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  eaglegod said:
''anyone have a wild pokemon modifier (with level modifier) that works? I've tried a couple different codes so far and all they do is freeze my game. Please help! ''

94000130 FCFF0000

62111880 00000000

B2111880 00000000

00000D14 01ED0001

00000D18 00640002

D2000000 00000000

94000130 FDFF0000

62111880 00000000

B2111880 00000000

DA000000 00000D16

C0000000 00000027

D7000000 00025A68

D2000000 00000000

94000130 FDFF0000

62111880 00000000

B2111880 00000000

DB000000 00000D1A

C0000000 0000000B

D8000000 00025A5C

D2000000 00000000

1.input this code

2. press L+R

3. u'll get 493 master ball and 100 ultra balls

4. subract accordingly

- the master ball number should match the sr.no. of the pokemon you want to appear

- the ultra ball number should match the level at which you want your wild poke to appear

5. hold the L button..and move around the grass (make sure you keep pressing the L button or elz the code won work)

6. the desired pokemon with the desired level should appear..

that's the exact code I've been trying with. It freezes the game upon pressing L. I'm trying to find a workaround cheat online somewhere altho not really having any success. :\

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  FreeSpirit said:
Ok everyone. Here's the Wile Pokemon Hidden Power Type Modifier Code:

This took a while to change all the values and please test them out in case I edited the wrong value causing the Hidden Power to be different.

  Reveal hidden contents

Someone should make a new thread listing all the working codes for HG/SS so people don't need to constantly search the pages and that they know the codes are US and not Japanese codes lol.

All I ask for the 3rd time is a code to reclaim Bill's Eevee cause I would like to get a Female Eevee from him and that I love all the Eeveelutions.

Thank you so much, i checked a few and so far they worked ie jolly. I tried searching online for a north american eevee code but didnt find it :/ You could try the pokemon mod and catch one in the wild?

As for the others that have their games crash when they use the pkmn mod code, are you using an emulator or playing it on the DS (no idea if this really changes anything but who knows?) because that code works for me in both HG and SS

also, how does one use the look at EVs/IVs code? Im a bit lost on that one.

still needed:

EV modifier via vitamins (252EVs)

Move Modifier

Remove all TMs/HMs or one that replaces the 99x with 90x and that i can still get HMs from people (currently stuck :/ )

Hidden Power Wild Pkmn Modifier(thanks FreeSpirit!)

Quote Originally Posted by eaglegod View Post

''anyone have a wild pokemon modifier (with level modifier) that works? I've tried a couple different codes so far and all they do is freeze my game. Please help! ''

94000130 FCFF0000

62111880 00000000

B2111880 00000000

00000D14 01ED0001

00000D18 00640002

D2000000 00000000

94000130 FDFF0000

62111880 00000000

B2111880 00000000

DA000000 00000D16

C0000000 00000027

D7000000 00025A68

D2000000 00000000

94000130 FDFF0000

62111880 00000000

B2111880 00000000

DB000000 00000D1A

C0000000 0000000B

D8000000 00025A5C

D2000000 00000000

1.input this code

2. press L+R

3. u'll get 493 master ball and 100 ultra balls

4. subract accordingly

- the master ball number should match the sr.no. of the pokemon you want to appear

- the ultra ball number should match the level at which you want your wild poke to appear

5. hold the L button..and move around the grass (make sure you keep pressing the L button or elz the code won work)

6. the desired pokemon with the desired level should appear..

that's the exact code I've been trying with. It freezes the game upon pressing L. I'm trying to find a workaround cheat online somewhere altho not really having any success.

the cheat works, :), i use nossgba 2.6a and noszoomer if that helps, now the game is going to be interesting with all the cheats we need to make all poke strong to Battle Frontier, xD, good luck every1!

by the way how do i turn off the cheat??? i already trahed the master balls and ultra that r given to me and desactivated the cheat on gameshark and i keep finding a lvl100 arceus...

  Santitos said:
the cheat works, :), i use nossgba 2.6a and noszoomer if that helps, now the game is going to be interesting with all the cheats we need to make all poke strong to Battle Frontier, xD, good luck every1!

by the way how do i turn off the cheat??? i already trahed the master balls and ultra that r given to me and desactivated the cheat on gameshark and i keep finding a lvl100 arceus...

Try exiting out of the area by going into a building or something and then go back into the grass to see if the Pokemon encounters go back to normal. If not, then the code's malfunctioning. I have a working version of the code on another thread that works for people that are having their game freeze when using the other code.

  Santitos said:
the cheat works, :), i use nossgba 2.6a and noszoomer if that helps, now the game is going to be interesting with all the cheats we need to make all poke strong to Battle Frontier, xD, good luck every1!

by the way how do i turn off the cheat??? i already trahed the master balls and ultra that r given to me and desactivated the cheat on gameshark and i keep finding a lvl100 arceus...

Battle The Pokemon You Want

::[L+R] You get 493 Master Ball and 100 Hyper Ball then Hold L for Encounter

:::Master Ball Equal to PKMN Index Number, Hyper Ball equal to PKMN level ! Discard the quantity you desired to meet repsective PKMN and level. Hold L for Encounter

94000130 FEFF0000

62111880 00000000

B2111880 00000000

00000D14 01ED0001

00000D18 00640002

D2000000 00000000

94000130 FDFF0000

62111880 00000000

B2111880 00000000

DA000000 00000D16

C0000000 00000027

D7000000 00025A68

D2000000 00000000

94000130 FDFF0000

62111880 00000000

B2111880 00000000

DB000000 00000D1A

C0000000 0000000B

D8000000 00025A5C

D2000000 00000000

all you gotta do to deactvate the code is to go into a building and it should work cause it works for me OH by the way has anyone noticed that the red gyrados at lake of rage has a high percentage of having the pokerus? cause i was trying to catch the right nature and took me about an hour to finally get an adament and during all the retring to get the right nature it sometimes has the pokerus now i think thats pretty cool.

  Swampert91 said:
Battle The Pokemon You Want
  Reveal hidden contents

all you gotta do to deactvate the code is to go into a building and it should work cause it works for me OH by the way has anyone noticed that the red gyrados at lake of rage has a high percentage of having the pokerus? cause i was trying to catch the right nature and took me about an hour to finally get an adament and during all the retring to get the right nature it sometimes has the pokerus now i think thats pretty cool.

That code doesn't work for people who use the Action Replay for the DS/DSlite though. It makes their game freeze when they press the L Button. Not to mention the buttons to activate it are wrong.

  FreeSpirit said:
That code doesn't work for people who use the Action Replay for the DS/DSlite though. It makes their game freeze when they press the L Button. Not to mention the buttons to activate it are wrong.

are you serious??? cause i been using that wild modifier when the game came out and i have a DS/Lite

  Selene said:
Does anyone have the Pokerus code?

im not sure if there is a pokerus code but i do know that the red gyrados can have the pokerus when you catch it and if you have the 100% catch rate code you can try catching it until it has the pokerus cause when i was trying to catch mine with the right nature which took freaking 2 hours or less everytime i checked the nature it almost always had pokerus

  Swampert91 said:
are you serious??? cause i been using that wild modifier when the game came out and i have a DS/Lite

Yeah in most cases. I myself have tried it using my friend's AR and it froze as soon as you press the button. The button for getting the Pokeballs in your bag work but you press the button to activate it and encounter it, it'll freeze.

  FreeSpirit said:
Yeah in most cases. I myself have tried it using my friend's AR and it froze as soon as you press the button. The button for getting the Pokeballs in your bag work but you press the button to activate it and encounter it, it'll freeze.

oh wow... thank God mine doesnt freeze cause the only reason i use the wild modifier is to do the Effort Value


I am interested in obtaining a code for a Pikachu-colored Pichu. I read the back posts and tried the one code that was posted and it didn't work for me. I own Diamond, Pearl, Platinum, Heart Gold and Soul Silver, so the code can be for any of those games. Thank you in advance if you can do this.

  J-bad said:
I am interested in obtaining a code for a Pikachu-colored Pichu. I read the back posts and tried the one code that was posted and it didn't work for me. I own Diamond, Pearl, Platinum, Heart Gold and Soul Silver, so the code can be for any of those games. Thank you in advance if you can do this.

i have 2 of those shiny pichu's and i traded one into heart gold so i can get the spiky-eared pichu and the other is in my platinum so if you want it ill trade it to you?


Sure, but I don't have wifi here. I can go to McDonalds down the road if you tell me how to set it up. I do accept emails from members of the forum.

  J-bad said:
Sure, but I don't have wifi here. I can go to McDonalds down the road if you tell me how to set it up. I do accept emails from members of the forum.

okey dokey ok the first thing you need to do is go to the screen where it shows, contine, new game, pokewalker etc. when your there scroll down to NINTENDO WI-FI CONNECTION SETTINGS and click on it. then you will be taking to a new screen and tap on the NINTENDO WI-FI CONNECTION SETTINGS again. then select a connection it doesnt matter which one you choose. then click on the SEARCH FOR AN ACCESS POINT button. then it will start searching for wi- fi connections that are near you. now when you do find access points you might see 3 different kinds of locks...

The first kind of lock you might find is blue which means you can access that connection

The second kind is a red lock which means it does have wi-fi but it has a security code on it so you cant get in it.

and the third is a gray lock and i dont know much about it but i think it means it has wi-fi but not for certain games i think

  Swampert91 said:
okey dokey ok the first thing you need to do is go to the screen where it shows, contine, new game, pokewalker etc. when your there scroll down to NINTENDO WI-FI CONNECTION SETTINGS and click on it. then you will be taking to a new screen and tap on the NINTENDO WI-FI CONNECTION SETTINGS again. then select a connection it doesnt matter which one you choose. then click on the SEARCH FOR AN ACCESS POINT button. then it will start searching for wi- fi connections that are near you. now when you do find access points you might see 3 different kinds of locks...

The first kind of lock you might find is blue which means you can access that connection

The second kind is a red lock which means it does have wi-fi but it has a security code on it so you cant get in it.

and the third is a gray lock and i dont know much about it but i think it means it has wi-fi but not for certain games i think

I knew that much, lol, I meant when I get to McDonalds how do I contact you with the DS?

  J-bad said:
I knew that much, lol, I meant when I get to McDonalds how do I contact you with the DS?

oooohhhhhh xD send me a message of what time your going to Mc Donalds and ill be ready but i also need your friend code

  Swampert91 said:
oooohhhhhh xD send me a message of what time your going to Mc Donalds and ill be ready but i also need your friend code

Which is what I can't figure out. Where do I find my friend code and pal pad? I am a pokemon veteran and a wifi noob.

  J-bad said:
Which is what I can't figure out. Where do I find my friend code and pal pad? I am a pokemon veteran and a wifi noob.

so your a pokemon breeder...and a wi-fi noob.........>.<........uuuuuuuuuuummmmmmmm anyway yyyeeeaahhh about your friend code you automaticaly get it when you go wi-fi and to get your pal pad you need to go to the basement of a pokemon centerand if you didnt before when you go down there a women talks with you and gives you a pal pad and if you want to check your friend code just open the pal pad and you should see it

  J-bad said:
Which is a good reason to learn, eh? Anyway, can you email me your friend code and I'll start walking to McDonalds and Hopefully I'll be able to figure it out. My email is jcoultas_630@hotmail.com

ok but i dont have my friend code for heart gold yet wgen i get it ill let you know


okay, thanks. In the meantime, does anyone have a code for battle points and the gameroom coins? It's a pain in the butt to earn those, lol. Pokleatholon isn't so bad, but those are torturous.


how come Riakos nature doesnt change when i use the wild nature modifier that i just found here cause i put in modest anture and when i caught Raiko its nature is still Quiet and i caught 6 other pokemon and all 6 of those natures are all MODEST!! whats up with that cause i want Raiko with a Modest Nature T_T

Wild Nature Modifier:

* Credits go to M@T for translating the codes. *

Hardy - 1206E120 00002400

Lonely - 1206E120 00002401

Brave - 1206E120 00002402

Adamant - 1206E120 00002403

Naughty - 1206E120 00002404

Bold - 1206E120 00002405

Docile - 1206E120 00002406

Relaxed - 1206E120 00002407

Impish - 1206E120 00002408

Lax - 1206E120 00002409

Timid - 1206E120 0000240A

Hasty - 1206E120 0000240B

Serious - 1206E120 0000240C

Jolly - 1206E120 0000240D

Naive - 1206E120 0000240E

Modest - 1206E120 0000240F

Mild - 1206E120 00002410

Quite - 1206E120 00002411

Bashful - 1206E120 00002412

Rash - 1206E120 00002413

Calm - 1206E120 00002414

Gentle - 1206E120 00002415

Sassy - 1206E120 00002416

Careful - 1206E120 00002417

Quirky - 1206E120 00002418

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