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  pokemon5thgeneration said:
Dude thank you so much karoosu was starting to get lazy , you seem better so i hope u get to merge with hes patch so this will come b4 march :DDDDDDDDDDDDDD

Apparently Pokemon Black and White have been pushed back to be released in late April for the U.S, so we have time xD

  pokemon5thgeneration said:
Dude thank you so much karoosu was starting to get lazy , you seem better so i hope u get to merge with hes patch so this will come b4 march :DDDDDDDDDDDDDD

There is actually several people working on the project. The main importance was the gameplay (menu, scenes, items) I'm focusing on the story line because I feel it's important. Remember, if it weren't for him we wouldn't be this far. =D


Am I the only one who has found this patch extremely buggy? It seems every second sentence says ???????????? with a Japanese letter thrown in there somewhere.

I think you should redo it.


I'm wondering if there is any way I can help even without knowing japanese. I'd like to at least try anyway. I can always learn a program or two. Thats not all that hard to do. I used to tinker with scripting a long time ago (4 or 5 years)


Actually, it appears those errors only happen on the first two battles (Cheren and Bel). I'll post if it happens again.

When you talk to Araragi for the first time, she says: Pokemon are are a unique species. They inhabit the world we live in.


I've went through and haven't had any ?????? errors. I'll repatch it again with the one I uploaded, maybe there's a chance I uploaded the wrong one? Has anyone else had that issue?


Thanks! Like I said, it's only in the beginning when you are fighting Bel and Cheren. Other than that, I haven't had it again.

  ruinairas said:
Guess what guys, I got an energy drink and I'm tweaking. I'm ready to pull an all nighter with nothing but translating. (no work tomorrow w00t!)




Okay, I got a question for you guys. Did you guys run into an error while talking to the professor with it saying something about being too dangerous and running off the screen? My girlfriend did, but I didn't...it's weird. I'm wondering

  SDODC13 said:
I'm wondering if there is any way I can help even without knowing japanese. I'd like to at least try anyway. I can always learn a program or two. Thats not all that hard to do. I used to tinker with scripting a long time ago (4 or 5 years)

Hmm..I found something you could do. In game find characters that give you items. especially HM moves. That way I know where to look right away to translate it. I'm sure that it'd be important

  ruinairas said:
Hmm..I found something you could do. In game find characters that give you items. especially HM moves. That way I know where to look right away to translate it. I'm sure that it'd be important

Ok I can do that. :3 I beat the game within a few days anyhow so why not do it again :3 I do know that every ranger and breeder gives you an item. To my knowledge its a random item. Its usually a healing item or a berry. I do remember that you get several of the hms from your rivals and Waterfall is located on Rt. 18.

  SDODC13 said:
Ok I can do that. :3 I beat the game within a few days anyhow so why not do it again :3 I do know that every ranger and breeder gives you an item. To my knowledge its a random item. Its usually a healing item or a berry. I do remember that you get several of the hms from your rivals and Waterfall is located on Rt. 18.

Okay, if you can take screenshots. that would make it easier for me! =D

  ruinairas said:
Okay, I got a question for you guys. Did you guys run into an error while talking to the professor with it saying something about being too dangerous and running off the screen? My girlfriend did, but I didn't...it's weird. I'm wondering

I'm not exactly sure what you mean

But I do remember that while talking to the professor that when she says the word 'dangerous' part of the word is cut off (it goes out of the text box)

it's not really a major problem


ok I'll have to try and blow through as fast as I can. Like I said beat the game so I'm gunna start from scratch here and update you with anything important from there henceforth item wise. As a side note that I'm not using an emulator that I has a flash cart. so I'll try what I can to be as acurate as possible.


Yeah, that isn't even suppose to be there. I don't know where it's finding it. For some reason it's picking up a script from outside...I told my gf to restart and it didn't happen that time..0.0 weird. Thanks for helping me out finding these issues guys it helps ALOT!!


I feel like the patch is fine. I wasn't disappointed at all, not even with the typo. Like you said before perfect English isn't necessary. My common sense kicked in automatically anyways. I love what your doing because truth be told this may be the only time I get to play Pokemon considering I can never afford to buy it.

Thanks man and keep going. LoL.


Right before you absolute very first battle, Bel says "Come one" instead of "Come on"

And right after the fight, she says "worse then" and it should be "worse than"

Cheren says "I'll better heal" when it should be "I better heal"

After the second battle, Cheren says "You was right Belle", which has two problems. The grammar should be "You were right" but also, the name is inconsistent. Bel was used earlier.

(As someone else said, these are just minor spelling issues. Feel free to ignore me)


Okay thanks, Well good news guys. Me and a couple others are working together and we've gotten all the way to the 2nd town. I'm going through proof reading and testing for bugs.

  ruinairas said:
Okay thanks, Well good news guys. Me and a couple others are working together and we've gotten all the way to the 2nd town. I'm going through proof reading and testing for bugs.

Holy ****

damn you guys are going way fast


well so far the only item I came across that isnt part of the main story is a blue haired chick on route 1 that goves you a potion. I assume she works for the pokemart or something.

(note: started over and just beat N)

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