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  Camm89 said:
does anyone know how to change this

TMs and HMs [Japan]

Select + Up

94000130 FFBB0000

62110DC0 00000000

B2110DC0 00000000

D5000000 00630148

C0000000 00000063

D6000000 000009B0

D4000000 00000001

D2000000 00000000

to us format?

nvm i found out how change

62110DC0 00000000

B2110DC0 00000000


62111880 00000000

B2111880 00000000

you will get 99 of each TM and all HMs but you will also get a HM9 which is ?- and cant be used

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celebi event i think press L-R i just dont no how to translate this to US

94000130 FCFF0000

B2110DC0 00000000

E001E678 00000088

3EC20FDE DC470000

A066A848 CB9F024A

01B0833D BA247118

A1484F7C 4E62CCD7

151E044C 64E75064

B585D07F B7B60F28

F9D78657 16AA5F96

E4885056 00CCB042

7EA50069 5090D238

69A9AE4C 3568812B

6A46CA00 324EC12F

FFE29B80 4241ACB6

908BA3C1 73597F2A

084EAF16 1FC0C095

63EA7962 540EA8F3

7B1D98B5 448D9713

15E482AF CEDE193E

D2000000 00000000

62101d40/b2101d40) into (62111880/b2111880

i just dont no how to do this one


Hey can someone here help me..... when you all ready pass the game and you go and catch Groudon(SS) or Kyogre(HG) .. depending the game .... and later catch Rayquaza .. if you activate the Rebattle Rayquza code everithing works fine.. butwhen you activate the Rebattle Groudon/Kyogre code when you all rady have batle Rayquaza .... the two guys that where in the stair that wont let you enter to the Zafari zone before you hepl yasmi with the lighthouse will apear again and they will tell you the same thing that the Zafari zone is under construction and all that things,... can someone post a code to activate the event to make them desapear or something .. or some code that can make that you can help Yasmin with the ampharos lighthouse problem again this will make Baobas call you again after you help her getting the potion for the ampharos, and he will tell you to that the safari zone is open just like the first time pleasde come one HeLp!!!! :S:S:S

  TheCoon said:
Hey does anyone have or can make a cheat that can remove HM's from the game?( Used a all Tm and Hm code and now messed up my game).

Remove All TM and HM v1

*Use v2 if V1 doesn't delete all

  Reveal hidden contents

Remove All TM and HM v2

  Reveal hidden contents

That's why you always test out a cheat for any bugs or glitches before actually using it or when saving your game. Plus use the search button to see if requests like it are answered.


spirit do u think u could help me? plus i read yur eve thing you wanted from bill why not just clone them

Clone Pokémon [Japan]

Hold R While Repositioning Pokemon to Clone

120742E4 0000231D

94000130 FEFF0000

120742E4 0000E008

D2000000 00000000

  mr haha funny said:
spirit do u think u could help me? plus i read yur eve thing you wanted from bill why not just clone them

I don't want to clone my Eevee which is now already an Umbreon. Plus, I wanted a Female Eevee but got a Male Eevee instead from Bill. Lastly, I want don't want to use the Wild Pokemon to get a non-legit (caught in an Area it doesn't exist on) Eevee.

There is already a Cloning Code out already. I posted the same code a few pages back too. Here it is.

Hold L While Switching Party Pokemon to Clone

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Hey spirit do you know by any chance how to use the EV codes. I can't get them to work (tried using on wild pokemon and using the item powers ups like hp, protein carbos...ect)

  FreeSpirit said:
I don't want to clone my Eevee which is now already an Umbreon. Plus, I wanted a Female Eevee but got a Male Eevee instead from Bill. Lastly, I want don't want to use the Wild Pokemon to get a non-legit (caught in an Area it doesn't exist on) Eevee.

There is already a Cloning Code out already. I posted the same code a few pages back too. Here it is.

Hold L While Switching Party Pokemon to Clone

  Reveal hidden contents

if thats the case i can prolly get a hold of one you'll hafta wait though haha if yur willing to wifi trade. free of charge . the reason of waiting though is becuz im tired and i need to make sum eggs

  mr haha funny said:
if thats the case i can prolly get a hold of one you'll hafta wait though haha if yur willing to wifi trade. free of charge . the reason of waiting though is becuz im tired and i need to make sum eggs

Tis ok, I'll wait for a code to reclaim Bill's Eevee. Thanks for the offer though.

  TheCoon said:
Hey spirit do you know by any chance how to use the EV codes. I can't get them to work (tried using on wild pokemon and using the item powers ups like hp, protein carbos...ect)

The EV modifier code (via pc box) is currently not working. I tried it myself and the EVs didn't change at all. And there is no Vitamin code out there yet and some people are still working on it.


Thanks man your really helpful, and how about the shiny code how does one get it to work. Everytime I try to use it my game freezes upon the pkmn encounter.

  TheCoon said:
Thanks man your really helpful, and how about the shiny code how does one get it to work. Everytime I try to use it my game freezes upon the pkmn encounter.

It could be that the code isn't compatible with the Action Replay DS. That or the code's wrong. I used this code and it works fine:

Encounter Shiny Wild Pokemon

* Doesn't work with Event Pokemon *

  Reveal hidden contents

Hey, I was wondering what a few codes that haven't been ported to the US games are. I wanna try and see if I can port any. >>

And I don't feel like going through 31 pages and missing something and doing one that is already out for the US games.

  Janime6 said:
Hey, I was wondering what a few codes that haven't been ported to the US games are. I wanna try and see if I can port any. >>

And I don't feel like going through 31 pages and missing something and doing one that is already out for the US games.

That's why there's a button on top saying "Search Thread". That or you can check out this thread for the US HG/SS codes that are working and tested out.


Is there a TM code that works with no problems? All the ones I have found say "use at your own risk" so I don't know if those codes will damage the game or something.

I'm also looking for these codes:

-Wild Pokemon Nature Modifier

-Wild Pokemon IV's set to w/e you want

Someone please let me know if they exist

  Exploits said:
Is there a TM code that works with no problems? All the ones I have found say "use at your own risk" so I don't know if those codes will damage the game or something.

I'm also looking for these codes:

-Wild Pokemon Nature Modifier

-Wild Pokemon IV's set to w/e you want

Someone please let me know if they exist

Those two codes have been requested already and I've already posted it in this thread. Use the search button. And for the "Wild Pokemon IV's set to w/e you want", you can easily do that by using the "Wild Pokemon Has Max IVs" and change the value of the IVs for each stat.

Everyone should use the search button before requesting for something that may be already answered.

  TheCoon said:
Ah thanks spirit, I found out what the problem was the shiny code isnt compatible with the nature mod

I tested out the Nature Code with the Shiny Code just now. It works smoothly on the Action Replay DSi.

  FreeSpirit said:
That's why there's a button on top saying "Search Thread". That or you can check out this thread for the US HG/SS codes that are working and tested out.

I didn't think that I would be able to search the Japanese codes that haven't been converted, sorry. Are those all the codes that work in that thread?

  Janime6 said:
I didn't think that I would be able to search the Japanese codes that haven't been converted, sorry. Are those all the codes that work in that thread?

Yeah me and PokeFreak64 have been testing out the codes. If there is a code that's not working, just post on the thread saying it's not working and we'll look into it. My post is color coded to show which is working or compatible.

  FreeSpirit said:
Those two codes have been requested already and I've already posted it in this thread. Use the search button. And for the "Wild Pokemon IV's set to w/e you want", you can easily do that by using the "Wild Pokemon Has Max IVs" and change the value of the IVs for each stat.

Thanks for the reply. I went into the thread that has all the confirmed working codes in it and I'm about to add them to my AR. Do you know about the TM code?


What IV and EV codes are safe to use without making the pokemon look hacked? Any pointers?I want to level up a level 1 adamant origin form giritina.

I used a legit arceus to trigger the event in heart gold to get the level 1 legit giritina, so I don't want it to look hacked

  J-bad said:
What IV and EV codes are safe to use without making the pokemon look hacked? Any pointers?I want to level up a level 1 adamant origin form giritina.

Well EVs are ok to be whatever you choose. It's the IVs that can show if it looks hacked or not. From what Serebii's info tells me, the chances of a Pokemon to have a IV of 31 in one stat is 1 out of 32 Pokemon, and a 1 in 1024 chance of having a Pokemon with an IV of 31 in two stats. Giving your pokemon 31 in more than 2 stats would be very obvious that it's hacked. I would just put random numbers 10-30 for any stat and have only one stat have an IV of 31.


I searched through the thread and didnt find any wild pokemnon gender modifier, has anyone found one?

still needed:

EV modifier via vitamins (252EVs)

Move Modifier

Remove all TMs/HMs or one that replaces the 99x with 90x and that i can still get HMs from people (currently stuck :/ )

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