looking for is a move/tm modifier. right now none exists. someone on this forum was working on one and posted about it a while ago saying that it worked but had some issues. haven't heard anything about it since. hopefully sometime before the gen 5 games that code will come out.

  serenity44 said:
ignore the guy who can't read.

the code your looking for is a move/tm modifier. right now none exists. someone on this forum was working on one and posted about it a while ago saying that it worked but had some issues. haven't heard anything about it since. hopefully sometime before the gen 5 games that code will come out.

Actually, M@T released the TM/HM Modifier code yesterday. It's on PokeFreak64 and my thread. I also tested it and it works splendidly awesome.

  serenity44 said:
ignore the guy who can't read.

the code your looking for is a move/tm modifier. right now none exists. someone on this forum was working on one and posted about it a while ago saying that it worked but had some issues. haven't heard anything about it since. hopefully sometime before the gen 5 games that code will come out.

HAHA so u still need the tm hm code for it work than do u not???


Hi everyone sorry for not being on. I just bought and completed Mario and Sonic at the Olympic Winter Games.

As for the people saying the Move Modifier Codes have been released, its not completely possible because it will most likely freeze your game or will not work.

The Move Modifier Code I'm working on is nearly finish.

I've already made 3 different Move Modifier Codes with different directions, but still fixing the bugs.


hey does anyone have the nature modifier code that works on caught pokemon? i have the Japanese version. its the one where we go to the summary screen holding x and l or something like that. thx it would be greatly appreciated!!


alright thats cool. i need that code b/c the entei that i caught started roaming as a quiet nature and now im stuck with it. great iv's too.


Welcome and can anyone post the Move Modifier Code that have been released so I can test it and see if it works. Thanks.

I really dont think that the Move Modifier Code is the correct one because thier are two different types of Move Modifier Codes.

The first type is to change the TM1 into any move such as Judgement, Shadow Force, Seed Flare or Dark Void.

The second type is to change the TM1 into any other TM or HM.

  Riolu Aura Sphere Now said:
Welcome and can anyone post the Move Modifier Code that have been released so I can test it and see if it works. Thanks.

I really dont think that the Move Modifier Code is the correct one because thier are two different types of Move Modifier Codes.

The first type is to change the TM1 into any move such as Judgement, Shadow Force, Seed Flare or Dark Void.

The second type is to change the TM1 into any other TM or HM.

You can see the post right here. The post is by M@T and the code works splendidly well.


i'd like to ask if anyone knows whats wrong with these codes?

HP / HP Up:

12084576 000046C0

12084AFC 000020FF

Attack / Protein:

120845E2 000046C0

12084B5C 000020FF

Defence / Iron:

1208464E 000046C0

12084BBC 000020FF

Sp.Attack / Calcium:

1208472A 000046Ca

12084C7C 000420FF

Sp.Defence / Zinc:

12084796 000046C0

12084CDC 000020FF

Speed / Carbos:

120846BC 000046C0

12084C1C 000020FF

They are supposed to work like the ones in Platinum, but i cant get them to work for some reason :\

i found them on a post or something i don't remember where :P

anyways; can someone please see if they can get them to work?

thanks :)


Wow the Move Modifier Code works perfectly.

I have some great news, I've just got done fixing my own Move Modifier Code with the Heart Scales.

I will post it tomorrow since its late where I live.

As for the Vitamins Codes up above, I'm the one who posted it and found out that those were not for SS/HG, but for Platinum.

As of it, I'm working on fixing it and a few more codes.

  imaliar said:
If someone could make this code, it'd be fantastic:

-Call Gym Leaders at any time on any day for rematches

That is all, thank you. OH! Pass this request to any other HGSS code request boards on other sites you know of and see if we can't get this made.

  xakota said:
I'd like to request a code that makes all 16 gym leaders available in the fighting dojo for a rematch all the time.

Seconded to both. Whichever one works best.

  KyoMcFizzle said:
I need a hand with this:

So the New nature/gender mod was released on GBA temp recently.

I really like the way this works, but unfortunately the code does not work for turning Male Pokemon Female. :/ I was wondering if anyone could take a look at the Female Gender/Nature mod section and edit it to actually make it so that it turns Male Pokemon Female. Thanks!


I made a code that modifies PID so that we can choose whether a Pokémon is male or female, but PID modification alters the nature and the class of the ability as well.

I successfully made it so that it doesn't affect the class of the ability by checking the parity of the PID, but nature is more complex, so it changes randomly when using the code.

I think the codes you posted are in ASM, but unfortunately I don't know ASM at all. :\

Anyway, I post my code that changes the gender of the 1st Pokémon in the 1st box, maybe it'll help.

  Reveal hidden contents

Using this code makes the nature of the Pokémon to change randomly, maybe using the codes you posted after using this one does the trick.

PS : It may also affect the shininess of the Pokémon, as well as the forms (Unown, Wurmple) and Spinda's spots.

  Champion Victoria said:
Seconded to both. Whichever one works best.

Using the code to remove all badges shall make the Gym Leaders ready for rematches.

Posted (edited)

But then they won't have their enhanced teams, no? They would just have whatever Pokemon they had before you acquired their badge? We're talking about the gym leader rematch, where you have to call them at certain times of the day and then they show up at the Fighting Dojo in Saffron City with Pokemon at levels 50-65ish.

Edited by Champion Victoria
  KyoMcFizzle said:
This code has been added so many times I'm getting sick of hearing it. PLEASE LOOK THROUGH THE THREADS ON THE FORUM BEFORE ASKING. Sorry.

EDIT : If you haven't read this yet then I don't feel bad :P I kinda went off, but I'm cool now :P I'm in bed sick and just wanted some help lol :)

BTW I found what I wanted. (All items code and TRU Shaymin code :D)


Can someone please post a working Cloning Code for the USA version of Heart Gold? I've tried the ones posted before but they never work for me. Maybe I'm not doing it right but when it says "hold L when switching Pokemon" I do it and nothing happens.

So I'm lost as to how to clone since it seems all the codes I've seen don't hold true to their names :(

  M@T said:
I made a code that modifies PID so that we can choose whether a Pokémon is male or female, but PID modification alters the nature and the class of the ability as well.

I successfully made it so that it doesn't affect the class of the ability by checking the parity of the PID, but nature is more complex, so it changes randomly when using the code.

I think the codes you posted are in ASM, but unfortunately I don't know ASM at all. :\

Anyway, I post my code that changes the gender of the 1st Pokémon in the 1st box, maybe it'll help.

  Reveal hidden contents

Using this code makes the nature of the Pokémon to change randomly, maybe using the codes you posted after using this one does the trick.

PS : It may also affect the shininess of the Pokémon, as well as the forms (Unown, Wurmple) and Spinda's spots.

Using the code to remove all badges shall make the Gym Leaders ready for rematches.

NIICE!!! ill try that one out right now and see how shee works. thanx

  Rosalie Cullen said:
Can someone please post a working Cloning Code for the USA version of Heart Gold? I've tried the ones posted before but they never work for me. Maybe I'm not doing it right but when it says "hold L when switching Pokemon" I do it and nothing happens.

So I'm lost as to how to clone since it seems all the codes I've seen don't hold true to their names :(

I have one that works (I have tested) its just like the ones your using but uses the R button. What you do is hold R while picking a pokemon up, moving them, and putting it down. Then let go, if you go to the spot that you had your pokemon earlier you should see nothing but stats of a pokemon comes up on the top screen I think. To make it appear just go back a box and back :)

BTW here's a ALL ITEMS code (x995 of everything, plus key items) and a TRU Shaymin code, both Pokesav genereated (lol my first use of it) both work cause I just tested :D

  Reveal hidden contents

You people should have the AR Code Manager program that came with the ARDS. It's the easiest to use for long codes.

If you know anyway of shortening those codes please tell me so that I may improve next time :D

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