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Hi, don't know whether this is the right place to ask this. I have Pokegenned a few Pokemon to Pokemon Black and then transferred them to X but my Skarmory will not go through whatever I do to it.

These were my latest inputs into Pokegen:

PID: blank

Species: Skarmory

Nickname: Oskar (ticked)

Experience: 1250000 L: 100

Nature: Bold

Happiness: 255

Ability: Sturdy

Country: US/UK/AU

Origin: Platinum

Game: Black (2)/White (2)

Location: Sinnoh

Ball: Poke Ball

Level: 53

Date: 28/02/2014

Encounter: Tall Grass/Drakrai

Stats were all legal

Stealth Rock/Defog/Whirlwind/Roost

Then I put the OT as the OT from my Platinum file.

I tried having OT and location as Unova but I realised it would have to have originated in Gen 4 to get Defog.

Need this for a tournament tomorrow with friends. Thanks!

  TokoyamiTheDark said:
Even though ProjectPokemon does things like AR codes, they DO NOT support online cheating. No wonder why this Skarmory didn't passed through the Bank.

More specifically, we are against circumventing official legality checks. That is, to the best of my knowledge, in GTS, Random Match/Battles, and in official tournaments. As far as I know, there is no legality check for Friend Code VS matches and assuming people fully disclose they generated their Pokemon, that is okay.

But really, the simple rule is not to ask how to circumvent official legality checks.

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