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So I was bored earlier today~ o: And decided to play through the Tower, maybe get some BP. >:3

And I just found it funny how I went through 19 trainers in the tower just using a Skarmory with Spikes, Whirlwing, Brave Bird and Roost. xD

I was actually having fun just laying spikes and whirlwinding the offending team until they all died. xD

Anyone else ever played through the Tower and defeated the trainers in a pretty simplistic way? O:


I used Lvl 1 Kangaskhan.

It had Focus Sash on and it has Endeavor and Sucker Punch. It's ability is Scrappy, which allows you to hit ghost types with normal-type moves. So Endeavor + Sucker Punch on Kangakhan is better than the Endeavor + Quick Attack on Rattata that some people use. It was only for pokemon which were hard to defeat.


Well with doubles, i tried getting two or three Pokemon with Explosion/Self destruct, and killed at least one Pokemon with a bang, and the other Pokemon that don't have suicide moves are to counter the Pokemon I'm unable to kill with Kamikazes, like high defense Pokemon like Rhyperior, or Aggron.

It was pretty fun, like 5 times i killed 4 Pokemon in a few turns.


When i wanted a black trainer card, i hacked a Blissey with high speed, and special attack, and gave it the move "Water Spout" and watched the Pokemon go down.

  Toffeuy said:
I used Lvl 1 Kangaskhan.

It had Focus Sash on and it has Endeavor and Sucker Punch. It's ability is Scrappy, which allows you to hit ghost types with normal-type moves. So Endeavor + Sucker Punch on Kangakhan is better than the Endeavor + Quick Attack on Rattata that some people use. It was only for pokemon which were hard to defeat.

Sucker Punch is a Dark move, not a Normal move, so it hits Ghosts anyways (not to mention super effectively). Endeavor never hits ghosts x_x

Articuno with Mind Reader + Sheer Cold gets me through. Sometimes I just use the Subroost Toxic stalling one... and I remember back when I used to go Zapdos, Moltres and Articuno, I was stuck on this one Milotic that destroyed my Zapdos AND Moltres... and all I had was Articuno... but thanks to pressure stalling, I managed to beat the Milotic in the end. It was a long and intense battle. Yeah... you can see Articuno is my prized Pokemon for the Battle Tower.


What I mean was endeavor is normal-type not the sucker punch... maybe I didn't make it clear enough but Kangakhan's ability is Scrappy so Endeavor does hit Ghost Types. So it's a better combo than the Rattata set as Rattata can't Quick Attack Ghost-types, nor can it use endeavor on them.

I used the same Articuno set as you... but that was only when I played Emerald, I don't use Articuno in my Platinum; well, actually, I don't bother migrating it.

  Toffeuy said:
What I mean was endeavor is normal-type not the sucker punch... maybe I didn't make it clear enough but Kangakhan's ability is Scrappy so Endeavor does hit Ghost Types. So it's a better combo than the Rattata set as Rattata can't Quick Attack Ghost-types, nor can it use endeavor on them.

I used the same Articuno set as you... but that was only when I played Emerald, I don't use Articuno in my Platinum; well, actually, I don't bother migrating it.

Oh right... that's what I thought.

You know you can catch Articuno in Platinum as well, right? But soft resetting for the right natures/IVs is tough because Articuno in Plat is a rogue. I managed to get a 26/10/26/24/28/18 Calm Articuno from LG... and it has just the right stats in the right places... which I like.

I also like to use Gengar in Battle Tower because it is quick and powerful and immune to many things.


The Battle Tower has been giving me trouble for quite a while, actually (trying to get 100 wins).

I was thinking of going through with a Garchomp/Tyranitar/??? team. Any thoughts?

Also, Articuno with Mind Reader and Sheer Cold is positively evil (I've actually used a Wondereye with a similar setup). But can it outspeed everything in the tower?

  Turtlekid2 said:
The Battle Tower has been giving me trouble for quite a while, actually (trying to get 100 wins).

I was thinking of going through with a Garchomp/Tyranitar/??? team. Any thoughts?

Also, Articuno with Mind Reader and Sheer Cold is positively evil (I've actually used a Wondereye with a similar setup). But can it outspeed everything in the tower?

Articuno has a base 85 speed... so it won't outspeed EVERYTHING... but it can survive multiple hits and Roost off its damage.

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