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In HG/SS, the top Pokemon in your party will follow you...

So are there any Pokemon you'll have up there just to have follow you?

I'm going to keep one of these for that:







And quite a few more.

Discuss what Pokemon you'd like to follow you here.

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I can't believe I just approved this thread X_X


Politoed: come on, it's a cute froggy! That energetic froggy is SOOOOO CUTE :D


Wailord: BIG floaty whale to follow, it's awesome!


Froslass: Icy ghost... who can resist? :P


Ninetales: My favorite Fire pokemon


Gardevoir: I love this thing so much!


Breloom: Mushroom power!


Mismagius: I love this ghost... I just love her design!


Roserade: one of my favorite Plant pokes


Haunter: it looks spooky when it follows you


Vaporeon:... and the rest of the Eeveelutions that I'm too lazy to post a sprite for...


Articuno: my favorite bird


Mewtwo: Wait no, Mewtwo isn't following the player. He's controlling the player to move wherever he desires, so in reality, you're assuming the role as Mewtwo :P

... and others, I'm too lazy to post :P


It seems like a good idea to me. :D

According to pictures of Steelix and such, big Pokemon will suddenly become midgets.


I should make Arceus follow me... just to freak people out that see me.

  Aarux said:
It seems like a good idea to me. :D

According to pictures of Steelix and such, big Pokemon will suddenly become midgets.


I should make Arceus follow me... just to freak people out that see me.

I know. What will they do to Wailord? :(

They will probably have the swimming Pokemon follow you when you are surfing. If that is the case then Gyarados will follow me in the water and Dragonite on land.

Dragonite's more aquatic than landish... so I think it'll surf too :o

Now how would a fish follow you on land I wonder... or would they even?

I said that they will probably restrict surfing Pokemon to follow you on water and the rest on land. I wonder what they are going to do with the flying Pokemon. Will they fly over water too?

Probably, but you know those :bidoof: at Gamefreak and their goof offs...

If they are smart enough to implement that Water/Land thing, birds would probably follow you around anywhere...

Now I'm hoping Mewtwo can float over water... he should or else I'd be disappointed. I want Mewtwo to mind control the player ANYWHERE and NOT limited to the terrain :o

Once again, if GF are idiots, we wouldn't have Pokémon. But I don't think the Pokémon will just float on air, it would just look weird. Unless they do it like mystery dungeon. That looked okay.

Off topic Floot. Yes, without GF we wouldn't have Pokemon, but I hate Pokemon to begin with :-/ :tongue:

But notice how Charizard functions well even in Rain Dance during battles... or how you can send out a Graveler during water battles... and in DP they put Ponyta and Geodude in a rainy route in ABUNDANCE... now you would think they'd be smarter than that, right?

Whatever... ranting aside, Dragonite is a flyer, correct? I wonder how it would function: would it swim or would it fly on water?


It isn't off topic. In mystery dungeon, when a swimming Pokémon followed you, it floated. I'm saying they could do that on this new game. But then again, the daycare center had a small body of water for water Pokémon, so they could only be restricted to water.

It isn't off topic. In mystery dungeon, when a swimming Pokémon followed you, it floated. I'm saying they could do that on this new game. But then again, the daycare center had a small body of water for water Pokémon, so they could only be restricted to water.

I misread your post... my bad >.>

It happens. I forgot about Mystery Dungeon... but floating on water was weird... they don't submerge :-/

Now Gyarados... Gyarados would be an awesome sight on land.


There's 493 Pokemon to choose from... plus alternate forms and such.

It'll be a hard choice.

I'll just experiment with large Pokemon and then use the ones I like.

Groudon, Wailord, Rayquaza, Giratina... oh, man.


So you can use other Pokemon? I thought it was only starters, oh well i guess i was wrong which was a good thing? :tongue:

I would get Mew, or Groudon to follow me, since Groudon is the heaviest Pokemon, but if they had the same effect with Regice in Pokemon Ranger, then i would defiantly pick Regice, or maybe the ball formed Pokemon, and they could roll around, ha this games sounds so good.


I'm curious to what the animation for Hitmontop and Spinda will be.

For the majority of the game, probably my starter. It will most likely change to my Garchomp from Diamond, but then the game becomes very easy from then on so I'm not sure.


I really don't care which one follows me, though I do have my favorites, 90% of which are Legendaries, but I'm more excited to just have the sprites for all the Pokemon.

To stay on topic though, I will be having ALL of the Legendaries follow me at one point or another. As for normal Pokemon? Magmar, Pidgeot, Charizard, Dragonite, Lucario, Cyndaquil, Snorlax, Togepi, Marowak, Donphan, Flygon, Tropius, and Rotom.

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