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  Shadow_Steve said:
or this:

When walking with an egg\xfffeIt is much easier to hatch \xfffethe effect last 60 minutes

also more the + signs, more time is added on to it, if it has - signs on it, that means its either decreases the encounter rate or decrease the exp gain from battles

also ruin, sorry, this is my fault there is more to the mission info:


Thanks, I'm going to mess around with this for a while and try to put some serious thought into all of this.


after taking in some time, messing with google translator, i have this info so far:

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Posted (edited)

Am I missing something here

ORIG: When an egg walk \xfffe much easier to hatch \xfffe effect is 30 minutes (When an egg walk? << Changed: When walking with an egg \xfffe It's much easier to hatch \xfffe effect is 30 minutes

Edited by ruinairas
  Shadow_Steve said:
hey ruin, does this sound good for discount power: Friendly Discount

Yeah, from what I can come up with it probably sounds the best. (Honored Discount, Respect Discount, Loyal Discount, or Effort Discount)

Posted (edited)
  Shadow_Steve said:
ok, but the is shade_witch, im just using my boyfriend's login stuff here

Okay, well here is what I had changed all together (From the information you put) I haven't verfied with Serebii yet I'm to tired.

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Your google bits.

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Edited by ruinairas

hey, ruin, here is yours modified to sound a little better, hope you dont mind i did this

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Posted (edited)
  Shadow_Steve said:
hey, ruin, here is yours modified to sound a little better, hope you dont mind i did this
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No problem. Teamwork is the way! Anyway anyone want to look at what else I've been doing. I would like to know if I'm doing this right. I edited the 0003.txt I am not finished yet, but I'd hate to continue workin on it if I'm doing it wrong...=p

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Edited by ruinairas
added original

well, if you have some trouble with google translator, use the mirror of your file, say your using 0000/0003 file, you would want to use 0001/0003 file yeah it might be be different but you can gauge your info on that when you run it through google

also for your translations, i think coliseum is supposed to be battles, let me recheck on my end

also, ruin, what is your name on git??? cause if something you want looked at, its easier for me to find, cause my browser tries to squash the symbols together when normally posted

ok, nevermind on the coliseum thing, that is right on the money ^__^

  Shadow_Steve said:
well, if you have some trouble with google translator, use the mirror of your file, say your using 0000/0003 file, you would want to use 0001/0003 file yeah it might be be different but you can gauge your info on that when you run it through google

also for your translations, i think coliseum is supposed to be battles, let me recheck on my end

also, ruin, what is your name on git??? cause if something you want looked at, its easier for me to find, cause my browser tries to squash the symbols together when normally posted

Yeah, I was thinking that any idea what the answers might be? I'm thinking it might be

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Its debatable. It could also mean continue/cancel or something I'm not sure.


My git? I dont got one..not yet anyway. I just started translating and helping this project because I'm looking for a hobby...everything I know I learned from you like an hour or so ago..lol

Edit: currently figuring out how to get git to work...and well figure out what exactly it is. Shouldn't take me long. I'll get it.


Okay, Well I figured something out on behalf of my previous post

The options were

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They actually say "no shooter" or "in shooter"on google translate and on serebii there is a new thing called miracle shooter, which allows items in battle. so it asks about miracle shooter. Correct me if im wrong. source

  Shadow_Steve said:
when you sign-up, the main thing you want to do after you get an account going, you want to "fork" the main git so it will make your own git with the files in it

Okay, I'm working on that now.


well, i was going to say this, i have yes and no memorized, here is yes (はい) and no(いいえ)

also your close to the money on that, im trying on my end to figure out what they are, from what you said, that sounds right


Any ideas on making this better

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I created a GIT. my user is ruinairas. I need to build one still. I'm multitasking like crazy


from my end, this is what i did to it:

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  Shadow_Steve said:
from my end, this is what i did to it:
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okay I added that..sounds great! Well I just found out something new about pokemon "Flat battles" well I googled the rest got

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Probably going to need some help with this. and on behalf of the git going to have to be patient with me. my computer has been acting weird all day and its having runtime errors when I try to start the gui.

We got all this together.

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Oh I was going to ask you is there any more of the high link that needs translated?

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