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I got this to work exactly once past the rebooting when switching a gba cart, but i realized my ftp server wasn't on and i ended up restarting. Now I can't get anything to work because it says it can't backup a gba game.

I dont WANT it to back up a gba game i want it to fucking work with black 2.

edit: got it to work at least to the writing phase by:

1. put in gba and acekard2i (with snapshot 1)

2. launch flashcart

3. pull gba game

4. launch sgm

5. press b then backup save menu

6. put in gba game, pull flashcart

7, put in new game, doesn't restart. NOW pull gba game after new game is in. It wont restart.

However in these steps i'd get to 71% and then it says "error, wrote 512 got 47"

edit2: It said it backed it up, smallftp says uploading then just times out and i dont actually have the save file.


Thanks for the reply! I tried it with savegame_manager 0.2.4 and 0.3.0RC1 but my DSlite does'nt get past the gameboy advance screen after loading the savegame_manager.ds.gba

Do I need extra software or hardware to be able to load *.ds.gba files? I really don't know what I am doing wrong. Thanks in advance!


Really appreciate the help! I loaded a passme, booted the ezflash in the ds-mode, did everything like Pingouin7 with both versions but the screen just freezes after pressing the A-button for loading the savemanager. Anymore suggestions? I'll definitively try them! Thanks


I can upload the exact files I am using, maybe that could help.

It seemed like sometimes it worked, sometimes it didn't when patching.

  • 2 weeks later...


I have just downloaded 0.3.0.RC1.

Runing in on a steatlh flashed DS lite with an M3 lite (slot 2).

Game on slot 1: pokemon pearl (japanesse).

When starting the falshcard shows this message:


Waning! NDS GAME SAVE in card


directory. Backup fail! Press A

to continue.

Then I run sagame manager and both screen are black.

A small masagge shows uon the lower screens top left corner: DLDI error

Can you help me fix the problem?


It sounds to me like you haven't DLDI patched the binary properly.

  • 4 weeks later...

Okay, I'm using this, and keep getting "AP not found". I also have used this tool before, and had the same issue, with an ARDSi. I'm using a TTDSi this time, on a DS Lite, if that helps. What do I set the IP to in the .ini? My router uses, so that's what it is currently set to. I have no idea what I am doing wrong here.

edit: nvm. Didn't have a connection set up on the ds. But now it stays at "connecting to ftp server", and nothing happens, neither on smallftpd, or on my ds...

edit2: okay, now it just displayed "ERROR FTP server missing". what's going on here??


I'm trying to use version 0.2.4 with an Action Replay DSi (running on DS Lite), but pressing B on the opening screen only removes the request to press B and freezes the software... any solutions?


Have you DLDI patched the .nds?

Patchers can be found at:


and the appropriate patch is at:


I personally have trouble with microSDs larger than 2GB with the v1 patch; haven't tried the v2 patch.

And it is for the Action Replay DSi even though it says Games 'n Music (same company).

  evandixon said:
Have you DLDI patched the .nds?

Patchers can be found at:


and the appropriate patch is at:


I personally have trouble with microSDs larger than 2GB with the v1 patch; haven't tried the v2 patch.

And it is for the Action Replay DSi even though it says Games 'n Music (same company).

I'll take a look at this patch really quickly...

EDIT: Still nothing. Crashes every time.

  • 4 weeks later...

Hello everyone,

I'm trying to restore a Pokemon Black 2 save that I previously backuped a thew months ago but failed. I used to use an older version of SGM but erased it like an idiot and I cannot make the newer version work :

- the 0.3 just shut my DSLite down when I try to launch it

- the 0.2.4 can't acces my FTP server despite the fact I'm using the same soft as I did for the older version

I tested my ftp serveur and I can access my folder on another PC no problem and the internet access of the NDS works fine too (I just downloaded new puzzles for Professor Layton) so I think that it comes from SGM, any idea?

Thanks in advance for your answer, cordially.

  • 2 weeks later...

Why the hell is the program just randomly having issues copying the file over to my server all of a sudden?

it works for like, 20% then says error wrote X expected X


Hi, I hope I'm not asking a question that's already been answered but I'm not sure how to word my search to look for what I need. ^^;

I'm currently using version 2.4 of this program - I tried version 3.0 earlier with my Supercard DSTWO and found that it would automatically shut off my DS, but 2.4 works fine. Anyways, I set up my FTP server using smallftpd and upon testing it with Filezilla I verified that it was working. I then saved the login information in the savegame_manager ini file, ejected my SD card, turned on the FTP server, booted up my Supercard and selected save game manager from the menu. It loaded up fine, so I follow the instructions on screen, remove my flashcart, and insert my Pokemon Black version. I press A and connect successfully to my AP, but get stuck on the "connecting to FTP server" screen and then get a message about my FTP server being missing. Now, when I shut off the DS and load up my SD card on the computer, the ini file's FTP server login information is, for some reason, replaced with this:


[ user info ]












[ serch cheat ]

I also sometimes get:


[user info]







Am I doing something wrong, and is there anything I can do to fix this? Why is my ini file being overwritten, and why can't sgm log in to my FTP server even though Filezilla says it's working?

Thanks in advance. :c

  • 3 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

Hey everybody, I hope someone can help me out

I used to have 0.3 working flawlessly to backup my Black 2 and HG saves, but it suddenly stopped working and I can't get it to work again. I use a DS Lite with a original R4DS and an EZ-Flash IV, savegame manager would open in Slot-1 Mode if I recall correctly, recognize the R4DS and the EZ-Flash in their respective slots and have me swap the R4 for an NDS cartridge, but earlier today when I tried to restore my B2 save it loaded in Slot-2 Mode instead, showed just generic "Flashcard" in both slots and froze.

I decided to re-download SGM and patch it all over again to try to make it work, but no matter what I do I can't get it to recognize the flashcarts and work. It either loads in GBA mode, FTP mode, or it simply freezes and gives me a black or white screen. I have tried patching it to .nds.gba with EZ4 Client first and then DLDI patch it, and the other way around to no avail. I edited the configuration file and I did everything suggested in this thread. Even 0.2.4 doesn't work.

This is so frustrating, I've already spent hours on this, I can't think of anything else that could be the problem. The only thing I know for sure is that I had it working before, so it's definitely possible.

Update: Got 0.3 it to work, but it still doesn't recognize the flashcarts like it did before. I was scared of messing up my EZ4 but gave it a shot and it worked. What I did was editing the "language" line in the ini file to "language = lang/sgm_german.ini", this makes sgm run in german, but removing this line gives me a black screen so it's the only way. I also added the line "slot2 = 1" to force it to run in slot 2 mode instead of GBA mode. But what's important is that I managed to restore my B2 save file (:

Edited by Gelato
  • 2 weeks later...

Hello everyone.

I've been trying to work out how to get savegame manager 0.2.4 (i get the black screen with 0.3.0) to work for my pokemon black on a original r4.

I figured up to the point of seeing my nds connecting to smallftp.

When I tried to make 'restore' my r4 sav for my retail cart I can't seem to find anything on the savegame manager. I set smallftp directory to the folder with my r4 sav.

I'm not sure if it's because I'm using my phone as a wifi hotspot. Can people help me out please?

  • 2 months later...

I've tried last version in my R4 (i dont know if it is original or not) and i got black screen. Then i tried v0.2.4 and it worked!

I can confirm it is working in FTP mode and with Pkm Black 2! Thats a great tool! I only wanted to know why v0.3.0 isnt working with me (yes i've tried to DSDL patch but no luck).

  • 3 months later...
  Vacujet said:
If it's what you're saying, I think I'm having the same problem.

I can connect to SmallFTP with my DS, in doing so it says (on the DS):

"FTP: Connecting to AP"

"FTP: Connecting to FTP server"

and then, "FTP: dir"

Nothing else is being displayed on the DS screen. No directory folder tree of any kind.

Meanwhile, on SmallFTP, it is showing the activity of being connected to. Though instead of the usual "connected" type message I remember before (it's been a few months since I've last played with it), it'll say:


"#0 - test - TYPE A (/)" (Note: this appears very briefly.)

and then "#0 - test - PASV (/)" And that is all it displays.

I could understand if it was not connecting at all, then it'd be an issue of a Port or IP number being off somewhere. I can work with that.

But I'm at a complete loss with this. It's connecting, but it's not displaying any file folders of any kind on the DS. It just simply says "FTP: dir"

Meanwhile, SmallFTP simply says "#0 - test - PASV (/)"

I understand that "test" is my smallftp account name, but I cannot understand why its not displaying directories on the ds. I've selected the right directory in which to draw from already and everything.

If it's something stupid I'm missing, please tell me.

To reiterate the directories thing, I've gone under Users > Edit > and under Directories, I have it listed as / --> C:/Smallftp specified under the Physical Path. This is where the save file I want to restore back onto the real cartridge. The filename should match the original that came off of it.

having the same issue right now with my laptop

but for some strangeass reason I have all the same settings on my main computer in the front room and it works just as it should...

  • 3 months later...

Hello, is this thread is still alive?

I have a problem with the savegame manager, it keeps saying FTP: ERROR AP NOT FOUND. I connected to the internet using Black 2 cartridge and backup games from th flashcart and both says Connection Successful but whenever I press create backup or restore in savegame manager, FTP: ERROR AP NOT FOUND still pops up

  • 1 year later...

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