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Hello everybody,

I would like to ask a few questions about the future of the 3DS hacking. So Pokecheck managed to hack the 3DS, right?

Would this hack make the 3DS open to use Action Replay codes? If yes, would it be just for the Pokemon games or for all games?

Do you know if Datel plans something like an Action Replay for the 3DS?

I know that their work is private but will the tools or programs they used to hack it be available for us players so we can

hack the game like with PokeGen?

Would this hack be constant or could Nintendo easily patch it away?

  Sodarok said:
Do you know if Datel plans something like an Action Replay for the 3DS?

PPorg isn't affiliated with Datel; we wouldn't know.

As their program is save backup then save editing, it's not real-time action replay per se.

Probably only hacked consoles can do that, at this point.

  Sodarok said:
I know that their work is private but will the tools or programs they used to hack it be available for us players so we can

hack the game like with PokeGen?

1. Their powersaves tool enables save backup. (but it's encrypted, so we can't create our save editors unless we crack teh encryption on our end)

2. Unless their decryption technique get's leaked, we wouldn't know. (our hackers probably can do it)

  Sodarok said:
Would this hack be constant or could Nintendo easily patch it away?

Linking back to your Datel point, they managed to dump the save and edit it, so no.

Referring back to Pokecheck's hack, I don't know. I'm not sure if they want to reveal anything regarding their hack as well (to prevent patches and whatnot)


I heard Datel's device can just swap savegames and they provide a few "pre-edited" ones, correct?

In that case I wouldn't be so sure they can actually edit the savegame files. They probably have a RAM hack setup running and create the saves that way.

  Purin said:
I heard Datel's device can just swap savegames and they provide a few "pre-edited" ones, correct?

In that case I wouldn't be so sure they can actually edit the savegame files. They probably have a RAM hack setup running and create the saves that way.

They would have to break the encryption somehow, since saves are locked to one cartridge.

It's not a RAM hack, because the device connects the cartridge to the PC.

Beyond that, I don't know, because I don't have one, and Datel has ignored my emails.


I just don't like people that hoard information without sharing. Especially if it is information I want. ^^

srsly, keeping information in walled gardens just slows down progress for everybody.


Sorry that I'm late with answering. Ok... So the hackers of Pokecheck might not tell anyone about anything, right?

This seems on one hand reasonable because Nintendo can't do anything but on the other hand we players might not get

the chance to hack the game ourselves.

What I meant with the Action Replay is if there will be a possibility to use codes in the future, just like

with all previous Pokemon games. I know that there is only the Powersaves module right now for the 3DS,

but as already stated, this module just swaps gamesaves, not the code of the game itself.

That's why I posted it here in the RAM forum.

I'm curious about what the hack will mean for the "normal" player. On Pokecheck, there's the

statement "We are planning to launch gen 6 support by the end of the month."

So will we be able to upload the Gen 6 Pokemon to Pokecheck? But if there's no way

for us to use the hacks yet, we can't modify the pokemon like we want to and for example

can't download .pkm files to use them in PokeGen as it doesn't support Gen 6. Or are the hackers

of ProjectPokemon already working on launching Gen VI support for PokeGen themselves?

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