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Posted (edited)

We have a problem here: http://www.pokecheck.org/?bid=361950655182 Encore in rotation. The battle is synched up until the point where it says "Iceboy's Minun used Encore on Vaporeon", on Turn 4. In the real video, the Encore failed, and the Taunted Vaporeon went for Hydro Pump. (The Vs. Player claimed that the Encore worked, and Vaporeon would've used Aqua Ring but didn't use it because of Taunt.) Rest is desynched because of this, but it didn't change the battle too much.

Edited by pika25
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I looked through the coding. This should be corrected:

case 145: // Big Pecks
   if($s==2 && $v<0) return false;

Doesn't the "2" denote Attack? That should be a "3" to denote Defense.

E: Wait, in some context 2 denotes Attack, whereas elsewhere 2 denotes Defense.


I dunno anything about the source for the battle video parser, but I do know that the stats are properly enumerated in the order HP, ATK, DEF, SPD, SPATK, SPDEF. Zero-based index (the proper way) would have Attack be 1, but otherwise 2 would work as well.

Are the stats inconsistently denoted throughout the source code? Can't one simply declare const static int or enum for stats?

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Red Card and Dragon Tail Interaction Turn 6 https://www.pokecheck.org/?bid=918373474641 On turn 6, when it said "Dylan was forced to replace Deliani with Wash", Deliani's (Forretress) Red Card activated according to Vs. Player when it really shouldn't have. Rest is desynched due to this. What actually happened

(Interaction occurs at 13:32 in the video)
  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

color change is not implemented properly https://www.pokecheck.org/?bid=875735434419 look at turn 5.

(E: Kecleon doesn't take sand damage the following turns. It's just a text implementation, it's just supposed to say "Kecleon became ground type" not "T-tar became rock type" (and later on, on turn 7, "Ferro became electric type"))

Edited by pika25
looked at sandstorm damage
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...


Here I have this battle video: https://www.pokecheck.org/?p=search&vid=&bid=26-39850-24073

Where it all goes normal, untill turn 11, where the Vaporeon's Wish, that Vaporeon fainted un turn 7, came true.

Wish can't be passed to other pokémon without the use of Baton Pass, and indeed, the actual video, when seen on a DS family plataform, does not activate the Wish.

As a result of happening so, the battle that should end on the turn 18, is bugged and the Umbreon keeps fighting alone.

Just reporting this bug, sorry if this is already known by you.

Thanks for the attention!

  OmegaDonut said:
Psych Up in the simulator does not behave like Psych Up in the games - it is swapping the stat changes rather than copying them.

As in this battle? It looks like it got fixed.

  • 2 weeks later...

Minor issue with battle video 60-47237-09910 involving Sky Drop. On turn 2 when Sky Drop was used (Swadloon was the intended target), Swadloon managed to connect a Bug Bite aimed at Sceptile (which shouldn't have happened), but it didn't affect the rest of the battle (apart from RNG calls) because the Bug Bite wouldn't have clean OHKO'd Sceptile anyway, and Sceptile didn't take any damage otherwise.


Speaking of Sky Drop, battle video 63-77566-06637 desynchs on turn 15. Braviary actually landed the Sky Drop on Arcanine but instead (according to Vs. Player) got KO'd by Fire Blast. Sky Drop needs to be fixed.


Something wrong with the RNG calls on battle video 60-53940-70232? Therefore battle desynchs (and therefore Richard is deemed victorious according to Vs. Player, when in actuality ThePikaWu managed to comeback and win).

Posted (edited)

Battle video 48-94545-14508 is a random matchup triples. Hippowdon's Crunch actually hit Glalie (Oniglali) instead of Salamence (Drattak), its target in Vs. Player. Otherwise, the battle synchs perfectly (only because Salamence and Claydol are immune to the used Earthquake anyway; they actually weren't targets because Hippowdon wasn't the center).

Edited by pika25
wrong battle number

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