popokarimundesu Posted December 12, 2013 Posted December 12, 2013 anyone wanna trade a charmander for a squirtle or a bulbasaur?
codem8kr Posted December 14, 2013 Posted December 14, 2013 (edited) I'm looking for the EV items (Power Bracer etc) Battling isn't really my strong suit and I can't be bothered battling in the Battle Maison to earn BP. I'm willing to trade Mega Stones for them. I have them stockpiled on my Y version (3 of each one) EDIT: No longer required. Thank you Wraith89 Edited December 14, 2013 by codem8kr no longer required for trade
Judejew Posted December 16, 2013 Posted December 16, 2013 Does someone have that famous timid 5 IV ditto clone to trade away? I can't give away much, but after all, it's a clone. I'm not going to give 3 competitive shinies for it, like some people are asking for... If so, tell me what you're looking for and we can make a decent deal.
ping165 Posted December 19, 2013 Posted December 19, 2013 I am looking for a Mewtwonite Y, I am willing to trade any of the mega stones I have in return, including Mewtwonite X and Charizardite X. Also, if there is another Pokémon X Version-exclusive Mega Stone which I don't have, which you may want, such as Pinsirite, I will be able to get that and trade it as well. Please, if you wish to trade, give the item to an unwanted Pokémon and trade that; I do not wish to trade away the Mewtwo itself. My friend code is 1719-4216-1138.
Master Mewtwo Posted December 20, 2013 Posted December 20, 2013 codem8kr said: I'm looking for the EV items (Power Bracer etc)Battling isn't really my strong suit and I can't be bothered battling in the Battle Maison to earn BP. I'm willing to trade Mega Stones for them. I have them stockpiled on my Y version (3 of each one) EDIT: No longer required. Thank you Wraith89 hey can i trade you a Mewtwo AND a Mewtwonite X for a Mewtwonite Y? (i picked up another Two on the GTS.) my F:C is 4210-4568-4605. just bring a Pokemon you don't want with you so i can get the stone.
Infernothehedgehog Posted December 22, 2013 Posted December 22, 2013 If it's okay with anyone I'm trading my Charizardite Y for a Charizardite X,just give it to a low level Pokemon. Friend Code: 2105-9778-3005. Name: Ali It's obvious which Game I'm playing
Master Mewtwo Posted December 22, 2013 Posted December 22, 2013 can i give you a Mewtwo and Eevee with a Charizardite X and Mewtwonite X for a Mewtwonite Y?
aldofmauro Posted December 23, 2013 Posted December 23, 2013 I'll make that trade with you if it is still available.
aldofmauro Posted December 23, 2013 Posted December 23, 2013 @infernothehedgehog i ll make that trade with you. Name: aldo Friend code: 1075-0951-5004
Aeternus Posted December 24, 2013 Posted December 24, 2013 Hey there! Would any kinds souls be willing to part with any of the Elekid line (Kid, Buzz, or Vire) and/or Magby line (By, Mar, Mortar)? I've been really unlucky and haven't found any Safaris with those two. PM me if there's anything you'd like, I have pretty much every available XY Pokemon other than those two and a couple others.
aldofmauro Posted December 27, 2013 Posted December 27, 2013 I am trading a charizardite x for a charizardite y. Just put the stone on a low level pokemon. Name: Aldo Friend Code: 1075-0951-5004 Game: Pokemon X
7ofdays Posted December 30, 2013 Posted December 30, 2013 aldofmauro said: I am trading a charizardite x for a charizardite y. Just put the stone on a low level pokemon.Name: Aldo Friend Code: 1075-0951-5004 Game: Pokemon X I'll do it friend code is 096306870760
aldofmauro Posted December 30, 2013 Posted December 30, 2013 7ofdays said: I'll do it friend code is 096306870760 Ok i added you. Invite me to trade next time you are online.
The Poketrader Posted January 1, 2014 Posted January 1, 2014 I'd like to make shiny to shiny trades, specifically for a shiny Tyrunt and a shiny Noibat. I have the following shinies: Charizard lv 39 Careful nature 31 ivs: Sp.Atk Dusknoir lv. 62 Hasty nature Frogadier lv. 30 Timid nature 31 ivs: HP Sp. Def Treeko lv. 1 Modest nature (from an egg in X/Y) Nosepass lv. 10 Brave nature Braixen lv. 20 (named Rutena due to being German) Naïve nature Gyarados lv. 46 Naughty nature Seaking lv. 35 Relaxed nature Blastoise lv. 67 (has been cured of Pokerus) Timid nature 31 ivs: Sp. Attack Speed Chesnaught lv. 42 (nicknamed Bernard, has been cured of Pokerus) Adamant nature Hidden ability Dratini lv. 1 (has Japanese name) Naïve nature Is from Unova Electabuzz lv. 41 (named Elektek due to being German) 31 ivs: Sp. Attack From HGSS Magmar lv. 30 Hasty nature 31 ivs: HP Speed Quiladin lv. 31 Adamant Nature 31 ivs: Defense Speed Growlithe lv. 30 (has Pokerus) Hidden ability 31 ivs: Defense Sp. Attack
TheUnknown Posted January 1, 2014 Posted January 1, 2014 Hi guys! I'm looking for someone who's been able to download the Pokémon Bank on a Japanese 3DS. I need help to send a Ditto from my Black 2 version to my Y version. I can give a copy of my Ditto. (Perfect IVs, Imposter) Thank you.
Tsujin Posted January 2, 2014 Posted January 2, 2014 Looking for a Mewtwonite Y for my Mewtwonite X to trade on a random pokemon? Also looking for a Charizardite Y but no longer have X version. FC: 3668-8936-9607
eugene222 Posted January 2, 2014 Posted January 2, 2014 Im looking for someone who have access to Pokebank and Poketransfer and can help me to transfer 6 of my Black 2 Pokemon to XY. I can give a shiny Charizard, flawless Pokemon, Items, all kinds of Megastones. Pls write a PM if you are interessted(i have also some nonpokemon stuff to offer).
DoomsdayCheerio Posted January 2, 2014 Posted January 2, 2014 ill trade the mega stone Charizardnite X for Charizardnite Y Friend Code: 2251-5609-5712
codem8kr Posted January 3, 2014 Posted January 3, 2014 I'm looking for a 'Happy Hour' Inkay or a Smeargle that has sketched the move. If anyone has one and wishes a trade, I am offering Mega Stones. I have alot them saved up on my game. Also offering some previous gen starters. They're not IV bred though. These ones are available: Bulbasaur, Charmander, Squirtle, Cyndaquil, Torchic, Treecko. PM if interested.
Dedenne Posted January 3, 2014 Posted January 3, 2014 I'm trading a Mewtwonite X for a Mewtwonite Y. FC: 0404-6398-5090
Tonza Posted January 3, 2014 Posted January 3, 2014 I'm trading Mewtwonite X for a Mewtwonite Y. I'll throw in a shiny Dwebble as a bonus (adamant nature). FC: 1650 - 1204 - 7453
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