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  dsa said:
i don´t mean the whole code just the lines that were missing!......or try to splitt the code and make two codes out of that and then activate only these two parts....maybe that helps?

forget it im just going to give up on getting Victini as none of your suggestions will work for me as my skill lv at manipulating AR codes is 0 and im too lazy to input the whole thing as all of it is missing on my AR DSi as thats 6-7 pages in Microsoft Word for just the version for Black

  Primal Giratina said:
forget it im just going to give up on getting Victini as none of your suggestions will work for me as my skill lv at manipulating AR codes is 0 and im too lazy to input the whole thing as all of it is missing on my AR DSi as thats 6-7 pages in Microsoft Word for just the version for Black

Well the Wifi Event is still on till april 10th so yea.... if you really want victini you should go to a restaurant every place has Wifi now even fast food places like Mcdonalds and BurgerKing lol

  vilnolin said:
I keep getting directed here when searching for a shaking area modifier. and word on one that can turn on shaking grass, dirt, ect?

Im pretty sure that will take alot of time for them to create one if they even do create one since the Ground Shaking is some what random meaning it can literally happen on any patch of grass or any step or ground in caves.

  Immabeast said:
Im pretty sure that will take alot of time for them to create one if they even do create one since the Ground Shaking is some what random meaning it can literally happen on any patch of grass or any step or ground in caves.

well.....here it is.....the one found&tested by allykat:

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is there a pokesav that si compatible with the english versions yet becuase i found some but its only for the japanese version i would like one for the american version as well as one for the european versions for those who have those verisons as well thx

  Immabeast said:
Well the Wifi Event is still on till april 10th so yea.... if you really want victini you should go to a restaurant every place has Wifi now even fast food places like Mcdonalds and BurgerKing lol

i cant get our wi-fi to work on my DSi cause its a secure network and i keep getting some error every time it tries to test the connection and i dont live close enough to a McDonalds to be able to walk there the nearest is like 5-6 miles away and i dont drive thats why i need a GOOD code to put on my AR that isnt 6-7 pages in Microsoft Word we almost never go out to eat and when we do i leave my DSi at home so i dont lose it

  The first and last said:
Is there a victini event code and is there also a code to re battle him after you catch him?

theres both but the victini event code is 6-7 pages in Microsoft Word on size 12 Times New Roman font so the AR code managers wont accept it and the re-battle is on a different thread thats for US/Canada versions


I used a TM and HM code that replaced my key items. Being my careless self saved -_-. I can't figure a way to get them back. I tried all items codes but tehy don't seem to work anymore either.. Can somebody help?

  dsa said:
well.....here it is.....the one found&tested by allykat:
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What button do you press to activate the ground/grass shaking code in the games, or does it happen automatically once you activate the code in Action Replay?

  monachito1 said:
is there a pokesav that si compatible with the english versions yet becuase i found some but its only for the japanese version i would like one for the american version as well as one for the european versions for those who have those verisons as well thx

The version I have seems to work perfectly fine with the US and EU versions of the game, but it was designed with the (J) ROM in mind.

Interestingly enough, a (J) save file is compatible with both the (E) and (U) ROMs and vice versa, and a White save file can be played on Black and vice versa. I've tested it every which way and it's worked for me without a hitch.


It's been a while for me, so I haven't been able to keep up. Has a code for both IV and EV been made yet? ^ ^;;

  rika_star25 said:
What button do you press to activate the ground/grass shaking code in the games, or does it happen automatically once you activate the code in Action Replay?

well try it out?....(means i dk coz i don´t use it mylady)!:D

  brianbebored said:
I used a TM and HM code that replaced my key items. Being my careless self saved -_-. I can't figure a way to get them back. I tried all items codes but tehy don't seem to work anymore either.. Can somebody help?

I try.....use these codes:

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  The first and last said:
Is there a victini event code and is there also a code to re battle him after you catch him?

don´t fear anything.....the code must work....think it is more a hardware/software issue by the giratina guy....although the id gave me this:IRBJ b39db08a (seems to be japanese....but the other itemcodes were working fine)....well maybe if it does not work for you too....we have to wait till there´s a better Pokesav aviable.....anyway here are all codes you requested:

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I found a pokesav for black and white US version. It is still experimental though, and does not have all the new moves or abilities. It was made by CloneCharizard. it can be found at this site: http://gbatemp.net/t256369-clonecharizard-s-pokesav-black-white-translation

Also, i was wondering if anyone has a code to use bag items in battle subway like this one for heart gold

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  rika_star25 said:
What button do you press to activate the ground/grass shaking code in the games, or does it happen automatically once you activate the code in Action Replay?

it is the L button. hold the button and move 1 step and a shaking spot should apper. also is there a code for all encounters to have perfect IVs or hidden power IVs?

  suaqua said:
it is the L button. hold the button and move 1 step and a shaking spot should apper. also is there a code for all encounters to have perfect IVs or hidden power IVs?

thank´s you are a lifesaver......well i did not use that code....just having it on my list....coz i relay more on the random wild poke code.....anyway....thanks...because i can not copy descriptions without opening the xml or my ARDsi! :D

  You wanted to know which code caused your Pokemon to be illegal: [b said:
EV Marking code[/b]. Reasons why: you used an EV Marking Code on more than two stats OR you did not have the common sense to use it on a Pokemon until after Training it <-- #1 cause of illegal Pokemon. Example: You train a Pokemon it gains 10 EV in Speed, you then use the EV Marking code on HP and Attack which results in you have 252 HP EV, 252 Attack EV, and 10 Speed EV for a total of 514 EV points --- makring the Pokemon illegal. First off, as say to everyone: never use EV Marking codes cause they cause the problem just mentioned. Second off, if you want a quick way to raise EV's... use Vitamins and Wings. In my Codelist, there are two codes that I use: one for Revealing the EV's and another that removes the Vitamin's limit of the first 100 EV.

You can only use it on two? You can't make two stats 252 and then make the last one six without it being screwed up?


Besides a code to use items in battle subway( or another way to steal battle subway pokemon), I am also looking for a code to get the event pokemon Keldeo, Meleotta, and Genosect legitamantly if anyone knows the wondercard to activate the pokemon and get them.


Several points being made below:

Looking for a Keldeo code for Black (Black first, anyway--White later), 'cuz I don't know if the one from the YouTube video requires activation somehow. I put it in (the code that gives you "bob") but Keldeo never appeared, not in my party nor any of my boxes--what do I do?

Also one of the countless still looking for a SHORT Liberty Pass code... ;)

Need a code for White-caught Thundurus since I have Black and want to eventually battle Landorus.

Is or could there be a code to get trade Pokemon to evolve by level, or should I stick them in the Global Terminal like the old (4th Gen) trade self-evolution?

*HOW* exactly does that "discard Master Balls to catch Pokemon by number" code *WORK*!? I got *SO* confused! Simple, small words plz? LOL

Alternatively, I *think* I found a "catch any Pokemon by hex value" code (see below), so if there's a hex value set for ALL Pokemon, *GREAT!* :D

This one *claims* to be for Keldeo, but anyway:

94000130 fffb0000

c0000000 0000002f

12250030 00000287

dc000000 00000004

d2000000 00000000

Now, I put at least one Pokemon in each of my original 8 Boxes, but it did NOT open the next 8--WTF?

Thanks in advance for the help!

  ArtemiSerebii said:
Several points being made below:

Looking for a Keldeo code for Black (Black first, anyway--White later), 'cuz I don't know if the one from the YouTube video requires activation somehow. I put it in (the code that gives you "bob") but Keldeo never appeared, not in my party nor any of my boxes--what do I do?

Also one of the countless still looking for a SHORT Liberty Pass code... ;)

Need a code for White-caught Thundurus since I have Black and want to eventually battle Landorus.

Is or could there be a code to get trade Pokemon to evolve by level, or should I stick them in the Global Terminal like the old (4th Gen) trade self-evolution?

*HOW* exactly does that "discard Master Balls to catch Pokemon by number" code *WORK*!? I got *SO* confused! Simple, small words plz? LOL

Alternatively, I *think* I found a "catch any Pokemon by hex value" code (see below), so if there's a hex value set for ALL Pokemon, *GREAT!* :D

This one *claims* to be for Keldeo, but anyway:

94000130 fffb0000

c0000000 0000002f

12250030 00000287

dc000000 00000004

d2000000 00000000

Now, I put at least one Pokemon in each of my original 8 Boxes, but it did NOT open the next 8--WTF?

Thanks in advance for the help!

why not try out the WC Liberty pass code i made??? maybe it works?

and for the catch modifier.....you must press the keys (L+R i think) to recieve the ammount of balls (649 Mballs and 100 Great balls i think.....then throw away the Mballs till let´s say it reaches 333 then hit select and then throw away the greatBalls till the level you wanted is there.....then select and the poke with dex no. 333 and eg. Lv. 12 will reach you!

alternatively you can use the wild pokemon modifier codes from codejunkies to specify the pokemon by selecting the code in ARDSi or just try this code here out:

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I have a quick question... The instant breed code I have for white works to perfection, even allowing me to get legendaries in eggs, but is the hatched pokemon (i.e. Zekrom) considered legitimate enough for wi-fi trade and battles? I have the alternate version for black but have yet to test it on legendaries...

  iShaade said:
You can only use it on two? You can't make two stats 252 and then make the last one six without it being screwed up?

You ca use Vitamins for the last 6 EV's. It works for me. ;)

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