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Hmmm since there's no way yet too put up stuff on Black and white GTS, can you maybe just put up some Gen 5 RNG pokes in pkm file format? becoz i think most people here has a AR or r4 etc..


ye i did it on SS but it's just a normal pichu, it has everything but not the ear ( eg item, nature, gender, and moveset). Any idea where the process of it has gone wrong?

Posted (edited)

e: hold the phone, that might have been wrong...

my apologies for distributing something that, while created to be legal, could not exist in-game. it won't be happening again. as it turns out, the person who claimed she got the original one lied about it and created it herself. not gonna go into it past saying this person checks hacks and knows what she's doing well enough to fool everyone for quite some time. again, my apologies, i hope it doesn't put people off using this,

Edited by Bond697
  Bond697 said:

my apologies for distributing something that, while created to be legal, could not exist in-game. it won't be happening again. as it turns out, the person who claimed she got the original one lied about it and created it herself. not gonna go into it past saying this person checks hacks and knows what she's doing well enough to fool everyone for quite some time. again, my apologies, i hope it doesn't put people off using this,

What about kaphotic's jirachis? those hacked, too?

  kaphotics said:
There are no legit shiny jirachis, so every one has been removed. We had conflicting information, and the information that was correct says no shiny jirachi.

The OP will be updated when Bond gets around to it.

Oh well. Now I feel like an idiot. I wish the jirachi's weren't hacked, but I got them for free anyway, and it's not like I'm losing anything, so why should I care? I didn't win anything, nor did I lose anything.


now that Black and white are out , just a reminder to those of you interested and can't get pkm files into the games, i will trade you any of bonds 5th gen free of charge just send me a pm and we can set up a meet time


For your 5th gen Pokemon, May I ask how do I send Pkm. files to my action replay and then onto my game? Unless you transfer them utilizing the GTS instead?

  Butterfree 1967 said:
Use the newest Beta of Pokegen! Codr made it and it works great! been putting all of Bond's pokemon and Kaphotics in my White!

Unfortunately I am unable to do this. :( I sent you a pm requesting ur help of converting a poke or 2. Really need a ditto...


I know this is a little off topic, but the people in this thread seem to be the most helpful, and knowledgable I have found in this entire site, so, maybe you guys can help me. I am trying to find a device to back-up my save files for HG/SS as well as B/W. What I am hoping to find is a single device that will let me back up my saves from all of these games. I have heard the names NDS Adaptor+, as well as SMS4 thrown around, would one of these devices work? As well, (and I am not sure if this is allowed) maybe someone could pass me a link to a reliable location for purchasing their device of choice?

Thank-you all in advance!

As usual, Bond, thank-you very much for all the hard work you do for us in running this server, and this thread, and I am greatly looking forward to the next batch of Pokemon you have for us!

  aaronbkm said:
I know this is a little off topic, but the people in this thread seem to be the most helpful, and knowledgable I have found in this entire site, so, maybe you guys can help me. I am trying to find a device to back-up my save files for HG/SS as well as B/W. What I am hoping to find is a single device that will let me back up my saves from all of these games. I have heard the names NDS Adaptor+, as well as SMS4 thrown around, would one of these devices work? As well, (and I am not sure if this is allowed) maybe someone could pass me a link to a reliable location for purchasing their device of choice?

Thank-you all in advance!

As usual, Bond, thank-you very much for all the hard work you do for us in running this server, and this thread, and I am greatly looking forward to the next batch of Pokemon you have for us!

Bond and I both own SMS4's :)

  aaronbkm said:
And they're the best thing to use for backing up the various Pokemon games, including Gen V?

Backing up the saves and putting new ones on, yeah I guess. They work 4th gen and 5th gen, and is pretty much like a microSD reader for NDS carts. It also backs up roms too :)


Eh, I am not too concerned with backing up my roms. Mostly I just want something that will back-up my save files in a similar manner to what my AR DSi did with my DPPt, nothing too complicated, really, I would imagine

  aaronbkm said:
Eh, I am not too concerned with backing up my roms. Mostly I just want something that will back-up my save files in a similar manner to what my AR DSi did with my DPPt, nothing too complicated, really, I would imagine

It's just an added bonus, all it does is read everything on the cartridge.

Over my spring break I may crunch out some good Jirachis by RNGing them :) [aka learning how to get the right checksum]


Hey kaphotics, I believe you can convert BW files, right? If so, can you convert a handful for me? Things like female Drought vulpix, female regeneration tangela, and adaptability corphish, as well as others. Also, can you convert some of the cobalion/terrakion/virizion files for me? And Landorus? I know it's a lot to ask for, but I can't find anyone else to do it for me, and the DW pokes may be worth it.

  shinyweavile said:
Hey kaphotics, I believe you can convert BW files, right? If so, can you convert a handful for me? Things like female Drought vulpix, female regeneration tangela, and adaptability corphish, as well as others. Also, can you convert some of the cobalion/terrakion/virizion files for me? And Landorus? I know it's a lot to ask for, but I can't find anyone else to do it for me, and the DW pokes may be worth it.

Don't know where you got that from ;)



Hey can 5th gen pokemon be sent over the Hypergts yet? I've been trying and no luck. :(

edit: nvm I found the thread about it. Now if only I can contribute somehow...

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