FullLifeGames Posted January 29, 2015 Posted January 29, 2015 (edited) Hey, so I stumbled across the PKHeX project and thought: "This is really really cool. But how would it be better?" My answer to this was a collection, where I could easily choose my Pokemons, but with the Smogon sets already implemented (like this, just in Gen 6). Well sadly there is no way to get them easy (at least I didn't find it), so I thought to myself, why not spend my freetime working on this. Thought and done, here we are! I filtered the smogon dex entry of every pokemon, made it into a readable format and then modified the source code of PKHeX to make .ekx files for me out of it. My result is this Gen 6 Smogon Sets.rar file here. The folder structure is from Tiers => Pokemon => Sets: Result: Important!: Not all Pokemon are legal hacks. There may be some Pokemon, where you have to set manually the Met stuff, so that you can use them in online play. If you care about the OT, you should change it too. Just keep an eye on it and think logical, then it should work (and it might even work better, because I will try and update it). Update 1: - Legendaries with real Met Locations were implemented - Some Event pokemon like Entei with Extreme Speed or Linoone with Extreme Speed got implemented - There are no Pokemon anymore with the same move twice - Meeting level is never higher than the actual level (LC pokes are Level 5 and VGC Level 50) - Pokemon with Defog come automatically from Gen 4 and Pokemon with Soft-Boiled come automatically from Gen 3 (here is the Meeting Level 45 so that Clefairy could've learned Moonblast) Update 2: - fixed a bug where not all Legendaries got noticed as Legendaries and were still from OR and bred - nicknames are now just the Pokemon name without an extension (like Deoxys just being called Deoxys and not Deoxys-Attack) - different forms like Rotom-Wash will be directly in their form (Wash Rotom form) Update 3: - fixed Rayquaza (V-Create Event), all Mons, who can learn Defog without the TM, Genesect (Event), legis with defog and (as a request from a friend) Tailwind + Lumineon .1: - fixed Cobalion Update 4: - fixed a critical bug where every pokemon with "ho" in it got a changed Met Location .1 - fixed Shiftry and Blissey/Chansey + Wish .2 - fixed Gengar + Sludge Wave .3 - fixed Mewtwo + Unnerve and the move King's Shield (and every other move with a ' in it, if another exists) .4 - fixed Entei + Extreme Speed Update 5 (March Update): - Reveal hidden contents This update took me longer since there was a lot to fix (special thanks to KazoWAR) and to do. I updated the sets from this collection to the new collection. (Here the changes) I plan to do this monthly now and release it around the 1st of every month. Fixes: - Landorus, Thundurus, Dream World abilities - Victini - Black Glasses Bisharp - most of what KazoWAR said here (Thanks!): Reveal hidden contents KazoWAR said: hear is a list of moves not normally learned in gen 6 that are currently used in the smogon sets and i though you might be interested in it.Edit: this list is incomplete and does not include things that currently cant not have a blue pentagon(Arceus, Mew, etc) Reveal hidden contents Gen 3 Event Hypno:Wish Blissey:Wish Chansey:Wish Lickilicky:Wish Lickilicky:Heal Bell Wynaut:Tickle Zigzagoon:Extreme Speed Gen 4 Event Celebi:Nasty Plot Entei:Extreme Speed Raikou:Aura Sphere Heatran:Eruption Gen 5 Event Rayquaza:V-create Jirachi:Follow Me Gen 6 Event Linoone:Extreme Speed Gengar:Sludge Wave Jirachi:Moonblast Gen 4 TMHM Aerodactyl:Defog Cacturne:Bullet Seed Empoleon:Defog Finneon:Defog Flygon:Defog Giratina:Defog Gligar:Defog Latias:Defog Latios:Defog Ludicolo:Bullet Seed Mantine:Defog Pelipper:Defog Piplup:Defog Seel:Whirlpool Shiftry:Defog Skarmory:Defog Skuntank:Defog Togekiss:Defog Torterra:Bullet Seed Unfezant:Defog Zapdos:Defog Gen 5 TMHM Exploud:Work Up Togepi:Work Up Gen 3 Tutor Clefable:Soft-Boilded Doduo:Double-Edge Dunsparce:Body Slam Geodude:Counter Glalie:Double-Edge Regirock:Seismic Toss Registeel:Seismic Toss Tauros:Double-Edge Gen 4 Tutor Geodude:Sucker Punch Hitmonlee:Sucker Punch Hitmontop:Sucker Punch Infernape:Vacuum Wave Poliwrath:Vacuum Wave Shiftry:Sucker Punch Victreebel:Sucker Punch Dream World Tauros:Rock Climb Dusclops:Helping Hand Lunatone:Baton Pass Moltres:Morning Sun Rapidash:Baton Pass Salamence:Refresh Togekiss:Helping Hand .1 - Fixed Abomasnow Update 6 (April Update): - I updated the sets from this collection to the new collection. (Here the changes) Update 7 (June Update): - I updated the sets from this collection (April 2015) to the new collection (4. June 2015). (Here the changes) - Reimplemented Abomasnow, which was lost in Update 6 Update 8 (July Update): - I updated the sets from this collection (4. June 2015) to the new collection (3. July 2015). (Here the changes) - Made Refresh Pidgeot and Salamence Legit Update 9 (September Update): - I updated the sets from this collection (3. July 2015) to the new collection (2. September 2015). (Here the changes) - implemented Hoopa and Hoopa-Unbound Update 10 (January 2016 Update): - I updated the sets from this collection (2. September 2015) to the new collection (9. January 2016). (Here the changes) Edited January 9, 2016 by FullLifeGames Update 10
Cali Posted January 29, 2015 Posted January 29, 2015 I'd put some extra hours and make every single of them legal, because honestly that's what all people look for. (and make sure to mention to change current owner to their own name)
FullLifeGames Posted January 30, 2015 Author Posted January 30, 2015 Cali said: I'd put some extra hours and make every single of them legal, because honestly that's what all people look for. (and make sure to mention to change current owner to their own name)I will make the "Important!" tag into a TODO, I guess.Double moves is an easy fix, legendaries probably too, I just have to see if the existing databases here work for me. As for pokemon with moves from previous generations, I guess I will filter some moves (Softboiled on Clefable or Defog in general) and change the Met stuff with this in mind. For the OT, well I wasn't sure if I should mention it, because people who care about their OT will change it anyway and people who don't...well then it's like whatever. Well, I will try and work on that and update the thread, when I'm done!
vinnycl Posted January 30, 2015 Posted January 30, 2015 Great! My friends are doing this manually. Great job!
vinnycl Posted January 30, 2015 Posted January 30, 2015 Try to use this file: https://www.dropbox.com/s/sqea5j1nybbko4c/4-5-gen.zip?dl=0 It has some legendaries and 3 Gen and 4 Gen (Eggs, só you can make legal PKMs as base) Great job!
FullLifeGames Posted January 30, 2015 Author Posted January 30, 2015 vinnycl said: Try to use this file:https://www.dropbox.com/s/sqea5j1nybbko4c/4-5-gen.zip?dl=0 It has some legendaries and 3 Gen and 4 Gen (Eggs, só you can make legal PKMs as base) Great job! Thanks for the nice feedback! I implemented the legendaries from your file and now all seem legal, but I have to test it all first (it's late for me, so maybe in 12 hours or so). What I also fixed was: - There are no Pokemon anymore with the same move twice - Meeting level is never higher than the actual level (LC pokes are Level 5 and VGC Level 50) - Pokemon with Defog come automatically from Gen 4 and Pokemon with Soft-Boiled come automatically from Gen 3 (here is the Meeting Level 45 so that Clefairy could've learned Moonblast) You can find the new file here, or in the opening (will try to keep it always up to date)!
SunWukong Posted January 30, 2015 Posted January 30, 2015 Thanks for all the work you put into this. How are you mass editing all of the pokemon files though? I've been looking for a tool to mass edit so I can change shiny, ivs, pokerus, ect.
FullLifeGames Posted January 31, 2015 Author Posted January 31, 2015 SunWukong said: Thanks for all the work you put into this. How are you mass editing all of the pokemon files though? I've been looking for a tool to mass edit so I can change shiny, ivs, pokerus, ect.Well there isn't really a tool you can use for this. I modified the source code of PKHeX, so that it automatically reads in my example .ekx files. After that, it sets the pokemon data in the UI fields and as last step automatically calls a modified version of the save method. This basically repeats until all pokemon are done. Of course there is filtering, some problems and some other stuff involved, but it's really basic. The difficult part really was getting the sets from Smogon. (I modified PKHeX btw because it was easier for me than understanding how you actually create a .ekx file)
FullLifeGames Posted January 31, 2015 Author Posted January 31, 2015 Hey, I just updated this and the new Collection can be found here! Patchnotes: FullLifeGames said: Update 2:- fixed a bug where not all Legendaries got noticed as Legendaries and were still from OR and bred - nicknames are now just the Pokemon name without an extension (like Deoxys just being called Deoxys and not Deoxys-Attack) - different forms like Rotom-Wash will be directly in their form (Wash Rotom form)
vinnycl Posted January 31, 2015 Posted January 31, 2015 FullLifeGames said: Patchnotes: You added Region and Sub Region GJ! Fixed moves 4 gen + FANTASTIC! [ATTACH=CONFIG]12073[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=CONFIG]12074[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=CONFIG]12075[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=CONFIG]12076[/ATTACH] I luv this trainer name! Hahaha
FullLifeGames Posted January 31, 2015 Author Posted January 31, 2015 vinnycl said: You added Region and Sub Region GJ! Fixed moves 4 gen + FANTASTIC! [ATTACH=CONFIG]12073[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=CONFIG]12074[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=CONFIG]12075[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=CONFIG]12076[/ATTACH] I luv this trainer name! Hahaha Can't see the Attachment, but I guess it's your OT's ^^. Thanks again!One problem I discovered is Giratina + Defog and Arceus + Defog. Do you have a file for them made in Gen 4? (Will search and hopefully find something)
vinnycl Posted January 31, 2015 Posted January 31, 2015 I have some tested Pokémons, working online and on Battle Spot. If you would like correct some Pokemon, i'd be happy to help and share you my files to fix your dump. Thank you for this great job. I'm sharing this in my Facebook group as well.
vinnycl Posted January 31, 2015 Posted January 31, 2015 https://www.dropbox.com/s/b34zku3ukzxdqx1/arceus_giratina_defog.zip?dl=0 Right from 4 Gen. I'm not sure abou Arceus. It was an old event. Giratina craches PkHeX. You can import it from my White 2 Sav. https://www.dropbox.com/s/wo6xvtxdz6phbu8/Pokemon%20White%202%20%28U%29.nds.sav?dl=0 Used Pokegen, and Poke Trasfer Tool http://projectpokemon.org/forums/showthread.php?6424-Download-link-and-information http://projectpokemon.org/forums/showthread.php?41681-Time-Capsule-Transfer-Tool-(-pk2pk-)
vinnycl Posted January 31, 2015 Posted January 31, 2015 The original it is on: https://www.dropbox.com/s/9chs4hdxs60iqsi/Pokemon%20Platinum%20%28U%29.nds.sav?dl=0 Extra (3rd gen sav): https://www.dropbox.com/s/e97u7i6zg92suv9/Pokemon%20LeafGreen%20yoh.sav?dl=0 http://projectpokemon.org/forums/showthread.php?31254-A-Save-%283rd-Generation-Save-Editor%29
vinnycl Posted January 31, 2015 Posted January 31, 2015 (edited) I got it. From Diamond it comes ok: [solved] https://www.dropbox.com/s/eugtjfpbxxa0eh9/8FDADD62_Giratina.pkm?dl=0 My Other saves: https://www.dropbox.com/s/lmglq6ld2naxvzj/Pokemon%20Diamante%20%28U%29.nds.sav?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/hwmtofc83lkshb0/Pokemon%20HeartGold%20%28U%29.nds.sav?dl=0 Edited January 31, 2015 by vinnycl update
FullLifeGames Posted January 31, 2015 Author Posted January 31, 2015 vinnycl said: https://www.dropbox.com/s/b34zku3ukzxdqx1/arceus_giratina_defog.zip?dl=0Right from 4 Gen. I'm not sure abou Arceus. It was an old event. Giratina craches PkHeX. You can import it from my White 2 Sav. https://www.dropbox.com/s/wo6xvtxdz6phbu8/Pokemon%20White%202%20%28U%29.nds.sav?dl=0 Used Pokegen, and Poke Trasfer Tool http://projectpokemon.org/forums/showthread.php?6424-Download-link-and-information http://projectpokemon.org/forums/showthread.php?41681-Time-Capsule-Transfer-Tool-(-pk2pk-) Imported it, but discovered some problems with Defog again on other mons (Mandibuzz from Gen 4....sounds legit! ) which I'm currently fixing (and some minor things like Genesect's and Rayquaza's Event moves) (all done, just have to test it). If this is done, I will post a new version!
vinnycl Posted January 31, 2015 Posted January 31, 2015 FullLifeGames said: Genesect's and Rayquaza's Event moves) (all done, just have to test it). If this is done, I will post a new version! My White 2 Have those! Try to look that. (I made a backup before pokecheck went off)
FullLifeGames Posted January 31, 2015 Author Posted January 31, 2015 vinnycl said: My White 2 Have those!Try to look that. (I made a backup before pokecheck went off) I got Rayquaza from your gold folder (with V-Create) and with Genesect I should've been more specific, I meant the Shiny Extreme Speed Event (made it manually with the info here and will see if it works), give me a little testing time ^^. Added you on Skype btw.
FullLifeGames Posted January 31, 2015 Author Posted January 31, 2015 (edited) I tested it and it worked (it's really awesome tbh to use all those legis online 0.o, some video proof). I also made some video proof (it's in German, so you won't understand what I'm talking): [video=youtube;-23S3X_n6Yw] You can find Update 3.1 here! Patchnotes: FullLifeGames said: Update 3:- fixed Rayquaza (V-Create Event), all Mons, who can learn Defog without the TM, Genesect (Event), legis with defog and (as a request from a friend) Tailwind + Lumineon One minor thing was that Cobalion wasn't working. Fixed in Update 3.1. Edited February 1, 2015 by FullLifeGames
Wicked13 Posted February 3, 2015 Posted February 3, 2015 You should make some for competitive mons (level 1, like just hatched mons) from the following: Kanto: http://static.dyp.im/8NKbIwZTqD/ebf23ee0a27c9c2772af42d47ad1790b.jpg Johto: http://static.dyp.im/FNDFQyPBcz/be0d848e702a901f9380bd8f938c9e6f.jpg Hoenn: http://static.dyp.im/3yPsmXNiKW/150e66012e30c7d11cf5f49afd642ce2.jpg Sinnoh: http://static.dyp.im/apfZpKvAEG/78bec5e1cc22aac06b498e9c7537b62b.jpg Unova: http://static.dyp.im/252oZikthI/c7bd0b9db12a6b421ddf2a1982eb89ba.jpg Kalos: http://static.dyp.im/aXUWzCJELq/f585b2df1f74ef0c8215b99988cecd90.jpg
FullLifeGames Posted February 3, 2015 Author Posted February 3, 2015 Wicked13 said: You should make some for competitive mons (level 1, like just hatched mons) from the following:Kanto: http://static.dyp.im/8NKbIwZTqD/ebf23ee0a27c9c2772af42d47ad1790b.jpg Johto: http://static.dyp.im/FNDFQyPBcz/be0d848e702a901f9380bd8f938c9e6f.jpg Hoenn: http://static.dyp.im/3yPsmXNiKW/150e66012e30c7d11cf5f49afd642ce2.jpg Sinnoh: http://static.dyp.im/apfZpKvAEG/78bec5e1cc22aac06b498e9c7537b62b.jpg Unova: http://static.dyp.im/252oZikthI/c7bd0b9db12a6b421ddf2a1982eb89ba.jpg Kalos: http://static.dyp.im/aXUWzCJELq/f585b2df1f74ef0c8215b99988cecd90.jpg Sry, but I'm not sure what you really want me to do.
SunWukong Posted February 3, 2015 Posted February 3, 2015 Wicked13, if no one else makes one, I'll eventually create a competitive KB/HB living pokedex at starter levels, but not anytime soon because I've been too busy with other things.
Wicked13 Posted February 3, 2015 Posted February 3, 2015 FullLifeGames said: Sry, but I'm not sure what you really want me to do. I mean like you should gen those mons with those pokeball combinations,and at level one with those same egg moves, natures and abilities SunWukong said: Wicked13, if no one else makes one, I'll eventually create a competitive KB/HB living pokedex at starter levels, but not anytime soon because I've been too busy with other things. Awesome thanks if you do let me know
vinnycl Posted February 3, 2015 Posted February 3, 2015 SunWukong said: Wicked13, if no one else makes one, I'll eventually create a competitive KB/HB living pokedex at starter levels, but not anytime soon because I've been too busy with other things. You should use LC pokemon. (Is that you want?)
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