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About This File

This is a rom hack of Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky that adds in all starter Pokémon from across gens 5-9!

  • On top of just adding the standard starters, Zorua, Axew and Rockruff have also been made starters, Eevee can evolve into Sylveon, and all partner pokémon across all rescue team and explorers games are available. New portraits and animations have been added to existing starters. Alolan Raichu, Alolan Marowak and Hisuian Typhlosion have also been added as branch evolutions for their respective base starters (as of v1.3.0).
  • Implements the fairy type, updating all fairy pokemon and moves to have the correct typing. Milk Drink has been replaced with Disarming Voice, and the placeholder move data for Judgement has been replaced by Moonblast.
  • Due to limitations to the amount of partners in the game, the mod has been split into two separate patches, MIDDAY version and MIDNIGHT version. Both have the same hero options, but MIDDAY includes all fire, grass and water starters for gens 1-7 as partners, whereas MIDNIGHT version includes all other new partners added by this mod, as well as all other partners from rescue team and explorers (pikachu, eevee, machop, riolu, etc). Check the document included in the zip file for specifics and use whichever patch aligns your dream team best.
  • Applies several quality of life patches that come bundled with skytemple - such as confirming your hero choice after the quiz, exp share, move shortcuts, mass-appraisal of boxes and fairy gummies. A full list with credits can be found in the document included in the zip file.
  • A copy of XDeltaUI has been included in the zip file for ease of patching. Instructions for patching the game can be found in the document included in the zip file.
  • XDeltaUI might not work if you're on a mac - if not, I've been told this tool works instead: https://www.romhacking.net/utilities/746/
  • UniPatcher works well for Android devices.
  • This is purely a starter modification hack - there are no story changes.

Learnsets, IQ Groups and evolution info can be found in this spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Spq9U_TCTqxT-NTovtm_c9Mzv1kTuTujd-BpPp0jj4U/edit?usp=sharing


NEW 23/05/24: A lot of you reported issues with Grovyle's sprite not behaving as intended. This has now been fixed. A bug causing the game to occasionally freeze when advancing floors should also now be resolved.

NEW 10/03/24: Axew and Grookey added as starters, replacing Shinx and Riolu respectively. Shinx and Riolu are still available as partners in MIDNIGHT, to use them as heroes use version 1.2.1 or below. Additional portraits/sprites have been added for evolutions of all playable heros/partners where applicable, and sleep animation has been copied over to EventSleep where missing. Greninja's moveset has been updated and Sobble's full evolution line is now implemented. Alolan Raichu, Alolan Marowak and Hisuian Typhlosion are now available for evolution (see ingame evolution help via new cyndaquil NPC on the crossroads, alongside sprite/portrait/patch credits, or check learnset spreadsheet linked above.

15/06/23: The evolution flag for Litten and Froakie was erroneously still set to false in the previous update, but this is fixed as of 1.2.1, so be sure to update if you have either of those two. Despite doubts expressed in the changelog I can now confirm the update DOES work for existing save files!

08/06/23: Litten now evolves into Incineroar - and Froakie evolves into Greninja (mid-stages aren't available yet). Now includes a version compatible with Melon, RetroArch and DraStic emulators. Fairy gummis can now be bought or received as mission rewards, and existing pokémon that learn moonblast and disarming voice in sun and moon now learn it here. (Accidentally said Dazzling Gleam in the txt and changelog, but this is what I meant!). Several other bugfixes and improvements included - check the changelog for details!

17/05/23 Sobble is now available as a starter! 🎉 This means Skitty had to be removed as a hero unfortunately (but is still a partner) - if you'd like Skitty as a hero, be sure to download version 1.0.0 of this mod instead of the latest version. Sobble is also now available as a partner in MIDNIGHT version. For full list of heroes and partners, check the last two preview images for this hack. Updated the rescue team partners (Cubone, Psyduck, Machop) to use additional sprites and portraits created for the PMD Sprite Repository. Splashscreen credits for the artists have been swapped over to the title screen for readability and visibility.


  • All portraits and sprites are the work of artists contributing to the pmd sprite repository (Spreadsheet of individual credits with links when provided is here). Because work on the repository is ongoing, evolutions for Chespin, Fuecoco, Spritgatito and Quaxly are unimplented as of now, as are Torracat and Frogadier. Certain portraits may not show up in-game for the same reason.
  • A set of exclusive items have been added and set across all new pokémon (Enigma bow, brooch and scarf,  and ultima prism) - but I've not yet figured out how to modify the functionality of these yet so they're likely pretty useless as of now.
  • Due to the size of the expanded starter list, all starters are sadly gender-locked. Check the document to verify what gender to select in the quiz in order to get your preferred hero.
  • I've not ran into any issues so far with this, but feel free to message me here if you notice anything. I'm also contactable on tumblr (pyromaniac-cynadquil) and bluesky(@pyrocyndaquil.bsky.social).
  • I'm currently looking into a potential version 2.0.0 featuring a third version with extra new starters as well as an overhaul to stats and patches used, but this is up in the air right now.

Sprite and portrait credits (Detailed fully here): Chunsoft, gromchurch, Emmuffin, puropoly, 0palite, thechargingrhino, Emboarger, Miju, Garbage, baronessfaron, Meganai, PhillipsYoung, felis_licht, Audino, JFain, ShyStarryRain, kitkarma, dmDash, Vynnyal, starwolff, NeonCityRain, lemongrass, NOLASMOR, C_Pariah, Caitemis, Deeshura, Noo, Luna-Alex, Murpi, Ginnie, XModxGodX, lovefulpup, Smalusion, MilesFarber, NeroIntruder, Blanca, Noivern, NikolaP, 3P1C, mucrush, ◥θ┴θ◤, TopKec, XxWindpawxX, FrivolousAqua, Pink_no_tori, Jhony-Rex, Reimu\_needs\_$$$, CamusZekeSirius, avalancheman, Fable, psittacidae13, Bwappi, TawnySoup

Edited by xanam
1.3.1 Description Update

What's New in Version 1.3.1   See changelog


  • The previous version introduced a bug causing strange behaviour with some of Grovyle's sprites. This should now be fixed.
  • The UnusedDungeonChance patch used by this hack was formerly bugged to cause crashes when maze floors were generated. This appears to have been resolved in later versions, so it has been re-patched.
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Hiiii, I have a lot of questions!

  • Is there a way to mix-and-match the available starters? like if I wanted a few from midday version, plus a few from midnight version, could I add them to a single rom of the game, as long as the quantity of the starters doesn't exceed the maximum?
  • Is there a way to switch which gender a starter is locked to? I understand that theyre genderlocked bc of space restrictions, but would I, for example, be able to change riolu from male-locked to female-locked?
  • Have you added new overworld animations for when the starters have evolved? As in, all the cute lil animations present in the unevolved starters, where they do their victory pose after succeeding at sentry duty, or waking up in the morning. I'd be thrilled if I no longer had to deal with all the walking-in-place that replaces all the fun animations once you evolve.

Not criticizing at all, I'm just really curious about the hack!


  • Like 1

Posted (edited)

This has to be my fav Explorers mod so far. Though I was wondering if it was possible to implement the evos for the starters with partially completed lines on the sprite repository for the time being until the odd evo out gets uploaded (i.e. Incineroar and Greninja having complete sprite sheets while their respective second evos are still blank)

Edited by GymLeaderRy
  • Thanks 1

Posted (edited)

On 5/27/2023 at 2:21 AM, LuckyLeafeon said:

Hiiii, I have a lot of questions!

  • Is there a way to mix-and-match the available starters? like if I wanted a few from midday version, plus a few from midnight version, could I add them to a single rom of the game, as long as the quantity of the starters doesn't exceed the maximum?
  • Is there a way to switch which gender a starter is locked to? I understand that theyre genderlocked bc of space restrictions, but would I, for example, be able to change riolu from male-locked to female-locked?
  • Have you added new overworld animations for when the starters have evolved? As in, all the cute lil animations present in the unevolved starters, where they do their victory pose after succeeding at sentry duty, or waking up in the morning. I'd be thrilled if I no longer had to deal with all the walking-in-place that replaces all the fun animations once you evolve.

Not criticizing at all, I'm just really curious about the hack!


Hi, those are all great questions! The answer to the first two is a definite yes if you use Skytemple - you should just be able to patch either midday or midnight onto your .nds file, open it in skytemple and update the starter list to your liking. I've added both genders into the data for each pokémon, so you should be able to swap them with ease. If you (or anyone else who could see this in the future) haven't worked with it much before, I made a quick tutorial over here explaining how to swap out heroes/partners from the roster in eos! it's pretty much exactly like this, but using expanded sky as your rom instead of a clean copy of eos.

It's worth noting that every hero listed is available in both versions as is, so (apart from the gender situation), you should be able to make any team combo by having both versions at hand :D

As for the third question - I don't think so, but it's been something I've debated! I might look at doing so in a future update if the list of artists behind the sprites doesn't expand too much from it - they barely fit on the top screen of the main menu as it is 😂 Would definitely be nice to have! This relies pretty heavily on external factors though - I import sprites from the PMD Sprite Repository for the new starters, and it depends which animations the artists behind each have chosen to make. You shouldn't have to worry about the walking on the spot in their sleep crap with the new ones at least though - the eventSleep sprites should be directly being copied from the regular sleep sprites for those guys.

Edited by xanam

Posted (edited)

On 5/27/2023 at 11:58 PM, GymLeaderRy said:

This has to be my fav Explorers mod so far. Though I was wondering if it was possible to implement the evos for the starters with partially completed lines on the sprite repository for the time being until the odd evo out gets uploaded (i.e. Incineroar and Greninja having complete sprite sheets while their respective second evos are still blank)

Hi, thank you so much! That's high praise for sure and I appreciate it ❤️

That's something I debated doing initially but wasn't too sure about it, so it's good to know there's interest in the idea. I might look at sorting that out when I next release a new version - got a couple small bugs I'm planning to resolve soon, so I could probably do that at the same time!

Edited by xanam


Just come across this here, nice to be seeing the starters from each generation in, with the sprite work & the like looking like they were a part the game to being with. And as who knows when some might get updated, i do agree with what the other person said, and so long as you are able to do so, could put the final evolutions in for the lines that have them, but not the second in the line as of yet. Though might seem a bit odd to some to go from the first to third (that happens a times temporarily in SMD), could be perhaps done here when you are able to & whatnot. And'll keep an eye on this mod of yours, hope it'll work out well for you.

  • Like 1


On 6/5/2023 at 7:27 PM, DaCobraMan said:

Just come across this here, nice to be seeing the starters from each generation in, with the sprite work & the like looking like they were a part the game to being with. And as who knows when some might get updated, i do agree with what the other person said, and so long as you are able to do so, could put the final evolutions in for the lines that have them, but not the second in the line as of yet. Though might seem a bit odd to some to go from the first to third (that happens a times temporarily in SMD), could be perhaps done here when you are able to & whatnot. And'll keep an eye on this mod of yours, hope it'll work out well for you.

@DaCobraMan Glad you like it! ❤️ Thought you might like to know that I've just uploaded a new version that does exactly this! @GymLeaderRy



Nice to see this update here for it, and greninja is one of the evolutions i was looking forward to seeing in to have as my partner, good to see that & incineroar be put through. Along with those patches for the various emulators, DraStic being what i'll use for it too.

  • Amazed 1

Posted (edited)

On 6/9/2023 at 4:27 AM, xanam said:

@DaCobraMan Glad you like it! ❤️ Thought you might like to know that I've just uploaded a new version that does exactly this! @GymLeaderRy

With froakie, it says the evolution can go no further, though i am on the 1.2 of the mod here. Also with froakie being my partner pokemon, so would the evolution only apply if you chose it to be the player, or would it work with the partner also? So, how do you go about evolving froakie & litten (incase litten is the same way as froakie), the partner is well above what level would be needed of course, and is it still through the post-game method, as mentioned it says that he can't evolve any further, which is odd

Edited by DaCobraMan


On 6/12/2023 at 11:13 AM, DaCobraMan said:

With froakie, it says the evolution can go no further, though i am on the 1.2 of the mod here. Also with froakie being my partner pokemon, so would the evolution only apply if you chose it to be the player, or would it work with the partner also? So, how do you go about evolving froakie & litten (incase litten is the same way as froakie), the partner is well above what level would be needed of course, and is it still through the post-game method, as mentioned it says that he can't evolve any further, which is odd

Thanks for flagging this up @DaCobraMan! Had a look through and was able to determine that despite all the evolution data being in place, the reason this was happening was due to the 'can evolve' flag still being set to false on both froakie and litten - just threw together a quick fix and this should now work on 1.2.1!

It's worth noting however that this might not work for existing save files - not sure how it handles invidual pokémon who have already been defined, but in my playtesting I've found that if I load from a save state from before I added the fix, the spring still claims they can't evolve any further, and that's also visible in their info in the team menu option. It could just be emulator weirdness since the built-in skytemple emulator doesn't seem to keep hold of save data permanently but I can't tell for sure (it's almost 1am but i wanted to throw together a fix asap, so i've not had time to check on a regular emulator/hardware sadly). If you find out either way, please drop me a message and I can update the description accordingly so others with the same issue will know to proceed.

Starting from a fresh file does seem to work, but that's obviously not ideal since you've already made it this far, so hoping it works out for you 🤞

Again, thanks for bringing this to my attention!






9 hours ago, xanam said:

Thanks for flagging this up @DaCobraMan! Had a look through and was able to determine that despite all the evolution data being in place, the reason this was happening was due to the 'can evolve' flag still being set to false on both froakie and litten - just threw together a quick fix and this should now work on 1.2.1!

It's worth noting however that this might not work for existing save files - not sure how it handles invidual pokémon who have already been defined, but in my playtesting I've found that if I load from a save state from before I added the fix, the spring still claims they can't evolve any further, and that's also visible in their info in the team menu option. It could just be emulator weirdness since the built-in skytemple emulator doesn't seem to keep hold of save data permanently but I can't tell for sure (it's almost 1am but i wanted to throw together a fix asap, so i've not had time to check on a regular emulator/hardware sadly). If you find out either way, please drop me a message and I can update the description accordingly so others with the same issue will know to proceed.

Starting from a fresh file does seem to work, but that's obviously not ideal since you've already made it this far, so hoping it works out for you 🤞

Again, thanks for bringing this to my attention!




Not long ago, i'd gotten to the master 3-star rank & to the point in the game where the player & partner can evolve, that being how far i've gotten in this playthrough as of this. Along with it being my first playthrough in quite a long time of EOS, it is indeed a good thing that the fix has worked, so my partner is able to evolve into greninja. Can't speak for litten really, but i'd guess that'd be working too, if froakie is. And i'm using DraStic myself, had continued with my regular save from 1.2, not the quicksave though, for reference. So can say that works there. And you are welcome, good thing it is fixed now.



I'm SOOOO happy to have found this mod! Now I can have Team Dewdrop in Explorers! 😄

Quick question – so, I noticed that you added the shortcut for quickly using moves, but it overwrote the shortcuts for things like displaying the log, which is L+B. Might it be possible to get such overwritten shortcuts added back with a different button combination?



On 8/22/2023 at 10:38 PM, Damariobros said:

I'm SOOOO happy to have found this mod! Now I can have Team Dewdrop in Explorers! 😄

Quick question – so, I noticed that you added the shortcut for quickly using moves, but it overwrote the shortcuts for things like displaying the log, which is L+B. Might it be possible to get such overwritten shortcuts added back with a different button combination?

Hi, really glad you like it! 💜💜 have fun!

And sorry, I don't think that'll be possible currently. I don't have the knowledge for that level of deep-modification to the source code to add something like that unfortunately 😅 the move shortcuts patch is something that comes bundled with Skytemple that its creator has allowed anyone using it to add, but those types of patches are way more complicated to make and beyond my skill level.



Im liking this so far! is there a list of pokemon that can evolve?



12 hours ago, tiigerbones said:

Im liking this so far! is there a list of pokemon that can evolve?

Hi, thank you, I appreciate it! 😊 the text document included in the download should have the list - there's a table listing all pokemon you can get in the personality test, and there's an asterisk next to the ones who can't evolve iirc. Note that while Litten and Froakie can evolve, they evolve directly into their final stages as it seems nobody has made full asset sets for their midstages yet. All partner-exclusive pokemon are ones who already existed in the game (eg cubone) and can therefore evolve.


Posted (edited)

6 hours ago, xanam said:

Hi, thank you, I appreciate it! 😊 the text document included in the download should have the list - there's a table listing all pokemon you can get in the personality test, and there's an asterisk next to the ones who can't evolve iirc. Note that while Litten and Froakie can evolve, they evolve directly into their final stages as it seems nobody has made full asset sets for their midstages yet. All partner-exclusive pokemon are ones who already existed in the game (eg cubone) and can therefore evolve.

oh i see! also i noticed it says lycanroc dusk form isnt avialable but doing a little search i think ive found it (https://sprites.pmdcollab.org/#/0745) just changing it from normal to dusk and it shows all the sprites. hopefully it gets added soon :' ) i love me my lycanroc dusk form (ah my mistake it says it isnt added into the mod yet not that its not available)



Edited by tiigerbones
  • Thanks 1


23 hours ago, tiigerbones said:

oh i see! also i noticed it says lycanroc dusk form isnt avialable but doing a little search i think ive found it (https://sprites.pmdcollab.org/#/0745) just changing it from normal to dusk and it shows all the sprites. hopefully it gets added soon :' ) i love me my lycanroc dusk form (ah my mistake it says it isnt added into the mod yet not that its not available)



Oh sweet, thanks for showing me this! At the time of making the mod there were no dusk sprites in the sprite repository (only the portraits), but looking at the dates it looks like someone added them in last week. Will definitely look at bringing dusk form lycanroc into expanded sky as its next update 👀

  • Thanks 1


On 9/3/2023 at 2:03 PM, xanam said:

Hi, really glad you like it! 💜💜 have fun!

And sorry, I don't think that'll be possible currently. I don't have the knowledge for that level of deep-modification to the source code to add something like that unfortunately 😅 the move shortcuts patch is something that comes bundled with Skytemple that its creator has allowed anyone using it to add, but those types of patches are way more complicated to make and beyond my skill level.

I've been playing for quite a while now, and I discovered that the L+B message log shortcut did indeed get replaced! The shortcut with this patch is B+Y! 👌



I've made it as far as Dark Hill, and I think you should know that something about that dungeon, the ghost type pokemon in it, and/or their moves aren't playing nice with my 3DS. It keeps crashing the game with a data abort and/or filling up the ram (one attempt had less and less music and sounds playing as I got farther, then crashed when I got to the end). Moves like Will-o-Wisp, Feint Attack, etc get used and it crashes.



On 10/9/2023 at 9:57 PM, Damariobros said:

I've made it as far as Dark Hill, and I think you should know that something about that dungeon, the ghost type pokemon in it, and/or their moves aren't playing nice with my 3DS. It keeps crashing the game with a data abort and/or filling up the ram (one attempt had less and less music and sounds playing as I got farther, then crashed when I got to the end). Moves like Will-o-Wisp, Feint Attack, etc get used and it crashes.

Hmm, that's strange 🤔 I've never heard of that happening before and I don't think I've seen it reported before either. I've not modified anything to do with those moves, Pokémon or dungeons so I've got no ideas there. Could POSSIBLY be one of the QOL patches included in the mod but I'm not too sure? Ive experienced crashes when playing it on my dsi, but that was just when advancing floors in during and happened pretty easily on. If you notice it anywhere else/if it stops please let me know!


Posted (edited)

This was my Original Team from Explorers, but much more funky.

Screenshot 2024-03-11 234820.png

Edited by ZeroModernDay
  • V-Wheeeeeel!!! 1


Mod looks really good! I've never played Explorers of Sky, maybe this is the right time. I do have a question tho, can i play as Cubone as hero and not having as a partner? 



22 minutes ago, SonicSew said:

Mod looks really good! I've never played Explorers of Sky, maybe this is the right time. I do have a question tho, can i play as Cubone as hero and not having as a partner? 

Hi there, glad you like the look of it! There's a hard limit on the amount of heroes I could swap which meant there was no room to add Cubone as a hero, only a partner. If you DO want cubone as the hero however, I have a tutorial here that'll show you how to edit the hero options once you've got the romhack set up!


Posted (edited)


5 hours ago, xanam said:

Hi there, glad you like the look of it! There's a hard limit on the amount of heroes I could swap which meant there was no room to add Cubone as a hero, only a partner. If you DO want cubone as the hero however, I have a tutorial here that'll show you how to edit the hero options once you've got the romhack set up!

Ty so much. I did everything and i'm starting to play, can't wait! :D

Edited by SonicSew
  • Amazed 1


Can you put Zeraora? I want to make my official team on Dusk!



On 3/22/2024 at 10:39 PM, boltgamerwoohoo said:

Can you put Zeraora? I want to make my official team on Dusk!

I probably won't be adding any legendaries or mythicals as starters, sorry! The aim with this hack is just to go with plausible/popular starters you'd expect to see in a modern pmd game. There's plenty of tutorials out there for adding new pokemon if you're looking to add zeraora into the game though!

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