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  1. 1. Is this program useful?

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  Codr said:
I think you need to copy PokeGen more. You haven't enough yet.

I'm not copying PokeGen and I'm not planning into copying it, I have been writing this app with research only, I was planning on making legality analysis while editing a pkm however the project became more extensive, and also I have included various features that aren't on Pokegen nor any other pkm editing program

First are the trash bytes editing, some people don't understand what are trash bytes so editing them would be a problem, however I decided to add automatic trash bytes editing depending on the pkm info and also the nickname/evolution trash bytes for previous nickname trash bytes

Second and I think the most important, all programs allow any pokemon to have any ability or none and any move, and the app has moveset legality analysis and only loads the abilities and moves the pokemon can learn

The app has limited save file use, currently it can only export party pokemon, I'm not planning to add save file editing, only to import and export party, also I'm only planning to do the app for 5 gen only

Finally the online features in the app aren't in any program (except updater of course), I think the event downloader is the best online tool in the app allowing everyone download event pkm and wonder cards

However I know the app isn't complete I'm trying to improve it :smile:

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Let's see what non-standard things I can point out that I feel are fairly unique to PokeGen that also exist in your program, and could be done differently.

  • Two "save" entries in the file menu. (As in one specifically related to Pokemon data and one specifically related to save files.)
  • Escape sequences with no preceding x or 0x to indicate hexadecimal.
  • Referring to the Pokemon with the word "species", which I don't think is that common, and is more of my own personal preference.
  • Toggleable options in a menu by themselves, rather than a dialog.
  • Using the text "Black (2)/White (2)"... come on... you really did that on your own?
  • A list of version changes in the program, rather than external.

I can't deny that all of these things really can be coincidental. I'm just skeptical of that. If you're really not using PokeGen as a reference, then just ignore my posts. Otherwise, at least admit to it. (And come up with more uniqueness, while you're at it.)


First the two save entries the first is for saving a pkm and saving an encrypted pkm, the second entry is to use a save file, however it cannot save that is why it doesn't says save "save file", it only extracts the party pkm and imports it (the import function isn't working the checksum calculation is fine but I'm researching about it)

The escape sequences, I know I'm not using 0x to indicate hexadecimal, however the first sequence is 0xFFFF and F only exists in hexadecimal pointing hexadecimal is used

Refering Pokemon with species, well there are different species of Pokemon http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Species

Toggeable options, the options are saved in a .ini file and loaded, also the languages are coded and aren't in txt files

Black (2) / White (2) I decided to use it when BW2 launched, Encounters aren't used in gen 5 so I had Black/White encounter and after researching that BW2 didn't use encounters, I updated the app to include the (2)

The version changes are external I can modify them without the need of update, as well the event pkm downloader and the updater

I hope this clears things up


Yes, as I said, all of these could be coincidental, and I'm certainly capable of thinking of reasons why you did all of these things. That's not what I was after. I was after a more direct statement that you aren't thinking "Hmm, I wonder how I should put this on the dialog... let me see what PokeGen does." while designing the layout of your program. Not that I have any reason to believe you, but it's better than nothing.


I got your point, you think that I was checking Pokegen for the layout, however to be honest I had a very basic layout which I used for testing loading

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Then the layout changed to this after some time

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When the app could read pkm files completely I changed the layout

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Finally I just arranged everything to be organized and with the new features became the current layout

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I'm glad that I logged every change in the app :P

To clear things out, I didn't used Pokegen as a reference in layout, or anything, I just try to do this for fun and that people can use it :smile:


Yes, I'm writing it in .NET, I also got the pkm structure data here and at pp.org wiki, when you get to that version I will be glad to check out your pkm writer/editor :smile:


I have updated the app, I finally fixed the import party, I was missing the save file checksum, now it is working :P

Now I will be working on some details, first I will add the OT trash bytes in Pal Park which I'm missing for checking the legality of a gen 3 pkm, then I think I will add the remaining ribbons, and some things


I have added PP.org Event Database support, the app will download the pkm files from my database and from PP.org event database, however I get some errors trying to add the Japanese event page, all other languages are ok :P

  RubenPikachu said:
I have added PP.org Event Database support, the app will download the pkm files from my database and from PP.org event database, however I get some errors trying to add the Japanese event page, all other languages are ok :P

Do you have the correct: characters, language details?

( Why do the Japanese get all the good events? )

  Chompizard25 said:
Do you have the correct: characters, language details?

( Why do the Japanese get all the good events? )

Yes, the app checks the pp.org event database english page, gets the event details and adds english as the language, then it checks the french page and gets the event details and adds french as the language and so on with the other languages, some events are repeated because they have the same event :P

The Japanese page messes up the event details, since there are some broken links, some repeated events and different descriptions I cannot add the Japanese event database :frown:

  RubenPikachu said:
Yes, the app checks the pp.org event database english page, gets the event details and adds english as the language, then it checks the french page and gets the event details and adds french as the language and so on with the other languages, some events are repeated because they have the same event :P

The Japanese page messes up the event details, since there are some broken links, some repeated events and different descriptions I cannot add the Japanese event database :frown:

But you could upload them one by one.

(PS check your pms)

  Chompizard25 said:
But you could upload them one by one.

But if the PP.org database is updated and if I don't check it out, it will not be updated...

However I made some fixes for the Japanese page and it works :P

  RubenPikachu said:
But if the PP.org database is updated and if I don't check it out, it will not be updated...

However I made some fixes for the Japanese page and it works :P

You could also create your own PGF for the events not yet contributed.

Posted (edited)

The app connects to my event database first, I had some PGF files I extracted from sav files, however since they are the same as PP.org event database, I decided to have in my database the .pkm files

Edited by RubenPikachu

I have updated the app with all Sinnoh Ribbons Sets, I 'm still missing Hoenn Ribbons :frown:

Also I added N's pokemon flag, which will set automatically the PID, IV, OT, TID and SID to match a N's pokemon

With some research I found out that the 0x42 has the following flags:

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And I have added a survey tool to allow people to vote for some decisions, the current survey is to change the project's name... since I began the project with the idea of "checking pkm data"

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