Nintendo1252 Posted August 27, 2012 Posted August 27, 2012 (edited) Okay, here's the English Keldeo. (Pics below.) Reveal hidden contents I first tried to get it with using the English Pokemon Black on my flashcard, but for some reason it wouldn't let me receive it. (Just said "Searching for a gift" the whole time with "no gifts found" at the end.) So I had to drive all the way back home to get my retail White, which I then managed to download it with. Sorry about the other WCs. Edit: Other EU language pics and info can be found here This used the black background when downloading. Distro text It will be a great addition to your party for your adventure in Pokémon Black Version 2 or Pokémon White Version 2! Edited September 13, 2012 by Nintendo1252
JejeZozo Posted August 27, 2012 Posted August 27, 2012 Keldeo smr2012 also distribute in Canada with DO: SMR2012 but also the French DO: ETE2012 all its canada. Can you get it?
Guested Posted August 27, 2012 Author Posted August 27, 2012 (edited) Nintendo1252 said: I first tried to get it with using the English Pokemon Black on my flashcard, but for some reason it wouldn't let me receive it. (Just said "Searching for a gift" the whole time with "no gifts found" at the end.) So I had to drive all the way back home to get my retail White, which I then managed to download it with. That's very odd that a flashcart didn't work. Especially if other wireless functions usually work with that flashcart. Anyway, thanks for grabbing it and it's up in the Gallery now. Hopefully someone will be able to grab the other languages today! And this is a Canadian version, right? I would also like to check this against any US versions, but I would assume they'd be identical as they have been recently, but sometimes there are text differences. I'd also like to know if all languages were distributed in Canada as well as the US, or if it was just the US. English Gen V Event Gallery Page .pgf"]English Keldeo WC Download Edited August 28, 2012 by Guested
jaysontm Posted August 28, 2012 Posted August 28, 2012 (edited) Despues de Una gran busqueda, Por Fin encontre un español zoroak, me lo dio-Un amigo Que Pudo Tener el Evento Edited August 29, 2012 by Guested me equivoque era zoroak
Guested Posted August 28, 2012 Author Posted August 28, 2012 jaysontm said: Despues de Una gran busqueda, Por Fin encontre un español zoroak, me lo dio-Un amigo Que Pudo Tener el Evento Okay, that makes more sense than the Darkrai. But.... are you sure about this? We've seen this WC title before, and the Spanish grammar/punctuation isn't so great. Before, it was generally believed that this WC was not the real thing. Does your friend have any proof of attending the event?
Requiem Posted August 28, 2012 Posted August 28, 2012 jaysontm said: Despues de Una gran busqueda, Por Fin encontre un español zoroak, me lo dio-Un amigo Que Pudo Tener el Evento ¿Don de esta el "¡" amigo? ¡Un Zoroark especial!
jaysontm Posted August 28, 2012 Posted August 28, 2012 no mi amigo lo recibio desde un emulador,ademas el no grabo el momento en que lo recivio
jaysontm Posted August 28, 2012 Posted August 28, 2012 (edited) si lo tiene Edited August 29, 2012 by Guested
jaysontm Posted August 28, 2012 Posted August 28, 2012 si les parece extraño el zoroark no lo pongan y como disculpa les doy mi archivo de gothorita de este si estoy 100% seguro
Guested Posted August 28, 2012 Author Posted August 28, 2012 Did you just edit in that "¡" ? We don't need edited or created Wonder Cards, we'd like the original so that the correct information is verified. And I don't understand what you mean about your friend receiving it from an emulator, but that doesn't make it sound real. And please upload files as post attachments, not external download links.
d4rk_13l1t2er Posted August 28, 2012 Posted August 28, 2012 Guested said: And I don't understand what you mean about your friend receiving it from an emulator, but that doesn't make it sound real. Maybe they used this method?!-Using-a-Ds-emulator!-Desmume-0.97
Guested Posted August 28, 2012 Author Posted August 28, 2012 d4rk_13l1t2er said: Maybe they used this method?!-Using-a-Ds-emulator!-Desmume-0.97 It was not a Wi-Fi event, it was local wireless.
KazoWAR Posted August 28, 2012 Posted August 28, 2012 (edited) Nintendo1252 said: I first tried to get it with using the English Pokemon Black on my flashcard, but for some reason it wouldn't let me receive it. (Just said "Searching for a gift" the whole time with "no gifts found" at the end.) Did you ever send the Japanese Keldeo to your game on the flashcart? It shares the same ID as this one. Edited August 28, 2012 by KazoWAR typo
Nintendo1252 Posted August 28, 2012 Posted August 28, 2012 I've sent the Jap one to my White 2 only, and no the Japanese Keldeo's WC ID was not in the "Used card IDs" for my English Black when trying to receive it. Anyway, I'm going to try another store, because I have a feeling the lady who turned on the cart yesterday put the distro cart on pending mode when she saw the GBATemp DSTWO in my DSi, and said "Dude, you have an R4?". See you when I'm back.
Nintendo1252 Posted August 28, 2012 Posted August 28, 2012 (edited) Guess what? Turns out they were blocking me with using a flashcard at yesterday's store. Here they are, the other 4 European languages of Keldeo. (English language pics and info can be found here) Enjoy! Edit: New HQ pics (see spoiler tag) Reveal hidden contents Distribution Texts: French Voilà un fidèle compagnon de route pour vous épauler à travers votre périple dans Pokemon Version Noire 2 ou Pokemon Version Blanche 2! Spanish ¡Será un gran compañero de equipo durante tu aventura en Pokémon Edición Negra 2 o Pokémon Edición Blanca 2! German Keldeo wird sich als ideale Ergänzung für dein Team erweisen, wenn du in Pokémon Schwarze Edition 2 oder Pokémon Weiße Edition 2 auf Abenteuerreise gehst! Italian Darà alla tua squadra una marcia in più per le tue avventure in Pokémon Versione Nera 2 e Pokémon Versione Bianca 2! Edited August 30, 2012 by Nintendo1252 re-add new HQ pics from 3DS
Mahrla Posted August 28, 2012 Posted August 28, 2012 (edited) German Flying Pikachu from VGC2012 in Hawaii (see attachment) Reveal hidden contents Edited August 29, 2012 by Guested added
Guested Posted August 29, 2012 Author Posted August 29, 2012 Nintendo1252 said: Anyway, I'm going to try another store, because I have a feeling the lady who turned on the cart yesterday put the distro cart on pending mode when she saw the GBATemp DSTWO in my DSi, and said "Dude, you have an R4?". That's pretty ballsy of her. I've never heard of staff being so pro-active against that. It's not really their business how you play your games as backups are still technically legal in the US. Nintendo1252 said: The quality of the pics is very shitty... However, I MIGHT go back tomorrow if I have time, and take a digital camera to capture the text again. You may not need a better camera, you're just putting your cell phone (it is a cell phone?) camera too close. The resolution seems high enough that it'd be legible even at a further distance.. it's just having trouble focusing on something so close. Nintendo1252 said: If you want, Guested, you can always give them the date of their countries official distribution start. I'll just put them on the first date of the US/Canada distribution since it is official. Also, are these from a Canadian EB Games? Or a US Gamestop? I heard rumors that while US was getting all languages, Canada would only English and French (which seemed silly, but possible). And you ARE from Canada, right? So let me know if you got this at EB, or drove across the border, just so I can clarify the details. Thanks! And thanks to Mahrla for contributing ANOTHER German VGC event! I'll work on getting this added to the Gallery this morning. Edit: I'd also like to advise people to be very wary of that recently contributed Spanish Zoroark until we can get some more clear details about it. The contributor seems to have added in the missing punctuation mark after we asked about it, but hasn't responded regarding that. At this point, the correct WC title text hasn't even been confirmed, so an edited card is hardly ideal, since it may very well still be incorrect.
Guest Posted August 29, 2012 Posted August 29, 2012 There are plenty of ways of collecting the event on a flashcard without having the staff at the store notice you're using a flashcard. Should've tried facing away from there while getting the event or something. Or maybe downloading it from outside. And besides, couldn't she get in trouble for turning off the distribution just for that? I guess this doesn't really matter anymore now that we've gotten all five languages contributed.
Guested Posted August 29, 2012 Author Posted August 29, 2012 Okay, got the Gallery updates done. German Gen V Event Gallery (Keldeo and Worlds Pikachu) French Gen V Event Gallery (Keldeo) Italian Gen V Event Gallery (Keldeo) Spanish Gen V Event Gallery (Keldeo) As for right now, the dates and descriptions in the entries only refer to the US/Canada distribution. I'll wait until the EU distributions begin. If the OT/ID combo is the same, I'll update these entries. If not, then I'll make new entries for the EU versions. I'll also modify them if it turns out that Canada is only doing English and French, not the other languages (it would be great if someone could confirm this). SO, those planning on grabbing the EU Keldeo, please continue planning to do so! Thanks!
Guested Posted August 29, 2012 Author Posted August 29, 2012 Another additional minor/major update: This recent Spanish Zoroark discussion got the attention of one of my lurker friends who actually had one. It turns out ALL of the EU events are distributed in each language, so it wasn't as hard to get as we had thought... just most people didn't know at the time. As for details on the entries in the Gallery, I believe I will continue just noting the dates and locations for the events' home country or ones that are in a middle-ground like Greece. At some point in the future, I may add a short blurb such as "It was also distributed at other European events" or something. Unforunately, the ones contributed by jaysontm that he got from a friend did not match up with this one, so please do not use those Wonder Cards. The real deal is now available here, finally: Spanish Gen V Event Gallery .pgf"]Spanish Summer Snarl Zoroark
Nintendo1252 Posted August 29, 2012 Posted August 29, 2012 (edited) Korean Year of the Dragon Shiny Dragon Pokémon (Week 2) Event Information Korean Generation V Event Gallery Edited September 27, 2012 by Nintendo1252 PKM added
mikia14 Posted August 29, 2012 Posted August 29, 2012 (edited) here you go ~ Edited August 30, 2012 by Guested added
MicroChip Posted August 29, 2012 Posted August 29, 2012 I arrived home from a GameStop in Annapolis, MD about 2 hours after Nintendo1252 posted the Keldeo Wonder Card. I downloaded the card from the post and it was a binary match for the one I received from GameStop. I have a DSTwo and an R4 flashcard (one with all the English games and the other with all the Japanese games). When they are in my system it is very hard to tell that they are not actual game cartridges. The only way someone would know is if they saw the flashcard menu screen on my DS before I selected a game.
Guested Posted August 29, 2012 Author Posted August 29, 2012 Thanks for double confirmation there. As for the flashcarts, I don't know about the DSTwo, but I know many other models have changed designs here and there and some have the micro SD slot on the side, and some have it on the top. Some are easy to hide, some are not. But it's really all moot. It's not any business of the staff how you are playing your game. They shouldn't be withholding the event from anyone for that reason or only giving it to people who reserve b2w2... But unfortunately some stores are... Oh well! Can't really be helped. I'll add the new batch of Korean submissions tonight when I get home from work. Thanks!
Guest Posted August 30, 2012 Posted August 30, 2012 MicroChip said: I have a DSTwo and an R4 flashcard (one with all the English games and the other with all the Japanese games). When they are in my system it is very hard to tell that they are not actual game cartridges. The only way someone would know is if they saw the flashcard menu screen on my DS before I selected a game. I can see how the original DSTwo could be hard to tell without looking closely. But his DSTwo is a GBAtemp limited edition one, and those are white. Though I do strongly agree that the store staff should not have turned off the distribution just because of that. But yeah, I guess that's a thing of the past now that you've gotten the other four languages now. Had a derp moment earlier and didn't realize you had actually gotten them already.
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