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  PokemonWorldMaster1 said:
I'm curious, when I load my files into the program, I can't modify things like TM's and Move tutors.

Those are ExeFS edits; move tutors still need more research (hence the popup when you open that form).

You have to make sure your intended ExeFS is the one that is loaded by the game.

  AlexisSanchezMadrid said:

so this basically works on ROMs? Is it possible to find ROMs of ORAS online? Or is it possible to edit a legit 3DS game?

Reread the OP.

If you are unable to dump your own data, you are unable to play the hacks you would create.

Homebrew: Dump with braindump, play with HANS.

Custom Firmware (<=9.2): Dump with rxTools, play with a CIA/flashcart.

  Kaphotics said:
Reread the OP.

If you are unable to dump your own data, you are unable to play the hacks you would create.

Homebrew: Dump with braindump, play with HANS.

Custom Firmware (<=9.2): Dump with rxTools, play with a CIA/flashcart.

Hi, thank you for the answer.

Unfortunately, I'm completely not familiar with the things you're mentioning.

I'm trying to "study" the situation, but some help would be appreciated. :)

Let's start from here: the custom firmware of what has to be below 9.2?

Thanks very much in case of answer.

  Kleijxd said:
Not a major bug but every Pokemon I throw a Pokeball at in my randomized X goes in it without an hassle. Any fix?

You likely randomized your catch rates; obviously some things are easier to catch. If you want to make everything hard to catch, use the ModifyAll to have the lowest catch rate.

  Kaphotics said:
You likely randomized your catch rates; obviously some things are easier to catch. If you want to make everything hard to catch, use the ModifyAll to have the lowest catch rate.

I tried without randomizing catch rate, still have the issue .

  Kleijxd said:
Not a major bug but every Pokemon I throw a Pokeball at in my randomized X goes in it without an hassle. Any fix?

Try going further than Route 2. In X/Y, on Route 2 you will always catch a Pokemon without fail. Same thing goes for Route 101 in OR/AS.


Hello Kaphotics,

This app is really great for editing. I have a few questions tho.

I am a huge fan of the Gen 1 Pokemons and I wanted to edit the encouters in the wild and the pokemon the trainers have to Gen 1 only (I understand the starters can not be edited but I can edit the save for that). After randoming the Pokemons I noticed a few quirks.

1. Sometimes water pokemon seem to be popping up in grass sections (Like Magikarps in grass). Would it be possible to assign Pokemons based on their type (Grass/Water/Rock/Whatever) to be assigned to Land/Water/Caves?

And would it be possible to make sure all 151 Pokemons get assigned ingame?

2. The moveset of the Pokemon. I haven't been able to test my own romhack yet. (I once edit CRO files and later I forgot to edit the first few bytes so the game wouldn't work heh)

Is it possible to assign movesets to Pokemon on trainers and in the wild based on their level. For example lets say a Pokemon is level 25 and according to their default level up tree they would have had 6 different moves in total. The result should be: The first 2 moves go away and the Pokemon remembers the last 4 moves. Is this possible?

  Echo said:
1. Sometimes water pokemon seem to be popping up in grass sections (Like Magikarps in grass). Would it be possible to assign Pokemons based on their type (Grass/Water/Rock/Whatever) to be assigned to Land/Water/Caves?

pk3DS currently does not disallow water types on land, nor does it enforce Water/Flying only on Water encounters either. I may have to come up with a separate 'randomizer' as there currently is no slot based restriction.

  Echo said:
And would it be possible to make sure all 151 Pokemons get assigned ingame?

Currently pk3DS (without randomize by BST) uses a random list with all selected species (ie, gen1, gen2, or combined gens) and cycles through. The default settings allow for every Pokemon to be encountered.

  Echo said:
2. The moveset of the Pokemon.

Is it possible to assign movesets to Pokemon on trainers and in the wild based on their level. For example lets say a Pokemon is level 25 and according to their default level up tree they would have had 6 different moves in total. The result should be: The first 2 moves go away and the Pokemon remembers the last 4 moves. Is this possible?

If a Trainer has the setting 'no custom moves', the game will do exactly what you described: inherit the latest (at most 4) moves from the level up list by default.

  Kaphotics said:
pk3DS currently does not disallow water types on land, nor does it enforce Water/Flying only on Water encounters either. I may have to come up with a separate 'randomizer' as there currently is no slot based restriction.

Will this be implemented in the future? Since I only want the first 151 Pokemons it should be doable by hand but it would be nice if the data could be exported and imported in an excel format for faster editting :D

  Kaphotics said:

Currently pk3DS (without randomize by BST) uses a random list with all selected species (ie, gen1, gen2, or combined gens) and cycles through. The default settings allow for every Pokemon to be encountered.

Upon randomizing I only selected only Gen 1 and BST. Disabling BST should make it cycle through all Gen 1 Pokemons?

  Kaphotics said:
If a Trainer has the setting 'no custom moves', the game will do exactly what you described: inherit the latest (at most 4) moves from the level up list by default.

Thanks, I will make sure to do that when randomizing the trainer Pokemons

  Echo said:
Will this be implemented in the future? Since I only want the first 151 Pokemons it should be doable by hand but it would be nice if the data could be exported and imported in an excel format for faster editting :D

Sure, the slot restricted randomization will be implemented in the future (but not immediately); currently revisiting the Overworld Editor so that map NPCs, Scripts, etc can be modified.

  Echo said:
Upon randomizing I only selected only Gen 1 and BST. Disabling BST should make it cycle through all Gen 1 Pokemons?


Chances are, even if you did randomize with BST everything should show up at least once. No way of knowing for sure without checking the dumped text.


Uploaded a new version.


- Suggested romfs/exefs building names (from icon -> will automatically suggest a HANS compatible name).

- ProgressBar for extracting a file via Tools form.

- LZSS/BLZ decompression via drag&drop on Tools form.

- Disclaimer when opening a CRO editing tool for the uninformed.

- Automatic ExeFS unpacking on load (ie, exefs.bin in exe folder will have it unpack & uncompress automatically).

Note: Tools UI now has all the functionality of GARCTool (and more).

Big updates (OWSE Form):

Moved majority of logic to object structure.

Added force reloading (hold control when opening the form) if you switch games.

Added attribute viewers for most entity attributes worth looking at currently.

Added trigger2 type entity.

Fixed misalignment of entities

Fixed File1 (actually ZoneData entry) loading.

// Added new Dev tab:

Added dumping methods for entities.

Added Map (Movement Permissions) dumping button (instead of control clicking Redraw)

Added Script Decompressor (paste in -> decompressed result)

To open OWSE, hold ALT when clicking on the Wild Editor button. Note, this 'editor' does not save changes as it is currently research oriented at this time.

OWSE edits NPCs/Warps/etc on the map in addition to the scripts. Still an active area of research, feel free to inquire on IRC.

  PokemonWorldMaster1 said:
When ever I open the program, I still cannot edit the ExeFS Files. They are grayed out despite the fact that I have the exefsdir folder in the root directory when the program loads.

The ExeFS editors require the code binary, icon, banner, etc. Just having code there is insufficient.

You can obtain all the necessary files by unpacking the ExeFS.

  PokemonWorldMaster1 said:
So I figured out how to load the exe files into the program. But how do I load the extracted EXE in hans?

Read the top of this page and the first post.

Please refrain from asking questions regarding other tools, keep it related to pk3DS functions.

  PokemonWorldMaster1 said:
When I try to load the .code file with HANS, it just crashes and returns to the menu. Are there any specifics on what to name the file or how to decompress? I've tried everything and the .code file just crashes when I try to load it.


  Kaphotics said:
Please refrain from asking questions regarding other tools, keep it related to pk3DS functions.
To open OWSE, hold ALT when clicking on the Wild Editor button. Note, this 'editor' does not save changes as it is currently research oriented at this time.

OWSE edits NPCs/Warps/etc on the map in addition to the scripts. Still an active area of research, feel free to inquire on IRC.

I was messing around in OWSE, and then closed it. I get an extremely long progress bar of this (10min as of right now, with only 1/4 of the bar completed):


I'm assuming by "set" it means save, which you said it doesn't currently do that, but I couldn't get the program to close besides forcequitting it because of "Please wait for all operations to complete first."

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