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Posted (edited)

I wanted to make this thread for anyone who wants to contribute Pokemon Black and White Pokemon Exclusively. I see potential in helping the B&W players who in other means can't obtain these Regular in game Pokemon or for those who might need them for Natures, Genders, Stats , Pokedex Etc...

Rules to Contribute:

1.Please Share only "In-Game Pokemon". Examples of In-Game: Any regular Pokemon found and that can be caught in B&W, In-game trades, In-game gift Pokemon, Eggs,.

legit Shinies, Starters, legendary Pokemon. You can share GTS obtained B&W In-game Pokemon since it it's hard to get hacked pokemon there (but not Impossibe. So please check.)

2. Please list anything relevant to the Pokemon : Gender,Nature, how obtained, and what version it's from and anything relevant. the order is not Important.

Ex: Wannapu Male Lax (B) , Mijumaru Egg hatched Male. Pokabu GTS male. This way it helps others download what they look for. All not mandatory but would help.

3.If it's from an English patch Please say so to avoid any problems the regular Version user might have. Ex: "Tsutaja EngPatch Male".

4.All Contributed Pokemon must be legit. No hacks or anything caught by cheating. Must be Legal, Some users will want these for competitive battling etc..

Also please feel free to share your pokemon even if the pokemon have already been posted, The more the better everyone is looking for certain Natures , Stats, Genders etc

Lastly please keep the Disscussion only To the CONTRIBUTION, please don't clutter with any problems/questions you might have about something else. use the search button or PM methods. Guested has an EYE on You :)

Many thanks to Guested for Approving of this Thread and Adjustment and to all the contributers.

Here is my 1st contribution:

Reshiram (B) Naive.pkm

Chaobuu  Lonely (B).pkm

Zorua Lax Male (B).pkm

Reshiram (B) Naive.pkmFetching info...

Chaobuu Lonely (B).pkmFetching info...

Zorua Lax Male (B).pkmFetching info...

Edited by theSLAYER
  • Time Gear 1

Moved this to the Event Contributions forum where it can be alongside our previous Contribution thread, as the BW forum is mainly for discussion.

We'll keep this one separate, as to be specifically for BW and not to get mixed in with the Gen IV pkm files.

Not a bad idea, Makomo.


Here are the ones that were previously submitted in the other thread. I'll leave it to the original posters to re-post them with version/etc.

In-game trades submitted by buzzthebatgirl:



Legendaries submitted by Nigoli:


Posted (edited)

All my Pokemon Black/White .pkm(s) will be posted here. I will try my best to collect Pokemon from all regions in a very extensive manner. The post's attachments will be updated constantly.

All Pokemon are UT (fainted during forced battles). Those Pokemon that require evolution to get were rare candied to their evolution level or had the evolution stone used on them.

Last Update : Jul. 12, 2011 (I'm still alive!!! More Pokemon, new from French!)

Progress Reports:

  Reveal hidden contents


  Reveal hidden contents

RoC - Pokemon Contribution (Mar. 13, 2011).zip

RoC - Pokemon Contribution (Mar. 16, 2011).zip

RoC - Pokemon Contribution (Apr. 18, 2011).zip

(Jul. 12, 2011) Ro&#6.zip

RoC - Pokemon Contribution (Mar. 13, 2011).zipFetching info...

RoC - Pokemon Contribution (Mar. 16, 2011).zipFetching info...

RoC - Pokemon Contribution (Apr. 18, 2011).zipFetching info...

(Jul. 12, 2011) Ro.zipFetching info...

Edited by ReignOfComputer

I collected allmost all in-game pokémon from Black but I'm not sure which programm is currently the best to save these as .pkm files. If I found out I will contribute everything. Anyone who can tell me how (by pm to keep this topic clean)?

  • 4 months later...

ReignOfComputer i really hope you are still doing more pkm files. This is exactly what i was looking for. Im mid game and i was looking for pkm files for pokemon that are at a low or modest level so i can use them where im currently at or level them up to my level. This is perfect and i really thank you. I just hope you keep going my friend.

Posted (edited)

This is my Pkm Database. Keep in mind that these are all 100% Legit and caught in game.

Please use PokeGen and have WinRAR or some other program that can open zip and rar files.

UPDATE: 100% Complete


  Reveal hidden contents

Pkm Database.rar

Pkm Database.zip

Pkm Database.rarFetching info...

Pkm Database.zipFetching info...

Edited by jasterj
Updated zip and rar with finished database
  jasterj said:
This is my Pkm Database. Keep in mind that these are all 100% Legit and caught in game.

UPDATE: 100% Complete


  Reveal hidden contents

You know what i tried to open the contents of one of those andmy pc went nuts

  • 2 weeks later...
  Playmike5 said:
You know what i tried to open the contents of one of those andmy pc went nuts

You need to extract it with Winrar. This works perfectly, Thanks.

  • 2 weeks later...

a few legendarys and my Zekrom. Slightly Lvl'd

Thundurus: lvl 40 - male - Hasty nature

Landurus : lvl 70 - male - Lonely nature

Cobalion : lvl 59 - Unknown - Naive nature

Virizion : lvl 54 - Unknown - Modest nature

Terrakion : Lvl 42 - Unknown - Relaxed Nature

All Legit and Caught in-game

(ps. if there is a prefered way to post my pkm stats please tell me so otherwise ill continue to make my post like this)

May 11, 2011 S70n3&#12.rar

May 11, 2011 S70n3.rarFetching info...


I want to contribute some korean pokemons and i have no clue how to extract pkm file when i load save file in pokegen.

Can anyone tell me how to do it?

EDIT: Nevermind. Silly of me. I figured it out by myself sorry about that.

  Avery Goodgame said:
Every pokemon in Unova's top evolutionary form in English.

EDIT: Whoops, didn't see the post before. I apologize, mods can either delete or I'll just leave mine up, as well, just in case anyone wants multiple ref's.

What does this contradict? Are they hacks?


No, it doesn't contradict anything, it was just somewhat pointless, seeing as jasterj already has an even better .rar containing every English Unova/Isshu pokemon posted up there, and his has male and female.

  • 4 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

I do have a small portion of pkm files but these are the unova starters in their last evo stage

all of them are male and are Lv.100

  Reveal hidden contents

Also I have these:

  Reveal hidden contents

These two are Reshiram And Kyurem from my Pokémon Black Both also Lv.100

Edited by ScientificPikachu
  • 2 weeks later...

The point of this thread isn't to post random crap that you caught/hatched/obtained at events.

What this thread is looking for:

Untouched starters from the beginning of the game (admittedly, a very hard task to accomplish)

The various in-game trades that are offered

"Gift" Pokemon such as the monkey you get in the Dream Yard area

Any type of Pokemon that you encounter with an overworld sprite. These are typically Legendary Pokemon, the egg thing in the Dream Yard post-E4, and so on.

Basically, anything that is special in BW. Stuff you randomly encounter in the wild isn't really all that special.

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