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About This File

In Pokémon FireRed, LeafGreen & Emerald, lies a cave named the Altering Cave.
At first glance, all it has are wild Zubat, which makes me people ask "why the heck does this cave even exist to begin with".
As it turns out, there is more to this cave than it meets the eye.

This cave was programmed to make use of special Mystery Gifts, that would allow the wild Pokémon species present to be altered. (The species present changes every time one talks to the deliveryman)
Sadly, this game feature never had an event to make use of it.

Following it's initial release in Pokémon FireRed & LeafGreen, all the Pokémon that could have been caught from here,
could also be encountered in the extended Safari Zone of Pokémon Emerald.
(with the exception of Smeargle: it can be caught in Artisan cave in Battle Frontier)
Despite these Pokémon all being available in Pokémon Emerald, it's not known why this cave was also included for it.

This page hosts the Pokémon that can be encountered in an altered Altering Cave, as well as other means to get them to appear.

New update!
This page also holds a custom wonder card, that can be used to cycle through the encounters of Altering Cave, whenever you talk to the deliveryman!
Take note: if you toss/remove the wonder card, the encounters in Altering Cave will be stuck at the last species encountered.
Also note: FireRed/LeafGreen & Emerald have their own wonder cards. FRLG cannot use Emerald wonder card and vice versa.

The encounters that get cycled are (and it wraps back to the start):
Zubat, Mareep, Pineco, Houndour, Teddiursa, Aipom, Shuckle, Stantler, Smeargle.

Wonder Card

Card is English language,
but works on the
languages listed.

emerald en - test01.png1230371452_JEREMYFIRERED02.png.e2afff8d71386432552_JEREMYFIRERED03.png.eec9777ce
Wonder Card
FireRed JP PPorg01.pngFireRed JP PPorg02.pngEmerald JP PPorg01.png

(Hint: You'll need the WC3TOOL or WC3Plugin to inject wonder cards into your save.)

Also, PKHeX usage:
Pokémon FireRed and LeafGreen: Event constant 36
Pokémon Emerald: Event constant 62


Cycling through 0 to 8 in the above given event constant, results in the rotation of the species that appears.

Also, for cheat code usage:
Pokémon FireRed and LeafGreen:

  Reveal hidden contents

Pokémon Emerald Codes:

  Reveal hidden contents

Credits to the Pokémon: @HaxAras
Credits to codes: @BlackShark

Original Post:

What's New in Version .   See changelog


No changelog available for this version.

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If you uploaded the English and Japanese sets with the OT: PPorg that I obtained. I just used Triggers PC to modify the games to give them out. 



Este evento es legal o no? Según yo solo hicieron este evento en Japón,si tienen el evento legal ¿Me lo podrían pasar? O al menos que esté sea legal lo probaré.



@Fubuki669 hey, this is an English speaking forum. It would spiral into insanity for our users if everyone started speaking in non-English.

No, event is not legal, and was not distributed anywhere, not even in Japan.
Hence the Unreleased in PK3/WC3: Unreleased Altering Cave Pokémon



would there be any way to convert this to a dot code to be able to used through a physical e reader?



  On 5/21/2022 at 9:53 AM, mcnugggzs said:

would there be any way to convert this to a dot code to be able to used through a physical e reader?


I don't think there's any e-reader methods to send WC3 mystery gifts, so no.

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  On 5/21/2022 at 10:07 AM, theSLAYER said:

I don't think there's any e-reader methods to send WC3 mystery gifts, so no.


I am probably wrong here, (sorry in advance) just trying to wrap my head around things. how is this different to an Eon ticket?



  On 5/22/2022 at 9:37 AM, mcnugggzs said:

I am probably wrong here, (sorry in advance) just trying to wrap my head around things. how is this different to an Eon ticket?


The first and most important main difference is international FRLG and Emerald doesn't support e-Reader.

Does that help?

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