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Which of these options best represents your opinion on the way the Pokemon data should be presented?  

19 members have voted

  1. 1. Which of these options best represents your opinion on the way the Pokemon data should be presented?

    • As it is now, highly compacted and tabbed or something similar to tabs for hiding data.
    • All data visible at all times, but as compact as possible.
    • All data visible at all times, with more emphasis on making it look better, even if that means wasted space.
    • It isn't important.

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I'm considering a switch back to a design where all of the controls are on a single "page", as in all visible at once. This goes in part with another change where multiple Pokemon data windows will be possible at the same time. I can't help thinking "ew, Pokesav" every time I look at a dialog with everything visible at once, but maybe that's just being irrational. So I'd like to see if I'm the only one who thinks this way.

If you have anything else to add, please post and let me know.


I prefer PokeGen as it compacted and tabbed. Having just some of the information available is better visually and allows for easier reading and locating information. Besides having information available all at once contributes to information overload mentally.

  ibac said:
I prefer PokeGen as it compacted and tabbed. Having just some of the information available is better visually and allows for easier reading and locating information. Besides having information available all at once contributes to information overload mentally.

I agree for the most part, but what about keeping it tabbed while giving the controls a little more "breathing room"? They're literally pixel-to-pixel right now in a lot of areas.

  Codr said:
I agree for the most part, but what about keeping it tabbed while giving the controls a little more "breathing room"? They're literally pixel-to-pixel right now in a lot of areas.

I am assuming you mean flexible. Keeping like subjects tabbed is essential.


I rather like the compacted design like it is now myself. But I can see where some might prefer seeing all data at once. Voted with my preference.


What if you separated the code from the UI and put it into a DLL? If you do redesign the GUI, you can then keep the current one and still fix bugs on both.

However, I don't know how hard that would be, as it depends on how you already programmed Pokegen.

  evandixon said:
What if you separated the code from the UI and put it into a DLL?

That's certainly wasteful to put it into a DLL. But yes, I'm planning on separating the code way more than it currently is. The problem with keeping the current design is that it would still need to be updated for new features. Managing one UI in that regard is bad enough.


Codr, why not make 2 versions? (If you can keep them up to date) so 1 as it is now, and one like you plan to. Some people will like the old UI but may not like the new UI however.


If it is done right, then you can simply not add new features to the old UI, while bug fixes will apply to both.

But seeing that you don't want to put it in a DLL, then that's probably not going to happen (unless you have a copy of the code in each version, which will be difficult to maintain).

To appease anyone who dislikes change, if you do decide to change it, you can just have a download link for the old version with the old UI. No updates necessary.

  evandixon said:
If it is done right, then you can simply not add new features to the old UI, while bug fixes will apply to both.

If I don't want to update the old one at all, yes, that's true. That's also a pretty shitty-feeling way of doing things.

But seeing that you don't want to put it in a DLL, then that's probably not going to happen (unless you have a copy of the code in each version, which will be difficult to maintain).

Since you don't seem to be aware, putting code into a DLL doesn't magically make it modular. It simply means the code isn't compiled into the executable.

  Codr said:
Since you don't seem to be aware, putting code into a DLL doesn't magically make it modular. It simply means the code isn't compiled into the executable.

Which means you can have two UI's use the same code. Exactly the same code. You can change the code and both will be affected. It would be great for keeping the old one while still adding bug fixes.

  evandixon said:
Which means you can have two UI's use the same code. Exactly the same code. You can change the code and both will be affected. It would be great for keeping the old one while still adding bug fixes.

You can do exactly the same thing without having the code pointlessly put into an external file...

  evandixon said:
Now that I think about it, you can have one executable reference the other...

Is that what you were thinking?

Wow. Let me ask you something. Do you think that you can only call a function in a program one time unless it's in a separate file?

  Codr said:
Wow. Let me ask you something. Do you think that you can only call a function in a program one time unless it's in a separate file?

For both executables (with different UIs) to call the same functions, at least one will have to reference another file, or both must have an exact copy of the same functions, which will be difficult (or if nothing else, very annoying) to maintain.

Unless you had something else in mind.

  evandixon said:
For both executables (with different UIs) to call the same functions, at least one will have to reference another file, or both must have an exact copy of the same functions, which will be difficult (or if nothing else, very annoying) to maintain.

I said nothing about multiple executables. Only you did, and it's a completely ridiculous notion. Since I can't seem to get anywhere by trying to get you to think about it, I'll tell you directly.

- Code is reusable without being in a different file. This should be completely obvious.

- You don't need multiple binary files to have any number of different UIs in a program.

- The ENTIRE PROBLEM with multiple UIs is maintenance. Making the code support them is NOT HARD.

If you still don't get it, I give up.

  evandixon said:
So you're suggesting trying to stuff multiple UIs into one program. Sounds like a lot more work...

It's less work than some other solution where some of the code is external...

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