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@Toffeuy: Another good piece. Be careful that you don't make it too messy because some of the sigs done in that style can get unfocused and blurry quite easily. Also be careful with blurring pokemon because if you do, it makes the sig look messy. Togekiss is a good example, the top of her head and her right wing are blurred too much, in my opinion. It might be an idea to try putting the pokemon on a different layer from the blurring to prevent this. Also, beware of odd splashes of colours that don't fit in, like the random black bits in the sig. They throw off the eye and sometimes detract from a piece. I do like what looks like sunlight streaming in on the top left corner. That's a great effect! All in all, 7.5/10.

@reyesdelexceso (that's a mouthful): I'll focus more on the second one, the first looks simplistic and copy 'n paste. I like the second one, Giratina contrasts with the dark background perfectly and stands out quite nicely. The background itself is interesting but it doesn't draw the attention away from Giratina too much. The text seems a little bit too letterbox for this sig, but that's just me. Overall, 8.5/10

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  Naru-Chu said:
Whoa that's really good! A little...Illithian method like...but its awesome! 10/10

Thanks, and yeah, Illithian shared his Tutorial in his 'My Tutorial' Thread so I got a 30-Day Trial Version of Photoshop and followed his guide. It turned out really good. But if it were to be a personal rating i'll give it like a 8.8 for my own sig, it seems a bit too bright in some places and as Relyte said I might have over-blurred some places... Illithian suggested that I should start anew with darker renders so it doesn't turn out so bright... so I guess i'll do what he said.


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Do you think this was better than the one before or worse? Also rate out of 10 please ^.^

Edited by Toffeuy
  Toffeuy said:
Not to be mean or anything but that sig doesn't look too nice. I'll rate it a 6/10. I know you purposely chose pictures of Dragonair that looked like that, but those certainly weren't the best pictures. The pictures seems a little babish... what I mean is like it's quality is those of the Baby Book Covers. The Illustrators of child books seem to like it a bit blurry and look like pencil-drawn. Maybe it's just me that doesn't like those kind of drawings, someone might like it so they might give it a higher rating, after all a rating is out of opinion not fact. The Dragonair on the left's outline is well done with smoky-ish effects but the one on the right's outline doesn't appeal much effort. Seeing that you only used blue, I think you might have a few difficulties with blending colours (not knowing which colours blend nicely with others). Blending and using different colours do make artworks look a lot better. And lastly i'll just like to say that in the background there are noticable white mini dots which doesn't look as... smooth... don't know how you say it but all I can think of to describe it is not as smooth...

about the baby-book thing, when i was in GIMP, it wasn't like that.... i think it must have to do with the fact that the quality goes down when you save it as a JPEG even if you choose highest quality?

I'm working on fixing the Dragonair and the background right now.....


8/10 - I couldn't really tell that was a Giratina until I looked carefully. Good background but green doesn't work well with Giratina. If you are able to make the background black (or a darkish colour) and keep Giratina to stand out in the black (eg. Give it white outline) that would look cool.

  Toffeuy said:
8/10 - I couldn't really tell that was a Giratina until I looked carefully. Good background but green doesn't work well with Giratina. If you are able to make the background black (or a darkish colour) and keep Giratina to stand out in the black (eg. Give it white outline) that would look cool.

Ahaa, the stock image came from this amazing fanart I saw on deviantart, and I rendered the image myself. The image had green light shading, and if you look closely you can see the green light reflecting off Giratina's face...but in that stock image, the green worked amazing with Giratina, but maybe the green I used was a little too bright? I guess I wanted it to contrast with Giratina's dark figure in the image.

Yeah you're right, I should darken the background a bit, but for a first attempt I reckon it turned out great :)


mmmm its kind of an understood rule not to use stocks from DA unless you have permission from the original artist to use their work, copyright stuff.


I actually google searched it, and I found out later that it was from deviantart... so I didn't know that it was originally from deviantart until I actually made the signature... no harm done anyways, I'm not saying the image was mine, I just rendered it myself.


@Toffeuy: It's a good avvie, but it lacks depth, as in it looks too flat. The background is the same intensity and colour as Kingdra, so it seems to pop out above Kingdra. My eye is drawn to the background more than Kingdra, so using either a less vibrant or a more monotonous background (never thought I'd suggest that...) might make it a little more focused on Kingdra. All in all, though, 8.5/10

@Exolios: In-depth will come later, kinda tired now. Both of 'em: 8.5/10

Just a note, no offence intended, that style is getting a tad overused...

  fisau said:
Anyone want to rate my signature?


Whoa...that is AWESOME! 9/10 The lighting is a bit...odd though. I think it would be better if the background was darker to match the ominous glow that Giratina gives off.

  Toffeuy said:
Rate please:
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I am so sick of this method.

  Exolios said:
thats a nice avy toffeuy 9/10!

Rate my sig and avy plz! :)


  Toffeuy said:
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  Rafi_boi_101 said:
Rate mines please, I think toffeuy did a great job!

and thanks to kunaidude34 for the avitar!

...No Comment.


Rate, ok, I know I smudged but at least I attempted to Screen everything so that it doesn't look smudged:

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Kk, i'll stop the smudging parts, how about this avatar, made it look 3D :P

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Is it me?... or am I making too much avatars and asking people to rate them?

Posted (edited)

Not to be mean or anything... but how come you make your sig all one colour. It sort of looks... (no offence) bad... My rating would be like 7/10 for that one. I'm attracted more to Crobat's wings more than the background and least known would have to be the face. Probably because the wings stand out most because it's bright.

EDIT: Dun wanna double-post even though 3 days have passed... but rate this, ^.^ I think I did a great job (Not to show off or bluff about anything...):

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Edited by Toffeuy

Gah... 7/10 - Use more combinations and filters etc. That is so plain, like that probably won't even take 3 mins to make.

EDIT: Someone rate the one above ^^^^^

  Toffeuy said:
Gah... 7/10 - Use more combinations and filters etc. That is so plain, like that probably won't even take 3 mins to make.

EDIT: Someone rate the one above ^^^^^

Bah, I thought so, at least I'm trying to improve.. XP (Not saying that anyone here isn't!)

IMO, the Milotic one 8/10. It seems like it's missing something though, and I don't know what! I like the icy feel of it, maybe a couple of twinkling stars at the edges? (Make it darker there.)

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