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Yeah, it's pretty simple, as far as I know most of the cheats carry right over with no problem. I use R4CCE to edit the USRCHEAT.DAT, it's just a simple task of creating a new game with the Volt/Blaze game ID and copying over the respective cheats. If you poke around a bit, it's pretty simple to figure out.

Here's the link to R4CCE:


And even though it's named after R4, I'm pretty sure it'll work with most cards.

Here's the updated USRCHEAT.DAT with only Blaze Black 2 codes added:


Excuse my shitty choice of filehosting.

Edit: Added updated USRCHEAT.DAT


My apologies - I posted the Game ID for the patched Vanilla version. It completely slipped my mind there are two versions.

Blaze Black 2 Vanilla: IREO 396C062C

Blaze Black 2: IREO 04B0FB8C

Volt White 2 Vanilla: IREO 0E0DC790

Volt White 2: IRDO 0A63845B

I apologize for any confusion, and please let me know if these work or not. For reference, I am using clean versions of both ROMs, released respectively by Mawile (Black) and iRiL (White).


arkeis - Replied, though I did that a few days ago so I assume you've seen it already

Bobblybook - I imagine it probably failed if you tried using it immediately after getting the Dex. At any rate, the habitat list doesn't automatically change so it's kind of useless in its current state anyway. The habitat list data is apparently in a very weird format.

Muppen - I'm assuming you've got it working now...

jayjay - No clue about no$, sorry.

boogie - I have no idea why there's a size difference tbh.

styr - PokeGen should be fully compatible with BB2/VW2 saves, yeah. And yeah, I'll lower Pawniard. I initially wasn't going to as I didn't have it catchable early, then I changed my mind and I forgot to change it. Stat boost... I dunno, I'll have to consider that.

Fakero - Well, I found a couple tools on here (BWWE, BWTE) but I did most of it by a hex editor this time.

Pikachu127 - Oh, thank you for that. That's a pretty sneaky bug!

Hello0351 - Yeah, I had a slip-up with Scyther.

galakhero - You're using an english patch? These patches are FOR the official English version, so that'll be the problem, I think.

kidd1991 - If you mean an automatic memory link, then probably not.

walid08 - pdf files need Adobe Reader

Otakusensei - There will be an AR code with the next release.

lattios - I have no idea. What happens when you try?

Iceypunchy - There's one somewhere... it was mentioned a couple pages back.

nicoelson - Well, the breeders will actually have different Pokémon next time anyway, but otherwise I would just say deal with it!

alan_gp - See above for your first question. Yes, challenge mode is also changed (although I only actually had to change Gym Leaders/E4, most of it is just a level boost.)

kampai12 - Dang DMCA.

MaestroOD - Thanks for the mirror.

MaxiLuca96 - A lot of hex editing. The actual sprites were already present, however.


When are you expecting to post the next update Dray?

Thanks again for all your hard work. I know hex editing is time consuming, so this is extremely impressive :)


Awesome! Also, I've not done a lot of modding for pokemon but if you need any help with anything, I'd be willing to give it a shot :)


Yeah, hex editing... I thought that was some kind of tool. I'm asking this because, despite the fact that your hack is the BEST (really, it's amazing), i'd like to do some little changes, for my own gaming, ex: Flygon being Insect/Dragon, Gyarados Water/Dragon, Charizard Fire/Dragon (yeah, I like Dragon type), and some minor changes in stats, so the game becomes even more difficult.


Whenever the next update comes out, is there any way to know if it will work for a mac? Most .exes don't work for me, and I am really enjoying this and I have an amazing team, and don't want to start over. Its fine for me how it is, just wondering because I like Scizor :P


Hex editing is what most tools actually do, tbh. =p Tools just translate it into an easier to read form.

You could try Pokémon ROM Changer, although I don't think that'll work on my hack due to the offsets being pushed forward...

It'll work for a Mac if it's already working for a Mac. Otherwise, idk, wasn't intending to do anything different o-o

  alan_gp said:
Yeah, hex editing... I thought that was some kind of tool. I'm asking this because, despite the fact that your hack is the BEST (really, it's amazing), i'd like to do some little changes, for my own gaming, ex: Flygon being Insect/Dragon, Gyarados Water/Dragon, Charizard Fire/Dragon (yeah, I like Dragon type), and some minor changes in stats, so the game becomes even more difficult.

there are editing tools for bw2. use them to edit clean bw2 rom. and then patch bb/vw2. make sure you are not changing what bb/vw2 changes. and you CANNOT ap patch your own edited rom.

  boogie said:
there are editing tools for bw2. use them to edit clean bw2 rom. and then patch bb/vw2. make sure you are not changing what bb/vw2 changes. and you CANNOT ap patch your own edited rom.

actually is can, you must know where offset these ap and replace them with fixed one via hex editing.

for pokemon rom changer is used static variable offset, just change that variable on source code and compile them. these offset is from narc offset without narc header.

drayano you can upload your file on dropbox or similar one?

  Drayano said:
Hex editing is what most tools actually do, tbh. =p Tools just translate it into an easier to read form.

You could try Pokémon ROM Changer, although I don't think that'll work on my hack due to the offsets being pushed forward...

It'll work for a Mac if it's already working for a Mac. Otherwise, idk, wasn't intending to do anything different o-o

Thanks for the tip... it's a great tool. And yes, it don't work with your hack. although BB/VW used to work with some tools...

  boogie said:
there are editing tools for bw2. use them to edit clean bw2 rom. and then patch bb/vw2. make sure you are not changing what bb/vw2 changes. and you CANNOT ap patch your own edited rom.

So I did it: edited the clean one, now Flygon is Bug/Dragon, with 110 attack. Then i patched it with BB2. Hope it's gonna work till I evolve a vibrava :)

Hey guys, I really wanna play this hack on my iPad... don't you know some emulator for ios?

Thanks for the help


First of all Drayano, nice job with the initial release!

I want to report a couple minor bugs:

The harlequin at the exit to Castelia City references the Bicycle instead of the Shiny Charm.

Also, the fight against Nishino in the Game Freak building has Hilbert's battle sprite for some reason.


Drayano, thanks for the amazing rom and to be so present in the forum and youtube =) and also reporting the Nishino's bug he appears with Hilbert's battle sprite...

Amazing rom, bye =)


Dray, i've been reading the documentation, and saw some things: you added 3 bug moves to the Flygon family; they belong to the bug egg group; why don't you make Trapinch and Vibrava bug/ground, and Flygon bug/dragon? And c'mon, Charizard and Gyarados are dragons! Like you did with Serperior. Just some sugestions...

  alan_gp said:
Dray, i've been reading the documentation, and saw some things: you added 3 bug moves to the Flygon family; they belong to the bug egg group; why don't you make Trapinch and Vibrava bug/ground, and Flygon bug/dragon? And c'mon, Charizard and Gyarados are dragons! Like you did with Serperior. Just some sugestions...

Good idea man =D

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