javier_himura Posted July 26, 2016 Posted July 26, 2016 As i said the PAL version of Pokemon Colloseum does not work with the e-reader in Dolphin but the JP version works. I dont know it doesnt working with the PAL game is an error with dolphin or just e-reader works with the american version but not with the european one. BUT it is possible to have an unreleased pokemon with PAL version using just Dolphin and VBA. I explain what i did First, change the region of your savegame to JP, to do that open the gci save file with an hex editor and change the first 4 bytes. In PAL the first bytes is GC6P and USA savefile will have GC6U or maybe GC6E, we need GC6J for JP version. Just like that, nothing more. The save banner will be the wrong one but doesn't matter, the game doesn't care about the banner. Now open again the save file with PkmGCSaveEditor and change the region and language in Game Configuration to NTSC-J and Japanesse or else the game will not works. Inject the gci file into the memory card raw for japanesse games with the memory card tool included with dolphin and then press the option "Fix Checksum". Load the japanesse ISO, remember to do not have the GBA pluged into controller port B or else the controller will not works. You just need to load the game and then select GBA in port B controller options. Load the e-reader+ rom in VBA. I use myself the version VisualBoyAdvance-M-SVN-r1507, that version have options to load e-reader raw dotcodes. In VBA select link connection with Dolphin and connect. In the Gamecube load your savefile a go to the e-reader room in Phenac Stadium. In VBA select GameCube connection and then in Gamecube talk to the woman at the left and select the first option, a program will be loaded into the GBA. This is the point where the PAL game does not works, it wont connect with VBA, but the japanesse game will. You can now make a savestate in VBA and use it always to connect to GC, that way wont be necesary to do the process of download the program to the GBA anymore. But do not try to make savestates in Dolphin, i did it and then Dolphin could not save the files in its memory card. You will need to play in Dolphin without savestates, using only normal save files. Ok, now the e-reader part. In VBA select load e-reader dot code and load one of the Colloseum cards, for example the first card, A1. It wont do nothing, is normal. Then go to elevator in GC and enter. It will launch a japanesse menu with a list (still empty) of e-reader trainers, here if you press A it will load the last card readed in VBA, in this case the fist trainer, and inmediatly the fight will begin. After beating the first trainer, you will return to the e-reader menu. If you press A again it will tell you that you need to read the next cards of the series. Go to VBA an load another card, for example the card A2. Another fight will begin. You can read the card in VBA whanever anytime, the GC will read the last card loaded when you press A in the e-trainers menu. You can read the cards in any order, you can a card of a defeated trainer and it will starts a fight with more levels until you beat him in 3 difficulties. If you leave the e-trainers menu you will need to talk again to the left woman to check the connection with the VBA, thats way is impossible to fight the trainers without e-reader using a save editor, the game will check the connection with GBA and it will check the e-reader before allow you to start a battle. After beating 5 trainers in a row in one difficulty mode you will fight a special trainer. After beating 20 trainers and 4 special trainers in one difficulty the shadow trainer will appeared in the room. Here comes the unrealeshed part. Now exit the e-trainers menu, you will see the trainer waiting in front of the door. Ignore him, just save the game and stop the emulator. Now, with the dolphin memory card tool extract the japanesse save game and make all the changes from the start but backwards, we want the file again ready for the PAL/NTSC-U game. Hexesit, PkmGCSaveEditor, inject it into the PAL/USA memory card and fix checksum again. Now load your PAL/NTSC-U game, you will be in the e-reader room with the shadow trainer available. Just beat it and catch your shadow unreleased pokemon. After that you will need to repeat the process again 2 times more, to beat again all the trainers in Normal difficult for the 2ns shadow pokemon, and hard for the 3rd.
suloku Posted July 27, 2016 Posted July 27, 2016 Thanks for the explanation javier_himura. Those savegames before battling the shadow trainer are exactly what I suggested a long time ago, do you happer to have kept copies of saves before each of the shadow pokemon battle? By the way, the e-reader room supposedly works with the USA colosseum too, not just the japanesse one.
javier_himura Posted July 28, 2016 Posted July 28, 2016 Yes, i kept the copies of the saves, for the momento only the first shadow pokemon battle. I upload the saves. I have made a little program in C# where i decrypted the file and extracted the save file data using the algotirhm from the program PkmGCSaveEditor (I'm a C# developer), i include also dat files with de savedata already decrypted. The dat files have only the data of the last saveslot from every save, Pokemon Colloseum save files have 3 copies of the save inside the file in case one or two is corrupt. I analyzed the changed data between saves Starting in position 9ABF there is the data of the Normal E-Reader Trainers already defeated. 20 ocurrences of 16 bytes each one, one from every trainer. Probably it can be more trainers stored because you can fight a promotional trainer with a promotional e-reader card that is not part of the 20 normal cards. The 16 bytes structure is 10 bytes for the trainer name, then 00 01 00 00 01, the secon trainer have in this part 00 01 00 00 02 and so on. The second number is clearly the number of the trainer to show in order, from 1 to 20, the first 01 it should mean is has been defeated in easy mode, i suppose the other zeros will change when is defeated in other difficulty modes. The data of the four special trainer is stored starting 9A59, that means special trainers are stored before normal trainers, this time only 14 bytes per trainer. There is clearly space for 7 special trainers, the first 4 are the ones defeated after every 5 normal e-reader trainers, the other space maybe is used with the special trainers onlucked with the promotional e-reader cards, there was only two cards edited, only one is dumped in raw format. I dont know, i have to check the save files after defeating the promotional a-reader trainer, but i wont do that after unlocking the 3 shadow pokemons. Every special trainer have 00 01 00 00 after his name, that means there is not saved the trainer number like the normal trainers, only the bytes for defeated in every mode (I only tested easy mode, but there is 4 possible modes, easy, normal, hard and endless). Ok, now the fun part, shadow trainer. In the save after defeating trainer 20 and special trainer 4 it changes a lot, not just the names of the last two trainers like the others. I have one save with 19 trainers and 3 special trainers and another after defeating 20 and 4 and it not only changes the trainers list. From DA24 to DC06 all this is filled with data that in the save before unlocked the shadow trainer was everithing zero's. I think that is all the information of the Shadow Trainer, that means none of the e-reader trainers data is stored in the game, is everithing readed from the card, not only the normal trainers, but also the fight with special trainers and shadow trainers. In 1BB0C it change also from 0s to 30 DC 30 C7 30 B9 00 00 00 00 00 00 1E 00. It could be the data of the shadow pokemon from the shadow list, i'm not sure yet. I dont know what is the data stored in this area, it seems a list of something. After chatching the shadow pokemon there is more changes, i ignore those that happens around the party pokemon data and the bank data of course. It chenges in the position 9AB9 from 00 to 01. This are is between the special trainers and the normal e-reader trainers. DA24, in the data just before all the shadow trianer data, has changed from 0 to 1. 1B01F change from 30 to 31, in decimal from 48 to 49, just the number of shadow pokemon captured. In 1B353 there is 07 C6 90 38 09 00 00 00 80, before it was 0's 1BDC5 changed from 0 to 1 1BB20 changed from FF FF 00 32 to 00 30 00 46. Is in the same part of the list mentioned with the changes in 1BB0C. I could be the shadow pokemon list. Ok, the next part will be trying to inject this data to a save without doing nothing in the e-reader room to make the trainer appears. The data from DA24 to DC06 is the first we should try. That should make the trainer appears. And last, a link with the save files https://mega.nz/#!aZtjWS5K!-ofYUkW2_5jpf9PGT3odpEuO49ZTNOwlZimjFY7Df7o
suloku Posted August 1, 2016 Posted August 1, 2016 Those are really nice findings, directly adding the 3 sets of e-reader trainers to the save to be able to battle the shadow pokémon without any e-reader or region changing would be a really cool feature for a save editor. I myself like to keep my save intact, so for all this stuff I usually get the pokémon on a savefile then trade it over, so a save before each shadow pokemon would be enough for my standards (just edit OT, ID and SID on the colosseum save to match mine, capture the pokemon and trade it over to my save, with trigger's pc no need for any "trade" emulation actually). That's my personal opinion, probably many people would love to be able to directly inject the e-reader data in their save. Now I'm thinking that probably there's an easy way to edit the in-game save location, to just edit a savegame to be inside the e-reader room.
Bjnido Posted September 22, 2016 Posted September 22, 2016 So does anyone have a GBA save file with these unreleased "outside of Japan Colosseum e-Reader Pokémon" on it? Would be much appreaciated.
HaxAras Posted November 10, 2016 Posted November 10, 2016 (edited) I haven't read this thread in a while so I'll have to go back later and do that in the next few days. I discovered a YouTube video claiming you could scan in the Colosseum E-reader cards into non-Japanese saves as long as you have a Japanese E-reader +, the cards and a means of getting into the room. I didn't need a save/hexidecimal editor. That is far beyond me. I used an Action Replay Max and a "Cutting Room Floor" Action Replay code to spawn in the room. Requirements: Pokemon Colosseum/GameCube/TV are all a given. Pokemon Colosseum E-Reader + cards Japanese E-reader + GBA - GCN link cable GBA handheld Action Replay Max and memory card "The Cutting Room Floor" Action Replay code. Once you enter in the code and start up Colosseum, you'll be in the E-reader room using your original game and save. This is where the cheating stops. Link up your E-reader to your GameCube and scan in the cards, battle and win and eventually you'll be able to get legit shadow Pokemon on your non Japanese saves using legit hardware and not needing to edit anything using hexidecimal. I'm not the biggest fan of emulation so this is more my thing. I know not everybody can get their hands on these E-reader cards, etc. So this is just an option in case you can. I feel this is far easier than messing with save conversions. I'm actually wondering if this can be done in emulation. Just boot up your regions copy of the game, connect the Japanese E-reader + using whatever it is you guys use and "scan" the codes into your non J saves. If anybody has a PAL copy of Colosseum/XD, I'd also love to ask you a few questions. I'll edit in my video unless somebody (I doubt it) replies before the parts are done being combined and it's uploaded and titled. ajxpkm said: Yeah, sorry for the confusion. I have just read the Japanese Blog Entry again which I posted earlier. It's all fixed just like King Impoleon said! The reason how he the Blogger received the Shiny Togepi is because he RNG'd the Trainer and Secret IDs, which made this Togepi's PID become a Shiny PID! Expand Would anybody happen to know what the ID's/PID's for these Pokemon to be shiny would be? Edit: Here's the video I promised. Scanning Japanese Colosseum Battle E cards into an English save using a Japanese E-reader +. [video=youtube;dqMv5BdOP18] I'd suggest skipping the first 4 minutes if vulgar language offends you. I talk like a sailor and it's me just basically explaining what I'm doing. I put timestamps in the description because the majority of the video is me failing while I try to figure this out. I always like to document my failures so other people can potentially save time down the line. I actually loaded up another one of my videos to solve a problem with this one so it's safe to say that it's a good idea to do so. I'll be making a video of my scanning in and battling all the other trainers at a later date. Edit: 12/5/16 On 7/26/2016 at 9:53 PM, javier_himura said: As i said the PAL version of Pokemon Colloseum does not work with the e-reader in Dolphin but the JP version works. I dont know it doesnt working with the PAL game is an error with dolphin or just e-reader works with the american version but not with the european one. Expand A video I found on YouTube (also mentioned before, I think) said that the English E-reader will not work with the Japanese cards. But the Japanese E-reader WILL work with the English games. The PID of the Colosseum Pokemon are not fixed. I have my English copy, Trigger Deaths copies and my Japanese copies and they all have different PID's. The games have a max of 51 Purify-able shadow Pokemon. I ripped trigger_deaths Shadow Pokemon using a save editor and put them on my Japanese save file as I was going for those. I purified his Togepi first, it kept his OT and language. My count increased by 1 and it didn't increase past 51, even after I purified all 6 shadow Pokemon. (Maybe I did it on an English save. Now I can't remember.) Edited December 6, 2016 by HaxAras
javier_himura Posted December 23, 2016 Posted December 23, 2016 (edited) On 11/10/2016 at 7:53 AM, HaxAras said: A video I found on YouTube (also mentioned before, I think) said that the English E-reader will not work with the Japanese cards. But the Japanese E-reader WILL work with the English games. Expand I dont know if a real japanese e-reader works with english games but using dolphin and vba emulators PAL game does not work with japanese e-reader, but i remember years ago when they made the first dolphin version with gc-gba connection e-reader didnt work with any version, that means it could be a problem with the emulator. But for now changin the savegame from PAL to JP and after fight 25 e-reader trainers to PAL again the e-reader PAL shadow pokemon can be caught with emulators Also, the english version from that youtube video seams to be an USA version, not a PAL version, maybe e-reader works with USA but not PAL games, maybe in the future i try USA Colloseum in Dolphin Edited December 23, 2016 by javier_himura
Sabresite Posted December 23, 2016 Posted December 23, 2016 Great work @Zerbe92! Is it possible for someone to upload pk3 copies of these pokemon both not shiny and shiny? Would be nice to get them into the archives!
HaxAras Posted December 23, 2016 Posted December 23, 2016 (edited) On 12/23/2016 at 3:29 PM, javier_himura said: I dont know if a real japanese e-reader works with english games but using dolphin and vba emulators PAL game does not work with japanese e-reader, but i remember years ago when they made the first dolphin version with gc-gba connection e-reader didnt work with any version, that means it could be a problem with the emulator. But for now changin the savegame from PAL to JP and after fight 25 e-reader trainers to PAL again the e-reader PAL shadow pokemon can be caught with emulators Also, the english version from that youtube video seams to be an USA version, not a PAL version, maybe e-reader works with USA but not PAL games, maybe in the future i try USA Colloseum in Dolphin Expand The Japanese E-reader CAN scan the card data into the English game. That's MY video to show proof that it's possible. I'll post pictures of all my games and E-reader's and cards if you don't believe me. On 12/23/2016 at 5:27 PM, Sabresite said: Great work @Zerbe92! Is it possible for someone to upload pk3 copies of these pokemon both not shiny and shiny? Would be nice to get them into the archives! Expand http://digiex.net/downloads/download-center-2-0/nintendo-game-boy-content-gb-gbc-gba/save-games/14690-pokemon-gen3-legit-event-pokemon-save-ruby-sapphire-emerald-firered-leafgreen-post76642.html#post76642 I've purified trigger_death's English E-reader Pokemon and my Japanese ones. I have not made my personal English ones from the video public. As I've only shared them with my best friend and they're 2 of a kind. I'm actually trying to collect every single ribbon on them. I don't know anything about RNG (Other than I hate it). I need to play through Colosseum again soon. A friend and I want to play through it together. It might take a while but I could provide more save files to experiment with. Edited December 23, 2016 by HaxAras
Sabresite Posted December 23, 2016 Posted December 23, 2016 Ok great thanks! Now you guys were talking about other languages. Any work into generating the pokemon for the other languages? And HaxAras, do you plan on releasing the jap ones? (Not sure if we need them, I will have to check our archives).
HaxAras Posted December 23, 2016 Posted December 23, 2016 (edited) On 12/23/2016 at 10:20 PM, Sabresite said: Ok great thanks! Now you guys were talking about other languages. Any work into generating the pokemon for the other languages? And HaxAras, do you plan on releasing the jap ones? (Not sure if we need them, I will have to check our archives). Expand I did release the Japanese ones. I ripped from his save and purified trigger_deaths English Pokemon since he made them public as shadow Pokemon and I made my Japanese ones public on Insane Nutters forums. I've definitely downloaded the Japanese ones from this website twice months ago. So if you need the files, I can send them to you. They're in gen 4 format. The ones I kept to myself (and my best pal) were the English ones with HaxAras as the OT. They were my first E-reader Pokemon that I got myself and my first English ones. I wanted to keep them to myself. If I'm not mistaken, Zerbe92 was the first person to get non English-Japanese ones. I don't remember him talking about them but I don't think he'd make them public or he probably would have. I don't currently have a PAL copy of Pokemon Colosseum so I cannot get them or I would happily do so and share them. Reveal hidden contents I've got special plans for my personal ones. Edited December 23, 2016 by HaxAras
javier_himura Posted December 26, 2016 Posted December 26, 2016 (edited) On 12/23/2016 at 7:50 PM, HaxAras said: The Japanese E-reader CAN scan the card data into the English game. That's MY video to show proof that it's possible. I'll post pictures of all my games and E-reader's and cards if you don't believe me. Expand I never said i dont not believe you. We have both test the e-reader with different editions in the first place. The problem is you were a little vague when you mentioned "english game" without specifying which one, european or american, NTSC-U or PAL. Now i understand you have an american game. Yes, i believe you when you said with your american game in a real gamecube works but you also have to beleive me when i said that it dont work with an european/PAL game in dolphin but non-english e-reader pokemon can be caught in PAL games in Dolphin changing the savegame from PAL to JP to read the cards and back to PAL format before caught the shadow pokemon. That make it accesible those pokemon to anyone without need to buy a real e-reader nor e-reader real cards. Edited December 26, 2016 by javier_himura
PokeAcer Posted December 26, 2016 Posted December 26, 2016 On 12/23/2016 at 10:31 PM, HaxAras said: I don't currently have a PAL copy of Pokemon Colosseum so I cannot get them or I would happily do so and share them. Expand Not that I'm saying you should, but yar-har-fiddle-dee-dee'ing the game is possible
HaxAras Posted December 26, 2016 Posted December 26, 2016 On 12/26/2016 at 7:41 PM, PokeAcer said: Not that I'm saying you should, but yar-har-fiddle-dee-dee'ing the game is possible Expand I have no idea what you're trying to say.
PokeAcer Posted December 26, 2016 Posted December 26, 2016 On 12/26/2016 at 10:53 PM, HaxAras said: I have no idea what you're trying to say. Expand "yar-har-fiddle-dee-dee" >>pirate
HaxAras Posted December 26, 2016 Posted December 26, 2016 On 12/26/2016 at 10:54 PM, PokeAcer said: "yar-har-fiddle-dee-dee" >>pirate Expand Reveal hidden contents Not really my thing. 1
Zerbe92 Posted January 7, 2017 Author Posted January 7, 2017 Been a long time since I've been on here lol @Sabresite I've got the English E-Card Pokemon extracted from the saves if still needed, I've also have all the other languages if need but I'll need to find those saves and extract them. 1
HaxAras Posted January 7, 2017 Posted January 7, 2017 On 1/7/2017 at 12:38 PM, Zerbe92 said: Been a long time since I've been on here lol @Sabresite I've got the English E-Card Pokemon extracted from the saves if still needed, I've also have all the other languages if need but I'll need to find those saves and extract them. Expand Beat me to it I guess. I just recently ordered a Spanish copy of Pokemon Colosseum and if what everybody kept telling me is true, I should be able to select the language because it's a PAL copy of the game.
Zerbe92 Posted January 7, 2017 Author Posted January 7, 2017 On 1/7/2017 at 12:41 PM, HaxAras said: Beat me to it I guess. I just recently ordered a Spanish copy of Pokemon Colosseum and if what everybody kept telling me is true, I should be able to select the language because it's a PAL copy of the game. Expand Yeah a PAL copy will allow you to chose the language before starting the game.
HaxAras Posted January 7, 2017 Posted January 7, 2017 I read on the original Colosseum E-reader room thread a few days ago that the E-reader doesn't work with the PAL copies of the game. Did you do anything with that? I got them in English by just using my Japanese E-reader so it wasn't a problem. The cards scanned right in.
Zerbe92 Posted January 7, 2017 Author Posted January 7, 2017 (edited) There was something I had to change, but i cant remember it's been so long haha its on the notes on my old pc with those other Language E Pokemon files when I find it ill let you know what it was I did to get them. Edited January 7, 2017 by Zerbe92
HaxAras Posted January 7, 2017 Posted January 7, 2017 I've been wondering. I heard somebody (ajxpk?) Say that the game can't be booted up outside of the language it was started in. Specifically the story if I remember correctly. But I could just use the Colo/XD editor to change the save language, play the save using my NA copy and then convert it back to catch the Pokemon. That's my goal anyway. At the very least, I have video proof that the Japanese E-reader and cards work with the North American copy of the game so as long as the region conversion works.
Sabresite Posted January 7, 2017 Posted January 7, 2017 I don't think our gallery (or for legality checking) has definitive copies of all of these pokemon in each language, nor the actual e-reader files themselves. I would love to collate all of this. I would love it if all of you could extract what you have and we could include it (with your authorship) on the gallery. Thanks everyone! 1
HaxAras Posted January 7, 2017 Posted January 7, 2017 On 1/7/2017 at 5:14 PM, Sabresite said: I don't think our gallery (or for legality checking) has definitive copies of all of these pokemon in each language, nor the actual e-reader files themselves. I would love to collate all of this. I would love it if all of you could extract what you have and we could include it (with your authorship) on the gallery. Thanks everyone! Expand What exactly do you need? I made my Japanese copies public. I made my Japanese save file public and I'm pretty sure I have a save file right before capturing Scizor as well. I wanted to try to get a shiny one but I don't know anything about RNG. When I actually get my Spanish copy of the game, I can start getting the European copies of the Pokemon and contribute mine. I currently have 5 sets of these Pokemon. 2 Japanese sets in gen 4 I downloaded from this site. My own personal Japanese set. trigger_death's which I downloaded above My own personal English set. (So far, I've kept these between me and my best friend.) I'll try to contribute as many as I can. It just takes hours to fight all the trainers.
Zerbe92 Posted January 16, 2017 Author Posted January 16, 2017 @Sabresite These are the English ones I've obtain myself with the OT Skyline and to believe to be the first English e-Reader Pokemon to be found. The other languages still need to be transferred to GBA saves, which I'll do when i get some free time English E-Reader Pokemon.rar 1
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