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Pokémon Black and White Translation Project v2


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I know it may sound a little stupid, but how can I aplly a "file.patch" in a rom?

I'm asking cause the latest patch is not a "file.xdelta", so the XDELTAUI.exe does not recognize it.

Thanks for the help.

from a command prompt in the xdelta directory with all the files you need pasted in there:

xdelta patch patchname.patch binaryname.nds

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Anyone doing Pokedex descriptions?

You can find the pokedex descriptions http://pokebeach.com/2010/09/pokemon-black-pokedex-entries for black and http://pokebeach.com/2010/09/pokemon-black-and-white-pokedex-entries for white. If someone is able to find the correct file in git that these are in and update them that'd be awesome, I looked at the files but am completely lost.

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You can find the pokedex descriptions http://pokebeach.com/2010/09/pokemon-black-pokedex-entries for black and http://pokebeach.com/2010/09/pokemon-black-and-white-pokedex-entries for white. If someone is able to find the correct file in git that these are in and update them that'd be awesome, I looked at the files but am completely lost.

Yeah it shouldn't be hard to translate, i was hoping someone had found them already.

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Just to make a note the pokedex files that are on the git page are for pokemon black only, white has slightly different descriptions.

Edit...It looks like file 0235.txt is the white national pokedex descriptions where 0236.txt is the black. And the 237 and 238 are just the gen IV descriptions they only go up to 494 (it looks like they include other translations in there as well, there's a french one, a german one, a spanish one, and another latin american one)

Eg. 649 Genosectt

Black Description

3おくねんまえに さいきょうの\xfffeハンターとして おそれられていた。\xfffeプラズマだんに かいぞうされた。

300,000,000 years ago it was feared as the ultimate hunter. Team Plasma modified it.

White Description

プラズマだんによって かいぞうされた\xfffeこだいの むしポケモン。せなかの\xfffeたいほうが パワーアップした。

An ancient Bug Pokemon that was altered by Team Plasma. The canons on its back were made more powerful.

Edited by DeadPool
Found out new stuff
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Congratulations on pushing V1 out the door.

Looking good. Slightly disappointed (not at the project's progress) that I have no idea what is going on, but Marriland is walking me through it when I need it.

At this rate you guys will have the whole thing in English a lot sooner than Gamefreak.

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starting with deadpool's info, here is some for black dex:

646 - Kyurem

It produces powerful freezing energy inside its body, but its body is frozen by the chill that seeps out.

きょうりょくな れいとうエネルギーを\xfffeたいないで つくりだすが もれだした\xfffeれいきで からだが こおっている。

647 - Kerudoi

It spouts water from its hooves, and moves across the water’s surface as if it was gliding. It fights with its special foot techniques.

ひづめから みずを ふきだすことで\xfffeすいめんを すべるように いどう。\xfffeとくいの あしわざで たたかう。

648 - Meloetta

It sings with a unique vocalization, and freely manipulates the emotions of creatures who hear its melody.

とくしゅな はっせいほうで うたう\xfffeメロディは きいた ものの\xfffeかんじょうを じざいに あやつる。

649 - Genosect

3おくねんまえに さいきょうの\xfffeハンターとして おそれられていた。\xfffeプラズマだん に かいぞうされた。

300,000,000 years ago it was feared as the ultimate hunter. Team Plasma modified it.

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starting with deadpool's info, here is some for black dex:

646 - Kyurem

It produces powerful freezing energy inside its body, but its body is frozen by the chill that seeps out.

きょうりょくな れいとうエネルギーを\xfffeたいないで つくりだすが もれだした\xfffeれいきで からだが こおっている。

647 - Kerudoi

It spouts water from its hooves, and moves across the water’s surface as if it was gliding. It fights with its special foot techniques.

ひづめから みずを ふきだすことで\xfffeすいめんを すべるように いどう。\xfffeとくいの あしわざで たたかう。

648 - Meloetta

It sings with a unique vocalization, and freely manipulates the emotions of creatures who hear its melody.

とくしゅな はっせいほうで うたう\xfffeメロディは きいた ものの\xfffeかんじょうを じざいに あやつる。

649 - Genosect

3おくねんまえに さいきょうの\xfffeハンターとして おそれられていた。\xfffeプラズマだん に かいぞうされた。

300,000,000 years ago it was feared as the ultimate hunter. Team Plasma modified it.

Starts from line 495 for Victini, it's really just a case of copy and past then put in line breaks.

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is there any moire news on wether any of the patches enable the game to be played using the R4i-sdhc 1.4 with the firmware release from couple days ago?

at moment i'm using the exp translation (great work btw) on my very old standard R4 with Wood for pokemon and it works perfectly, would be nice to be able to have both version running in order to trade.

cheers m'dears

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For some time after\xfffeits birth, it grows\xfffeby gaining nourishment\xfffefrom the seed on its back.

When the bud on its\xfffeback starts swelling, a sweet\xfffearoma wafts to indicate the\xfffeflower's coming bloom.

After a rainy day,\xfffethe flower on its back\xfffesmells stronger. The scent\xfffeattracts other Pokémon.

The fire on the tip of\xfffeits tail is a measure\xfffeof its life.\xfffeIf healthy, its tail\xfffeburns intensely.

In the rocky mountains\xfffewhere Charmeleon live, their fiery\xfffetails shine at night like stars.

It is said that Charizard's\xfffefire burns hotter if it has\xfffeexperienced harsh battles.

It shelters itself in its\xfffeshell, then strikes back\xfffewith spouts of water\xfffeat every opportunity.

It is said to live 10,000 years.\xfffeIts furry tail is popular as a\xfffesymbol of longevity.

The jets of water it\xfffespouts from the rocket cannons\xfffeon its shell can punch through\xfffethick steel.

It releases a stench from its\xfffered antenna to repel enemies.\xfffeIt grows by molting repeatedly.

A steel-hard shell\xfffeprotects its tender body.\xfffeIt quietly endures hardships\xfffewhile awaiting evolution.

It loves the honey of flowers\xfffeand can locate flower patches\xfffethat have even tiny amounts of pollen.

It eats its weight in leaves every day.\xfffeIt fends off attackers with the\xfffeneedle on its head.

While awaiting evolution, it hides from\xfffepredators under leaves and\xfffein nooks of branches.

Its best attack involves flying\xfffearound at high speed, striking\xfffewith poison needles, then flying off.

It is docile and\xfffeprefers to avoid conflict.\xfffeIf disturbed, however, it can\xfffeferociously strike back.

It flies over its wide territory\xfffein search of prey, downing it with\xfffeits highly developed claws.

By flapping its wings with\xfffeall its might, Pidgeot can make\xfffea gust of wind capable of\xfffebending tall trees.

Cautious in the extreme,\xfffeits hardy vitality lets it\xfffelive in any kind of environment.

It whittles its constantly growing\xfffefangs by gnawing on hard things.\xfffeIt can chew apart cinder walls.

It flaps its small wings busily to fly.\xfffeUsing its beak, it searches in grass\xfffefor prey.

It has the stamina to fly all day\xfffeon its broad wings.\xfffeIt fights using its sharp beak.

It sneaks through grass without\xfffemaking a sound and strikes unsuspecting\xfffeprey from behind.

The pattern on its belly is for\xfffeintimidation. It constricts foes when\xfffethey are frozen in fear.

?????????????? It occasionally uses an electric shock to recharge a fellow Pikachu that is in a weakened state. ????????????

??????????????Its tail discharges electricity into the ground, protecting it from getting shocked.?????????????

To protect itself from attackers, it curls up\xfffeinto a ball. It lives in arid regions\xfffewith minimal rainfall.

It curls up, then rolls into foes\xfffewith its back. Its sharp spines\xfffeinflict severe damage.

While it does not prefer to fight,\xfffeeven one drop of the poison it secretes\xfffefrom its barbs can be fatal.

When it senses danger, it raises all\xfffethe barbs on its body. These barbs grow\xfffeslower than Nidorino's.

Its entire body is armored\xfffewith hard scales. It will protect\xfffethe young in its burrow\xfffewith its life.

It scans its surroundings by raising its\xfffeears out of the grass. Its toxic horn\xfffeis for protection.

It has a violent disposition\xfffeand stabs foes with its horn,\xfffewhich oozes poison upon impact.

One swing of its mighty tail\xfffecan snap a telephone pole as if it\xfffewere a matchstick.

?????????????????????It is said that happiness will come to those who see a gathering of Clefairy dancing under a full moon.?????????

?????????????????????It is very wary and rarely shows itself to people. Its ears can hear a pin drop over half a mile away.

It controls balls of fire.\xfffeAs it grows, its six tails split\xfffefrom their tips to make more tails.

Its nine tails are said to be\xfffeimbued with a mystic power.\xfffeIt can live for a thousand years.

When it wavers its big, round eyes,\xfffeit begins singing a lullaby that makes\xfffeeveryone drowsy.

Its fine fur feels sublime\xfffeto the touch. It can expand its\xfffebody by inhaling air.

???????????It checks its surroundings and location using reflections of the ultrasonic waves from its mouth.?????????????

???????????Its sharp fangs puncture the toughest of hides and have small holes for greedily sucking blood. ??????????????

It often plants its\xffferoot feet in the ground during\xfffethe day and sows seeds as it\xfffewalks about at night.

The honey it drools from its mouth\xfffesmells so atrocious, it can curl noses more\xfffethan a mile away.

Its petals are the largest in the world.\xfffeAs it walks, it scatters extremely\xfffeallergenic pollen.

Mushrooms named tochukaso\xfffegrow on its back. They grow along\xfffewith the host Paras.

????????????????A mushroom grown larger than the host's body controls Parasect. It scatters poisonous spores.????????????

Its big eyes are actually clusters of\xfffetiny eyes. At night, its kind is\xfffedrawn by light.

It flutters its wings\xfffeto scatter dustlike scales. The scales\xfffeleach toxins if they contact skin.

A Pokémon that lives underground.\xfffeBecause of its dark habitat, it is repelled by\xfffebright sunlight.

Its three heads move alternately,\xfffedriving it through tough soil to\xfffedepths of over 60 miles.

Lines 2-52, 236.txt

The ones with ???????? are ones im not sure of yet and will do a bit later, also does anyone know how many characters can fit on a line? so i can better space the \xfffe codes.

Anway hope it helps.

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is there any moire news on wether any of the patches enable the game to be played using the R4i-sdhc 1.4 with the firmware release from couple days ago?

at moment i'm using the exp translation (great work btw) on my very old standard R4 with Wood for pokemon and it works perfectly, would be nice to be able to have both version running in order to trade.

cheers m'dears

r4i-sdhc firmware STILL doesn't support the clean roms, therefore it WILL NOT support the patch...

HOWEVER! Find and use ysmenu. It works on mine. :3 Be sure to read the dstt information mentioned in the first post. AND READ IT CAREFULLY :o

Have fun

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Lol, your right, someone just needs to copy that to 236 aswell.

Want me to start from Victini and meet you halfway?

go for it, i merged 237 for my branch, trying to figure out exactly where the breaks go

as for genosect, hopefully i got it right:

300,000,000 years ago\xfffeit was feared as the ultimate hunter.\xfffeTeam Plasma modified it.

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