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:::Press L+R,

you will get 649 Master Ball

and 100 Ultra Ball,

Toss to change amounts to Pokémon number

and level respectively.

Press Select before heading into grass.

Master ball dex #

Ultra ball level

the description is concise enough and easy to understand

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Posted (edited)

LanceQ: Try using this instead.

Note: Might not work propertly. Same directions as before.

::Wild Pokémon Modifier V2

Press L to receive the Master Balls and Ultra Balls

Hold Select to encounter a Pokémon

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Edited by Riolu Aura Sphere Now

Type 1:

Cyndaquil is working now, however, it is not an egg. Press[select]

It knows Tackle and Ember and is holding a Flame Plate

Pokemon Black

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Pokemon White

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  Riolu Aura Sphere Now said:
Try generating codes using Type 2 instead of Type 1. Also, make them as Legit as possible meaning no Held Items, 0 EV's, Random IV's, no Max Stats of any kind, ect, ect.

Thanks for the tips, but this is really just practice. I'll get into the technical stuff later.

Totodile; Box 2, Slot 5

It knows Pound and Water Gun and is holding a Splash Plate

Pokemon Black

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Pokemon White

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Sure, give me a sec.

Edit: the results

What it does:

Gives you 649 Master Balls and 100 Ultra Balls

What it doesn't do:

Let you see a pokemon depending on the amount of master balls you have


If you activate the cheat twice, or all ready have a master ball and/or ultra ball, it will list them twice.

Edit2: Trying to make a legit chikorita by using the IV Calculator on Serebii. Having trouble working with it though. Doesn't give me correct IVs and keeps EVs(Except Special Defense) at 0

Edit3: Got tired of trying to make a legit chikorita, so here's one that has random IVs and EVs, but no held items.

Chikorita; box 2, slot 6

Pokemon Black

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Pokemon White

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Edit4: Sorry for so many edits, but does anyone have the Kumasyun(クマシュン ) Event code yet?


This AR code gives you my Jarooda, if you want it. Press Select and it will replace the first pokemon in your party.

Pokemon Black

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Pokemon White

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English Victini(IE, Victinicaught with an english patch game)

Press select to replace the Pokemon in box 1 slot 7

Pokemon Black

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Pokemon White

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I wanted Shiny Victini, but the Shiny Pokemon Cheat crashed the game when I tried to battle it.

  Mr.Fuji said:
Hmm, maybe if you tried splitting the codes up for each stat, making it so you can put in the ev value 0 - 252 for each stat, sort of how the IV codes are that were posted on the GBAtemp cheat site:

Can you type in all of them and use all 6 at the same time for a perfect pokemon?

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