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in driftveil turnament after the first match the game freeze

in supercard dsone sdhc

cant continued with the game is after geting the 5 medal


Dray, when i evolved my cascoon to dustdux it learned MegaDrain, not Psybeam as it says in the docs... maybe you should fix this... and why don't you changed some pokemon's types? E.g: Emboar or Staraptor?

Posted (edited)

@ Drayano

Just to let you know, you are using the v1 AP Patch for your v1.00 Blaze Black 2 and Volt White 2, which will not work on some carts (primarily Supercard DSTWO and DSONE/i SDHC). I released a newer AP Patch which now works on all carts. It includes an .xdelta for each version to go from your v1.00 to include the correct AP patch.

@ RetroGameFan Multi Cart Update Users

Please update to RetroGameFan Multi Cart Update v6.93 to play Drayano's v1.00

Edited by RetroGameFan
  twistedfatal said:
Hi Drayano Greate Mod Except 1 Thing When Entering Pokestar Studios Theater The Game Keeps Zooming In On My Player Thus Not Allowing Me To Enter The Building. Not Sure If Anyone Else Is Getting This Issue

But Unfortunately I Cant Continue AS you Need To Go To Pokestar Studios To Continue On Though The Game

Also Note That This Game breaking Bug Is On Blaze Black 2

Luckily I Had A Way To Bypass It

I have a similar problem when I have to publish the movie you make at PokeStar Studios and I would like to hear how you bypassed it.

This happened for me in Volt White 2 on Desmume 0.9.8

If anyone knows how to fix it please let me know :)


all the bugs i have is problem of the supercard thnks to you i can play all the game and no trouble THNKS MAN

for other user of the supercard dsone sdhc use te RETROGAMEFAN MULTI CART UPDATE follow the stepsand the game works ok


Hey Drayano your Hacks are the best hacks of all time 10/10 5 stars!!! and I would be able to fully enjoy it if you can help Swampert and Marshtomp by learning Hydro Pump in their move set.Since Mudkip learn Hydro Pump at lv 42 and its really annoying since I want to evolve my mudkip quickly to a Swampert in lv 36 but i cant thanks to the Hydro Pump and force to keep him as mudkip until I learn the move. Also is Luxray a Electric/Dark in this hack? or he back to pure Electric? Also Emboar Fire/Ground??? I would appreciate a Swampert with Hydro Pump as either a Start move or a move he learns later like 61 as a example and if Luxray isnt Electric/Dark can you put him back as dual type? Also Emboar Fire/Ground im tired with the Fire Fighting starter pokemons. Also I think Alder pokemon should be at the same level as Cynthia since he is a champion or his first team should be the same as Black and White and then a rebattle with the B and W 2 team put in 84-90 lv like the Hoenn Gym Leader that have rematches. Also it would be interesting to see new never before dual types on pokemons like Fire/Normal on Typhlosion, Ghost/Psychic on Dusknoir, Bug/Dragon on Yanmega an etc.

  RetroGameFan said:
@ Drayano

Just to let you know, you are using the v1 AP Patch for your v1.00 Blaze Black 2 and Volt White 2, which will not work on some carts (primarily Supercard DSTWO and DSONE/i SDHC). I released a newer AP Patch which now works on all carts. It includes an .xdelta for each version to go from your v1.00 to include the correct AP patch.

@ RetroGameFan Multi Cart Update Users

Please update to RetroGameFan Multi Cart Update v6.93 to play Drayano's v1.00

Please upload a mirror of the AP patch. It is impossible to download it from filetrip without getting a 403 error from gbatemp.


I am happy to report that Blaze Black 2 works on my r4iSDHC!(r4isdhc.com) :cool::smile::wink:

My Dsi XL version:



R4iSDHC V2.0.14 BETA




3DS v4.3.0-10 and DSI V1.4.4 Upgrade



I used RetroGameFan Multi Cart Update v6.93

I copied R4i-SDHC TTMenu to root menu [expect for the R4 file]

On game select i open TTMenu.nds the BlazeBlack2.nds

The ROM was Blaze Black 2 Compete from Drayano60's YouTube. I didnt patch it with the new AP.


  seadosp said:
Please upload a mirror of the AP patch. It is impossible to download it from filetrip without getting a 403 error from gbatemp.
Here is another mirror : AP Patch

@Azurri, thankyou for the info. I'll add it to my database


The documents say Use Metal Coat to evolve Scyther, but I try to use it and it doesn't work. Just says UNABLE. Could you fix this bug in your next release?

Posted (edited)
  twistedfatal said:
Hi Drayano Greate Mod Except 1 Thing When Entering Pokestar Studios Theater The Game Keeps Zooming In On My Player Thus Not Allowing Me To Enter The Building. Not Sure If Anyone Else Is Getting This Issue

But Unfortunately I Cant Continue AS you Need To Go To Pokestar Studios To Continue On Though The Game

Also Note That This Game breaking Bug Is On Blaze Black 2

Luckily I Had A Way To Bypass It

You're the first person to have mentioned this one...

  HawkGonzo said:
Lot of thanks for the hack. In Virbank Complex - Outside I have found a Tyrogue, when in the Wild pkmn list you don't say that this pkmn is here.

The wild list says Tyrogue is there o-o;

  m00g said:
I have a Problem , the Documents ( like Pokemon Changes and so on ) doesnt show up for me , or to be exactly, it show's only weird Signs and Letters as an Example this : 倥䙄ㄭ㔮┊ꊏ㔊〠漠橢㰊⼼敌杮桴㘠〠删䘯汩整⁲䘯慬整敄潣敤㸾猊牴慥੭鱸붴㠉�㿗ሾ턊楪┛the whole Page long.

Is something wrong with my Text Editor Program or what is causing this Problem ? Would be nice if i can get help for this little ( or even big ? ) Problem .

Thank you already for the upcoming help.

It's a PDF, so a text editor is the wrong program! You need Adobe Reader.

  Fofo said:
Dray, when i evolved my cascoon to dustdux it learned MegaDrain, not Psybeam as it says in the docs... maybe you should fix this... and why don't you changed some pokemon's types? E.g: Emboar or Staraptor?

That was an accident, but it's been reported already.

Emboar I'm still indecisive on tbh. Staraptor I'd rather not change, I feel Normal fits it just fine anyway.

  RetroGameFan said:
@ Drayano

Just to let you know, you are using the v1 AP Patch for your v1.00 Blaze Black 2 and Volt White 2, which will not work on some carts (primarily Supercard DSTWO and DSONE/i SDHC). I released a newer AP Patch which now works on all carts. It includes an .xdelta for each version to go from your v1.00 to include the correct AP patch.

@ RetroGameFan Multi Cart Update Users

Please update to RetroGameFan Multi Cart Update v6.93 to play Drayano's v1.00

Oh, thanks, RGF! I'll use that for the next update, definitely.

  Somaxs said:
Hey Drayano your Hacks are the best hacks of all time 10/10 5 stars!!! and I would be able to fully enjoy it if you can help Swampert and Marshtomp by learning Hydro Pump in their move set.Since Mudkip learn Hydro Pump at lv 42 and its really annoying since I want to evolve my mudkip quickly to a Swampert in lv 36 but i cant thanks to the Hydro Pump and force to keep him as mudkip until I learn the move. Also is Luxray a Electric/Dark in this hack? or he back to pure Electric? Also Emboar Fire/Ground??? I would appreciate a Swampert with Hydro Pump as either a Start move or a move he learns later like 61 as a example and if Luxray isnt Electric/Dark can you put him back as dual type? Also Emboar Fire/Ground im tired with the Fire Fighting starter pokemons. Also I think Alder pokemon should be at the same level as Cynthia since he is a champion or his first team should be the same as Black and White and then a rebattle with the B and W 2 team put in 84-90 lv like the Hoenn Gym Leader that have rematches. Also it would be interesting to see new never before dual types on pokemons like Fire/Normal on Typhlosion, Ghost/Psychic on Dusknoir, Bug/Dragon on Yanmega an etc.

Err, you could do with some paragraphing... anyway, Hydro Pump is possible, I guess. I removed the Dark-type from Luxray because it's not really based around being Dark anyway, and it just gives it more weaknesses.

Alder was put deliberately lower since you need to beat him to get access to the Black Tower/White Treehollow, plus I was following the game's initial logic there in that you should be able to fight him after Iris.

There's nothing Normal about Typhlosion or Psychic about Dusknoir. Yanmega is a toughie.

  Azurri said:
I am happy to report that Blaze Black 2 works on my r4iSDHC!(r4isdhc.com) :cool::smile::wink:

My Dsi XL version:



R4iSDHC V2.0.14 BETA




3DS v4.3.0-10 and DSI V1.4.4 Upgrade



I used RetroGameFan Multi Cart Update v6.93

I copied R4i-SDHC TTMenu to root menu [expect for the R4 file]

On game select i open TTMenu.nds the BlazeBlack2.nds

The ROM was Blaze Black 2 Compete from Drayano60's YouTube. I didnt patch it with the new AP.


Just quoting this for other people as I don't have a damn clue how to work an SDHC.

  boogie said:
what does this 'item: --- berry (100%)' mean?

It means the Pokémon is guaranteed to come equipped with that berry.

  RemyRems said:
The documents say Use Metal Coat to evolve Scyther, but I try to use it and it doesn't work. Just says UNABLE. Could you fix this bug in your next release?

Yeah, that was a slip-up. It'll be corrected.

Edited by Drayano

Awesome work, Drayano. You're a best game-hacker in Pokemon World.

Och, besides... How (or where) change Shaymin and Thundu/Torna/Landorus's formes? In simple: where are items to change formes?



Why are Electrike and Croagunk's early movesets unchanged when they're absolutely awful? Electrike's even more so, having to deal with Tackle until level 17 where it learns the weaker Quick Attack, not getting special STAB until level 49 if you evolve it like a normal person. Flame Burst upon evolution does not compensate at all when something like Lombre gets Water Pulse at level 17. There is literally no reason to catch and use an Electrike when Shinx, Voltorb, and Magnemite are available in the same area and get STAB moves and more at early levels.

Croagunk's level up moves are similarly bad, although it has more of a problem being generally useless against Roxie and Burgh, to a lesser extent. Route 4 being full of Rock and Ground types doesn't help, either.

I understand that editing 649 Pokemon can be a hassle, but if you're going to make stuff available earlygame, you should at least make it somewhat viable.

  Modikisha said:
Awesome work, Drayano. You're a best game-hacker in Pokemon World.

Och, besides... How (or where) change Shaymin and Thundu/Torna/Landorus's formes? In simple: where are items to change formes?

I didn't bother making them obtainable out of the ordinary methods since they're impossible to use. The Gracidea only works on Fateful Encounter Shaymin and the Reveal Glass is useless without a Dream Radar Landorus actually activating the event.

  evilnook53 said:

Why are Electrike and Croagunk's early movesets unchanged when they're absolutely awful? Electrike's even more so, having to deal with Tackle until level 17 where it learns the weaker Quick Attack, not getting special STAB until level 49 if you evolve it like a normal person. Flame Burst upon evolution does not compensate at all when something like Lombre gets Water Pulse at level 17. There is literally no reason to catch and use an Electrike when Shinx, Voltorb, and Magnemite are available in the same area and get STAB moves and more at early levels.

Croagunk's level up moves are similarly bad, although it has more of a problem being generally useless against Roxie and Burgh, to a lesser extent. Route 4 being full of Rock and Ground types doesn't help, either.

I understand that editing 649 Pokemon can be a hassle, but if you're going to make stuff available earlygame, you should at least make it somewhat viable.

You don't need to sound so annoyed!

I didn't inspect every Pokémon's level up moves that closely so some things may have slipped past me. I do agree with Electrike needing some help (perhaps Charge Beam or Shock Wave), although between Low Sweep, Venoshock and the new level up Drain Punch Croagunk doesn't seem that bad to me..?

  Schiffy94 said:
I can't seem to get the game to work with AKAIO 1.9.0

Not sure how to fix this one, sorry...


Well yeah I can see Yanmega as a Bug/ Dragon kind of tough since then he would need levitate and etc and I just thought that it would be interesting since there is no Fire/Normal pokemon yet and since Typhlosion can learn 30 normal attacks and he learns aerial ace that could protect himself from Fighting pokemon and I think he pretty fast enough to learn Extremespeed. Also like the Wallace and Steven double battle will you do one with Red and Gary or Alder and Iris? That would be some interesting battles that would be pretty challenging. Also thanks for replying about my request for Swampert learning Hydro Pump. Anyway thanks Drayano!!! Keep up the good work


Hi Dray, I sent you a PM a couple days ago, but you haven't responded. I know you've been bombarded by questions, just wondering if you can take care of this as well. Thanls! :)


Thanks for this, great to be able to play a harder version on my first playthrough.

Just registered to mention that the "Habitat" button in the Pokedex doesn't work, it gives me a black screen and I have to hard reset. I tried to access it after getting the starter pokemon, so I'm not sure if it works elsewhere in the game. It might be an easy fix, might not, but I didn't see it in the known bugs list so I thought I would mention it.

If it's an easy fix, it could be really useful given the new/altered pokemon locations compared to the original.

  Bobblybook said:
Thanks for this, great to be able to play a harder version on my first playthrough.

Just registered to mention that the "Habitat" button in the Pokedex doesn't work, it gives me a black screen and I have to hard reset. I tried to access it after getting the starter pokemon, so I'm not sure if it works elsewhere in the game. It might be an easy fix, might not, but I didn't see it in the known bugs list so I thought I would mention it.

If it's an easy fix, it could be really useful given the new/altered pokemon locations compared to the original.

Habitats do not get changed by simply changing the encounter table, they are in another file that has yet to be deciphered. It's probably crashing because the data is mismatching between habitat and encounter table. It won't be a simple fix, and won't be fixed (at all).

Just use the uploaded location listings provided by Drayano.

  Kaphotics said:
Habitats do not get changed by simply changing the encounter table, they are in another file that has yet to be deciphered. It's probably crashing because the data is mismatching between habitat and encounter table. It won't be a simple fix, and won't be fixed (at all).

Just use the uploaded location listings provided by Drayano.

Thanks, I had a feeling it would be a little complex. It doesn't bother me at all, I just didn't see it mentioned anywhere and wasn't sure if it had been overlooked :)

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