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All 806 Legal and Shiny Pokemon February 19th, 2025 (FFFF)

   (42 reviews)

7 Screenshots

About This File

All of the 920+ Pokemon in this save file are legal and will through Bank and HOME. Every pokemon that can legally be obtained as a shiny has its shiny form in the save file, the other pokemon are there in non-shiny form. 90% of the Pokemon in this save file were hatched/captured in USUM meaning that they can be used on battlespot.

The first evolutions of almost all of the Pokemon will be level 1; the middle evolutions are often level 70. A majority of the final stage evolution pokemon are a smogon set.

I hope this save helps some people out there. All of the complete 806 pokemon sets I could find online were either completely riddled with illegal pokemon, or all of the pokemon only knew 1 move; that is not the case with this save file.

Enjoy :) !

Youtube Video showcasing the savefile:


What's New in Version February 19th, 2025 (FFFF)   See changelog


Fixed an illegal Pichu in the Event Box (Thank you to Anubis and Atrius for discovery!)

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  On 2/19/2020 at 7:56 AM, blueeddie said:

If I just export the pokemon I need and then import into my Gen8 SWSH save, would it work?


sure why wouldn't it?



Thank you very much for this file. This is what I was looking for. I want to fill my Dex with these but I have some questions.

If I just export them to my Savefile, then the Trainer Information will stay Gridelin and latest OT will change to my name. Wouldnt that cause a ban in future, since a lot of people do it like that?

Can I change all Trainer Information from Gridelin (SID, TID, OT) to my own? I would probably have to change the Met Date too, right?

Can I change the Pokemon Language, Country, Sub Region and 3DS Region in the Main Tab to Germany?

If there will be no future ban problem, I would just load the boxes in my save file and transfer them to Pokemon Bank.

Thanks in advance for the answers.



Hello, downloaded the latest sav file, but apparently all the pokemon are showing up as illegal. am i doing something wrong or was there a change made  that corrupted the pokemon?



  On 2/19/2020 at 8:48 AM, HakanBruh said:

Thank you very much for this file. This is what I was looking for. I want to fill my Dex with these but I have some questions.

If I just export them to my Savefile, then the Trainer Information will stay Gridelin and latest OT will change to my name. Wouldnt that cause a ban in future, since a lot of people do it like that?

Can I change all Trainer Information from Gridelin (SID, TID, OT) to my own? I would probably have to change the Met Date too, right?

Can I change the Pokemon Language, Country, Sub Region and 3DS Region in the Main Tab to Germany?

If there will be no future ban problem, I would just load the boxes in my save file and transfer them to Pokemon Bank.

Thanks in advance for the answers.


Look into how the PkHex batch editor works, it will do everything you want it to do.

  • Like 1


  On 2/19/2020 at 4:08 PM, kambo_one said:

Hello, downloaded the latest sav file, but apparently all the pokemon are showing up as illegal. am i doing something wrong or was there a change made  that corrupted the pokemon?


Post some screenshots?



  On 2/19/2020 at 4:12 PM, Gridelin said:

Post some screenshots?


I noticed that the met date is today’s date.  And I also noticed that the moves for all Pokémon is only pound. 







  On 2/19/2020 at 4:57 PM, kambo_one said:

I noticed that the met date is today’s date.  And I also noticed that the moves for all Pokémon is only pound. 






from the looks of it, the pokemon in the boxes (on the right) are all legal... if they were illegal, pkhex would flag them individually (in the box screen) with a red "!".  don't worry about the stuff in the left hand side. you only need to look at that side if you wanna alter things.



  On 2/19/2020 at 5:13 PM, Kirho said:

from the looks of it, the pokemon in the boxes (on the right) are all legal... if they were illegal, pkhex would flag them individually (in the box screen) with a red "!".  don't worry about the stuff in the left hand side. you only need to look at that side if you wanna alter things.


oh okay. first time using pkhex and new to all this. i did notice the pkmn in the boxes had legal stats as i hovered over them. the left side and the red ! was throwing me off. thanks for the clarification!



Hi, I'm not so practical working with these types of things. I have a probably dumb question: I have a Sky3DS+ and I would like to play UltraSun using this save file (so I need the .sav file and not the .main). Is it possible? How can I do that? Thanks



I think Pikachu-Original and Pikachu-Alola are missing. Instead there are two similar Pikachu-Partner


Posted (edited)

Edit: Ignore this message


Edited by DrPathetic


  On 2/21/2020 at 2:05 AM, DrPathetic said:

Do you actually have the latest version of PkHex btw? Because there are many legendaries in here that are shiny that do not match their events (See attached image)


Our PKHeX version is the same, and as far as I can tell we're checking the same Xerneas, and it INDEED has relearn move, because that's the gift.

You should redownload PKHeX.


Posted (edited)

  On 2/21/2020 at 2:09 AM, theSLAYER said:

Our PKHeX version is the same, and as far as I can tell we're checking the same Xerneas, and it INDEED has relearn move, because that's the gift.

You should redownload PKHeX.


Yeah my bad after posting i realised what was up, I think when i did the batch name change it didn't only change ones with their OT it changed ALL OTs to my name which is weird

Edited by DrPathetic


  On 2/21/2020 at 2:16 AM, DrPathetic said:

Yeah my bad after posting i realised what was up, I think when i did the batch name change it didn't only change ones with their OT it changed ALL OTs to my name which is weird


you probably didn't include modifiers to change only mons that belong to you.



  On 2/21/2020 at 2:52 AM, theSLAYER said:

you probably didn't include modifiers to change only mons that belong to you.


Yeah total noob to pkhex not gonna lie, any advice on what those modifiers would be? Also appreciate the save buddy, using this for some nice giveaways in the pokemon discord i'm in



  On 2/21/2020 at 3:12 AM, DrPathetic said:

Yeah total noob to pkhex not gonna lie, any advice on what those modifiers would be? Also appreciate the save buddy, using this for some nice giveaways in the pokemon discord i'm in


I gave advice in some other thread, but I can't seem to find it.

You probably want to only make changes to mons without fateful encounter, so at the top of the list add



  On 2/19/2020 at 8:16 PM, Unzo said:

Hi, I'm not so practical working with these types of things. I have a probably dumb question: I have a Sky3DS+ and I would like to play UltraSun using this save file (so I need the .sav file and not the .main). Is it possible? How can I do that? Thanks


Can someone help me?



  On 2/21/2020 at 12:25 PM, Unzo said:

Can someone help me?



  On 2/18/2020 at 12:09 AM, theSLAYER said:

You need a way to obtain an decrypted file from your save, then re-encrypt it to load back into sky3DS.

I advice you to get CFW for your 3DS, since decrypting and re-encrypting saves typically require CFW and homebrew apps,
which isn't supported by sky3DS, if I'm not mistaken.


Same thing for you. You need CFW. Sky3DS uses encrypted saves.

So either loading a save from sky3DS or loading up a new save onto sky3DS.
CFW and homebrew to encrypt and decrypt saves.



I keep getting save is corrupted on Ultra Sun?




  On 2/22/2020 at 5:09 PM, imlikieiy said:

I keep getting save is corrupted on Ultra Sun?



Have you renamed the save to "main"?


Posted (edited)

  On 2/22/2020 at 5:18 PM, arti said:

Have you renamed the save to "main"?


I have. I have tried several time. I been using JKSM and JV something to import.

I never had this problem with regular PK Moon. What steps am i skipping /doing wrong?





Idk why but it works now.

Edited by imlikieiy


I'm trying this file to Japanese Ultra Moon, it does not work. Is it US version?



  On 2/23/2020 at 1:42 AM, OrangeJ said:

I'm trying this file to Japanese Ultra Moon, it does not work. Is it US version?


The region of the saves does not matter, they all could be used.
You must have imported it wrong



Hello! Sorry I am new to this! I have a cartridge of Ultra Moon and an SD Card Reader on my PC. I also have PokeHex downloaded to my PC. How to I get this beautiful save file into my Ultra Moon cartridge? I can't seem to find a tutorial on how to do this. Thank you for any and all help. 



  On 2/25/2020 at 4:22 AM, krazedkazoo said:

Hello! Sorry I am new to this! I have a cartridge of Ultra Moon and an SD Card Reader on my PC. I also have PokeHex downloaded to my PC. How to I get this beautiful save file into my Ultra Moon cartridge? I can't seem to find a tutorial on how to do this. Thank you for any and all help. 


do you have CFW on your 3DS?

If yes, follow our tutorial on how to manage 3DS saves.
If no, follow this 3DS hacking guide. (at your own risk)

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