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I'd like to see the Orange Islands again as well. As for it being part of a game, I'm not sure how it would work but for the anime I think it is a great idea.

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Whats with all this talk about the probability of Kanto not being in the game? I've said it before, where do you think Indigo Plateau is? Its sure as hell not in Johto, that's for sure. And how will we get to Silver Cave? I'm not saying its absolutely going to be in the game, but there's too much proof leading to it, it's best not to doubt, it's best to wait.

  Destati said:
Mewtwo's not a god (don't tell him that though)
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  Mewtwo Ex said:
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I don't know if it's a good idea to spam like that Mewtwo. And unfortunately, Mewtwo isn't God. He wished that he was created by Him though.

And no people, Arceus isn't God either. He's a false god! Back on topic people :)

Whats with all this talk about the probability of Kanto not being in the game? I've said it before, where do you think Indigo Plateau is? Its sure as hell not in Johto, that's for sure. And how will we get to Silver Cave? I'm not saying its absolutely going to be in the game, but there's too much proof leading to it, it's best not to doubt, it's best to wait.

It could easily be cut out. Or it could be easily included.

The map could be re-worked and extended a little bit east in order to include a path to the Plateau and Mt. Silver.

Don't say there's too much proof, because there is literally no proof.

We have about 10 screenshots worth of confirmed information so far.


For nostalgia's sake, I HOPE NOT. That would really be terrible, but I don't know. It's Gamefreak. Those monkeys will do anything to make us feel horrible :-X

But we'll see. I'm hoping Kanto will be included, but not as the "ghost town" (as randomspot555 said) that appeared in the original. I want an extended Kanto/Johto too. @_@

  Guested said:
Don't say there's too much proof, because there is literally no proof.

You are right of course, but I agree with most everyone else when I say to exclude Kanto would either make no sense or be a punch to the gut.

I mean, even with Kanto, I think some serious rework and addition needs to be made for HG and SS to keep up with DPPt on a technical level. Sinnoh is large and in charge.

As for the talk of the Orange Islands, I cannot possibly stress enough how much that will never happen. I will personally buy every single person on these forums a pizza of their choosing if I am wrong. A whole pizza. Really.

Even if the anime did ever influence the games, weren't the Orange Islands like, a separate region from Kanto? With their own League?

  Mewtwo Ex said:
Yes they had their own League. If i remember correct Ash competed there.

Only in the anime though. It wasn't the same way in the game. But since they changed the girl character... anything can change o_O

  Guested said:
It could easily be cut out. Or it could be easily included.

The map could be re-worked and extended a little bit east in order to include a path to the Plateau and Mt. Silver.

Don't say there's too much proof, because there is literally no proof.

We have about 10 screenshots worth of confirmed information so far.

Lets not forget, I said it's best not to guess, it's best to wait. Everything you said is true, but CoroCoro hinted at Kanto.

Posted (edited)

The first G/S/C's Kanto was watered down. I hope it's the full region.

Edited by wraith89
I didn't like the word half-@$$3d. To me it's foul language... am I wrong?

It was the full region, but not exactly what I'd call enjoyable. Or maybe Gamefreak was too lazy. Either way, it didn't help.

As Guested said, we don't know if they'll put in a Kanto region or not, but most likely they will.

  codemonkey85 said:

As for the talk of the Orange Islands, I cannot possibly stress enough how much that will never happen. I will personally buy every single person on these forums a pizza of their choosing if I am wrong. A whole pizza. Really.

A whole pizza for everyone on pokesav?


I know you were just responding to me, but please also stay on topic. And we're not Pokésav.org anymore... just saying. ;)

Anyway, HG and SS will be bringing the franchise back to Johto. Not only were the Orange Islands not a part of Johto (or Kanto for that matter), but what could the anime possibly do with them? Ash already beat their league.

And as for HG and SS themselves, the anime does not influence the games (except for Yellow). I am so sure of this that I am willing to make a bet I cannot possibly follow through on anyway! It's win-win.

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