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Files posted by Project Pokémon Bot
Poké Ball Plus Mew (International LGPE and China/Tencent LGPE)
By Project Pokémon Bot in Generation 7 (Switch)
Starting from the international (excluding Mainland China) release of Let's Go Pikachu and Let's Go Eevee on the November 16th 2018, this gift could be redeemed by players that purchased a Pokéball Plus.
Besides the international release, there will eventually be a Mainland China release for the pair of games. Even though Switch games are region free, Nintendo Switch's from Mainland China are unable to play international titles. Reason being, they use a Nintendo Switch (some name it as Tencent Switch) with certain restrictions in place enforced by the firmware, such as restricted network connectivity and inability to play international game titles. China received their version of Let's Go Pikachu and Let's Go Eevee on the September 26th 2024. Along with the release of the games, they also received their own release of the Pokéball Plus. Unlike playability of Switch game titles, international Pokéball Plus can be redeemed on the Mainland China LGPE, vice versa. It is since known that the international versions of LGPE and chinese versions of LGPE have different BCATs (different wonder card servers, effectively). Despite that, the Mew redeemed would be the same between both versions as the different Mew card on the 2 different BCAT share the exact same data.
Note that Tencent Switch redemption of Mew can only be in CHS.
An internet connection is required to redeem the gift.
Wonder Card ID #2001: Mythical Pokémon Mew Gift Species Mew TID (recipient) Distribution Poké Ball Plus Location Poké Ball Plus Dates Starting Nov 16, 2018 PID Cannot Be Shiny Games Let's Go Pikachu & Eevee Nature Random Card Per Save Multiples Allowed
Lv. 1 Moves (ITALIC means Relearnable) Pound (None) (None) (None) Lang
Slot OT Name Nickname Preset
Lang JPN (recipient) (default name) ENG (recipient) (default name) FRE (recipient) (default name) GER (recipient) (default name) ITA (recipient) (default name) SPA (recipient) (default name) KOR (recipient) (default name) CHS (recipient) (default name) CHT (recipient) (default name) Format Ver.1.0.7-0, Post Updated Date:20190425_0654
What can be done with these files
PKM creation with PKHeX (drag & drop the wondercard file in the spot where you want the Pokémon) In-Game Mystery Gift redemption with Switch Gift Data Manager19760 downloads
International Shiny Zacian
By Project Pokémon Bot in Sword & Shield
This Shiny Zacian was given out to players, to commemorate the then upcoming release of Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl.
Breakdown of dates by country/region can be found here.
* Even though the wonder card data allows for redemption for on both Sword and Shield, not all sources of codes allow for that; only Korean distributed serial codes allows for redemption on either Sword or Shield. If the code came from international sources, the server only allows for redemption on Shield.
Korean serial code: Redeemable on Sword and Shield
Other international codes: Redeemable on Shield only.
Wonder Card ID #1639: Shiny Zacian Gift Species Zacian TID 211022 Distribution Serial Code Location a lovely place Dates Oct 22, 2021 onwards PID (forced) 29B82802 (Shiny) Games SWSH * Nature Adamant Ability Intrepid Sword (1) Item Rusted Sword IVs EVs HP 31 ALL
0 ATK 31 DEF 31 S.ATK 30 S.DEF 31 SPE 31
Lv. 100 Moves (ITALIC means Relearnable) Iron Head Play Rough Swords Dance Sacred Sword
Classic Ribbon Lang
Slot Mon's
Lang Nickname OT Name OT's
Lang JPN (default) ガラル JPN ENG (default) Lancer ENG FRE (default) Lancer FRE ITA (default) Lancer ITA GER (default) Lancer GER SPA (default) Lancer SPA KOR (default) 가라르 KOR CHS (default) 伽勒尔 CHS CHT (default) 伽勒爾 CHT Only One Redemption Allowed Format Ver.2.1.2-9, Post Updated Date:20211022_0651
International Shiny Zamazenta
By Project Pokémon Bot in Sword & Shield
This Shiny Zamazenta was given out to players, to commemorate the then upcoming release of Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl.
Breakdown of dates by country/region can be found here.
* Even though the wonder card data allows for redemption for on both Sword and Shield, not all sources of codes allow for that; only Korean distributed serial codes allows for redemption on either Sword or Shield. If the code came from international sources, the server only allows for redemption on Sword.
Korean serial code: Redeemable on Sword and Shield
Other international codes: Redeemable on Sword only.
Wonder Card ID #1640: Shiny Zamazenta Gift Species Zamazenta TID 211022 Distribution Serial Code Location a lovely place Dates Oct 22, 2021 onwards PID (forced) EB8F2802 (Shiny) Games SWSH * Nature Adamant Ability Dauntless Shield (1) Item Rusted Shield IVs EVs HP 31 ALL
0 ATK 31 DEF 31 S.ATK 30 S.DEF 31 SPE 31
Lv. 100 Moves (ITALIC means Relearnable) Iron Head Close Combat Iron Defense Wide Guard
Classic Ribbon Lang
Slot Mon's
Lang Nickname OT Name OT's
Lang JPN (default) ガラル JPN ENG (default) Arthur ENG FRE (default) Arthur FRE ITA (default) Arthur ITA GER (default) Arthur GER SPA (default) Arthur SPA KOR (default) 가라르 KOR CHS (default) 伽勒尔 CHS CHT (default) 伽勒爾 CHT Only One Redemption Allowed Format Ver.2.1.2-9, Post Updated Date:20211022_0757
PK8: Unobtainable Shiny Original Color Magearna
By Project Pokémon Bot in Unreleased/Beta PKM Gallery
This Magearna has the TID hacked to be Shiny, nothing changed apart of that. There are no reports of a legitimate Shiny Magearna yet and Sword / Shield servers refuse to trade this Pokémon, so it has been concluded to be Shiny Locked.
The original one is downloadable here:
PK3/WC3: Unreleased Altering Cave Pokémon
By Project Pokémon Bot in Unreleased/Beta PKM Gallery
In Pokémon FireRed, LeafGreen & Emerald, lies a cave named the Altering Cave.
At first glance, all it has are wild Zubat, which makes me people ask "why the heck does this cave even exist to begin with".
As it turns out, there is more to this cave than it meets the eye.
This cave was programmed to make use of special Mystery Gifts, that would allow the wild Pokémon species present to be altered. (The species present changes every time one talks to the deliveryman)
Sadly, this game feature never had an event to make use of it.
Following it's initial release in Pokémon FireRed & LeafGreen, all the Pokémon that could have been caught from here,
could also be encountered in the extended Safari Zone of Pokémon Emerald.
(with the exception of Smeargle: it can be caught in Artisan cave in Battle Frontier)
Despite these Pokémon all being available in Pokémon Emerald, it's not known why this cave was also included for it.
This page hosts the Pokémon that can be encountered in an altered Altering Cave, as well as other means to get them to appear.
New update!
This page also holds a custom wonder card, that can be used to cycle through the encounters of Altering Cave, whenever you talk to the deliveryman!
Take note: if you toss/remove the wonder card, the encounters in Altering Cave will be stuck at the last species encountered.
Also note: FireRed/LeafGreen & Emerald have their own wonder cards. FRLG cannot use Emerald wonder card and vice versa.
The encounters that get cycled are (and it wraps back to the start):
Zubat, Mareep, Pineco, Houndour, Teddiursa, Aipom, Shuckle, Stantler, Smeargle.
Wonder Card
Card is English language,
but works on the
languages listed.
Wonder Card (Hint: You'll need the WC3TOOL or WC3Plugin to inject wonder cards into your save.)
Also, PKHeX usage:
Pokémon FireRed and LeafGreen: Event constant 36
Pokémon Emerald: Event constant 62
Cycling through 0 to 8 in the above given event constant, results in the rotation of the species that appears.
Also, for cheat code usage:
Pokémon FireRed and LeafGreen:
Pokémon Emerald Codes:
Credits to the Pokémon: @HaxAras
Credits to codes: @BlackShark
Original Post:
Sunday (サンデ-) Wobbuffet
By Project Pokémon Bot in Japanese
This gift was given out via 2 ways: a lucky draw, and via a free gift for NTT Flets (a Japanese fiber internet) users who signed up for the gift.
For the lucky draw:
There were 100 winners per Festa 2005 location, and there were 9 locations, so that's 900 winners from the drawing
For the NTT Flets members:
People who used NTT Flets were able to sign up and receive the Wobbuffet for free without having to be selected, and there's no known number for how many people downloaded it while being a user of NTT Flets. So the amount in circulation are unknown.
This gift was based on the live-action Wobbuffet that appeared on the Pokémon Sunday TV show.
Pokémon Game Generations Rayquaza
By Project Pokémon Bot in Japanese
Pokémon Game Generations Rayquaza
This Rayquaza was chosen through a poll of mascots of main games in the Pokémon series. It was distributed at Pokémon Centers during the above dates.
Species Rayquaza Nickname (default, save lang) OT せんきょ TID 02102 Distribution Local Wireless Location Pokémon Event Dates February 10 to 27, 2012 PID Cannot Be Shiny Games BW Lv. 100 Nature Random Ability Air Lock (1) Item Life Orb Card Per Save Only One Allowed Moves (ITALIC means Relearnable) Extreme Speed Hyper Beam Dragon Pulse V-create WC ID 58: 「れきだいゲーム ポケモンそうせんきょ」's receiving text 0x43 Thank you for coming to the Pokémon event! Please pick up your gift from the deliveryman in any Pokémon Center.
Classic れきだいゲーム ポケモンそうせんきょ れきだいゲームのパッケージに
みんなにえらばれて みごと1いになった
レックウザをプレゼント! Format Ver.3.0.1-5, Post Updated Date:20231022_1546
PK3: Unreleased AGATE & SOFO Celebi (ENG/ITA)
By Project Pokémon Bot in Unreleased/Beta PKM Gallery
The international version of the Ageto Celebi Event was translated and programmed into Pokemon Colosseum, but was never released to players.
@HaxAras managed to use some codes and trickery to gain access to them.
Statement regarding the event:
Original Thread:
Thanks to @SkyLink98 for the Italian SOFO Celebi.
Poké Portal Event #08 - Greninja the Unrivaled
By Project Pokémon Bot in Generation 9
Event description
This is an event raid held by Scarlet and Violet. Notably, with this event you get a chance to encounter Tera raids featuring a level 100 (Shiny locked) Greninja with the Poison Tera type.
This event ran from January 27 to January 29, and from February 10 to February 12, 2023.
How to encounter this raid in-game
For this raid to be findable by players, they must first have unlocked 6-Stars Raids through story progression. This requires completing the entire game story and the post game until the academy tournament. Players must then complete 10 4 stars or 5 stars raids.
Only after all these steps have been performed, the player will receive a call from Jacq, which he will proceed to tell you about dangerous black crystal raids.
What can be done with these files
The files to be imported into your save file are placed in the Files directory. We also provide human-readable data in Json format, and an Identifier.txt file containing the event index.
Use our tutorial to import these files into your save.
After importing you might need to advance one day in the Date/Time from your console System Settings, to reroll the dens.
To see other Poké Portal Events, here.
PK3: Unreleased COLOS & ARENA Pikachu (ENG/ITA)
By Project Pokémon Bot in Unreleased/Beta PKM Gallery
The international version of the Colosseum Bonus Disc Pikachu was translated and programmed into Pokemon Colosseum, but was never released to players.
@HaxAras managed to use some codes and trickery to gain access to the english events.
Statement regarding the event:
Original Thread:
Thanks to @SkyLink98 for the Italian ARENA Pikachu.
WC #1005 - Pokémon Trainers Cup 2023 - Jung Wonseok Gastrodon
By Project Pokémon Bot in Generation 9
This gift was given to players through the serial code PTCCHAMP10N2122, revealed during the Pokémon Trainers Cup 2023 stream. This Pokémon is based on the Gastrodon used by Jung Wonseok during Pokémon Trainers Cup 2022.
Wonder Card ID #1005: 정원석’s Gastrodon Gift Species Gastrodon (East Sea) TID 230603 Distribution Serial Code Location a Battle Competition Dates 17th June 2023 PID Cannot Be Shiny Games Scarlet Violet Nature Bold Ability Storm Drain (2) Item Leftovers Tera: IVs EVs HP 31 180 ATK 0 0 DEF 31 204 SPA 31 0 SPD 31 124 SPE 8 0
Lv. 50 Moves (ITALIC means Relearnable) Earth Power Ice Beam Yawn Protect
Battle Champion Ribbon Lang
Slot Mon's
Lang Nickname OT Name OT's
Lang JPN 트리토돈 정원석 KOR ENG 트리토돈 정원석 KOR FRE 트리토돈 정원석 KOR ITA 트리토돈 정원석 KOR GER 트리토돈 정원석 KOR SPA 트리토돈 정원석 KOR KOR 트리토돈 정원석 KOR CHS 트리토돈 정원석 KOR CHT 트리토돈 정원석 KOR Only One Redemption Allowed Format Ver.3.0.1-5, Post Updated Date:20230617_1756
What can be done with these files
PKM creation with PKHeX (drag & drop the wondercard file in the spot where you want the Pokémon) In-Game Mystery Gift redemption with Switch Gift Data Manager1866 downloads
WC4: Debug Azure Flute + Infernape Test Card
By Project Pokémon Bot in Unreleased/Beta PKM Gallery
The Key Item Azure Flute, which would allow a holy encounter with Arceus, was never legitimately released to players.
However, found within a file (decchi.bin), that was found in Generation 4 distribution carts for Deoxys, (Uploader's note: file-ception at it's finest)
It appears that an Azure Flute distribution was being tested via slot-2 distribution.
The nature of the slot-2 distribution game that this wonder card was obtained from, only allowed distribution to JPN games.
The distribution text seems to be reusing the distribution text for a Generation 3 Old Sea Chart distribution.
It was also discovered by @Deoxyz that changing the distribution type from Key Item to Pokemon, will show complete information for an Infernape to be received.
It was also discovered by @DeadSkullzJr that the copy of the wonder card in the game (seen via hex) slightly differs from the wonder card that was received. The one in the game has a redistribution count. Presumably this copy has the redistribution count, but the received one does not, because it does not allow players who received a copy to redistribute.
The Key Item Azure Flute wonder card (.pcd), Modified to show Infernape (.pcd) and the Infernape (.pkm) are up for download.
[We will not host the decchi.bin or Distribution Roms for the Deoxys]
Update: Even though the remakes Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl included a way to get Azure Flute and the Hall of Origin Arceus encounter, owning the Gen 4 HoO Arceus would still be illegal.
File Info
Gen 4 Decchi - Azure Flute.pcd - Extracted from save that received it. The one without redistribution count.
Gen 4 Decchi - Azure Flute (Hex Extracted, Redistribution count).pcd - Hex extracted from the game. The one with redistribution count.
Gen 4 Decchi - Infernape.pcd - The receiving type was modified to show the Infernape gift hiding within
Gen 4 Decchi - Infernape.pkm - A pk4 file of the extracted Infernape.
Wonder card Images
While this wonder card will activate the event, the Arceus will be flagged as illegal.
Use at your own risk.
Images regarding Infernape:
Original Threads:
National Dex Completion Magearna
By Project Pokémon Bot in Pokémon HOME
This gift was given to players of Pokémon HOME, as a reward for completing the National Dex. Initially, due to issues with the detection code, players had to shift their entire living dex in their boxes in one session, in order to unlock this Mystery Gift in their Pokémon HOME.
This event also marks the first time Original Color Magearna became available to players.
It appears that this gift was initially intended to be released at launch, however they weren't ready to release it; they instead accidentally gave out a Lv.10 Magearna that had 15 ribbons attached to it.
The unlocking of this Mystery Gift temporarily stopped rolling out for public. However if it was already in your Mystery Gift box, one could still claim it.
There were a few reports of a Lv.10 original color Magearna with 15 ribbons presumably because of this.
Do note, in the first version of this gift the PID was fixed. It also appears the recipient cannot have a TID/SID combo what would allow one to be shiny.
The Pokémon Home 3.0 update made some changes to the Mystery Gift behaviour. The Rev. 2 of this Gift granted players a Pokémon with random PID, Encryption Constant and HT/WT.
First Challenge Pichu
By Project Pokémon Bot in Pokémon HOME
In the mobile app version of Pokémon HOME, players were able to receive a special Pichu by completing any challenge (to obtain a sticker),
and placing the sticker in a binder.
Players can receive it from the Mystery Gift > Gift Box option.
As per any Mystery gift redeemed on Pokémon HOME, this Pokémon's language follows the language that was set on the mobile app.
This Pokémon's OT Gender follows the gender of the avatar the player picked.
The first version of this Gift, up until the Pokémon HOME 3.0 update, granted a Pokémon with PID, Encryption Constant, and HT/WT with null values.
The Pokémon Home 3.0 update made some changes to the Mystery Gift behaviour. The Rev. 2 of this Gift granted players a Pokémon with random PID, Encryption Constant and HT/WT.
First GTS Trade Rotom
By Project Pokémon Bot in Pokémon HOME
Using the mobile app, when the player deposits a Pokémon into GTS, and that Pokémon was selected for a trade,
the player can then receive this Rotom from the Mystery Gift > Gift Box option.
As per any Mystery gift redeemed on Pokémon HOME, this Pokémon's language follows the language that was set on the mobile app.
This Pokémon's OT Gender follows the gender of the avatar the player picked.
The first version of this Gift, up until the Pokémon HOME 3.0 update, granted a Pokémon with PID, Encryption Constant, and HT/WT with null values.
The Pokémon Home 3.0 update made some changes to the Mystery Gift behaviour. The Rev. 2 of this Gift granted players a Pokémon with random PID, Encryption Constant and HT/WT.
First Wonder Box Trade Eevee
By Project Pokémon Bot in Pokémon HOME
Using the mobile app, when the player deposits a Pokémon into the Wonder Box, and that Pokémon was then traded away,
the player would then be qualified to receive this Eevee from the Mystery Gift > Gift Box option.
Basically, the player gets the Eevee for their first successful trade via the Wonder Box.
As per any Mystery gift redeemed on Pokémon HOME, this Pokémon's language follows the language that was set on the mobile app.
This Pokémon's OT Gender follows the gender of the avatar the player picked.
The first version of this Gift, up until the Pokémon HOME 3.0 update, granted a Pokémon with PID, Encryption Constant, and HT/WT with null values.
The Pokémon Home 3.0 update made some changes to the Mystery Gift behaviour. The Rev. 2 of this Gift granted players a Pokémon with random PID, Encryption Constant and HT/WT.
First Login Reward Pikachu
By Project Pokémon Bot in Pokémon HOME
This Pikachu is waiting for the player in the PC, when the players accesses their HOME's PC for the very first time.
If the player's first login is on the Nintendo Switch, this Pikachu's language is set to Japanese.
If the player's first login was on the mobile app, this Pikachu's language follows the language that was set when launching the application.
This Pikachu's OT Gender is set to Male.
The first version of this Gift, up until the Pokémon HOME 3.0 update, granted a Pokémon with PID, Encryption Constant, and HT/WT with null values.
The Pokémon Home 3.0 update made some changes to the Mystery Gift behaviour. The Rev. 2 of this Gift granted players a Pokémon with random PID, Encryption Constant and HT/WT.
HOME Starter Squirtle
By Project Pokémon Bot in Pokémon HOME
When players first launch the mobile app version of Pokémon HOME, they'll be given a choice to choose a Kanto starter.
This Kanto starter comes with it's hidden ability.
This Pokémon's language follows the language that was set on the mobile app.
This Pokémon's OT Gender follows the gender of the avatar the player picked.
The first version of this Gift, up until the Pokémon HOME 3.0 update, granted a Pokémon with PID, Encryption Constant, and HT/WT with null values.
The Pokémon Home 3.0 update made some changes to the Mystery Gift behaviour. The Rev. 2 of this Gift granted players a Pokémon with random PID, Encryption Constant and HT/WT.
HOME Starter Charmander
By Project Pokémon Bot in Pokémon HOME
When players first launch the mobile app version of Pokémon HOME, they'll be given a choice to choose a Kanto starter.
This Kanto starter comes with it's hidden ability.
This Pokémon's language follows the language that was set on the mobile app.
This Pokémon's OT Gender follows the gender of the avatar the player picked.
The first version of this Gift, up until the Pokémon HOME 3.0 update, granted a Pokémon with PID, Encryption Constant, and HT/WT with null values.
The Pokémon Home 3.0 update made some changes to the Mystery Gift behaviour. The Rev. 2 of this Gift granted players a Pokémon with random PID, Encryption Constant and HT/WT.
HOME Starter Bulbasaur
By Project Pokémon Bot in Pokémon HOME
When players first launch the mobile app version of Pokémon HOME, they'll be given a choice to choose a Kanto starter.
This Kanto starter comes with it's hidden ability.
This Pokémon's language follows the language that was set on the mobile app.
This Pokémon's OT Gender follows the gender of the avatar the player picked.
The first version of this Gift, up until the Pokémon HOME 3.0 update, granted a Pokémon with PID, Encryption Constant, and HT/WT with null values.
The Pokémon Home 3.0 update made some changes to the Mystery Gift behaviour. The Rev. 2 of this Gift granted players a Pokémon with random PID, Encryption Constant and HT/WT.
Game Purchase Poké Balls
By Project Pokémon Bot in Generation 7 (Switch)
In Japan, starting from Apr 24, 2019, with any purchase of either Let's Go Pikachu or Let's Go Eevee games at supported retailers in Japan,
the purchase will come along with a free adventure guidebook as well as a serial code for 100x Poké Balls.
Wonder Card ID #0003: Purchase Bonus Here's what you got: Poké Ball x100 Serial Code | LGPE | Starting Apr 24, 2019 Format Ver.1.0.8-0, Post Updated Date:20190513_0819
What can be done with these files
In-Game Mystery Gift redemption with Switch Gift Data Manager2071 downloads
Counterattack Mewtwo (JP)
By Project Pokémon Bot in Generation 7 (Switch)
This gift was distributed via Serial Code to players who preordered the movie tickets to M22: Mewtwo's Counterattack Evolution in Japan.
This gift comes with 200 in every AV stat. Additionally 3 out of 6 IV stat are 31, and the rest have the value of 30.
The Trainer ID signifies the date of M01: Mewtwo Strikes Back's first release in Japan: July 18th, 1998.
* Interestingly, there are bitflags that indicates that 2 additional (unknown) games are eligible to receive this wonder card. Maybe they're testing it on Sword & Shield?
(Note: The event redemption period ends before Sword & Shield is released, though)
Thanks @wo0ts for his contribution!
Wonder Card ID #0002: Mewtwo Gift Species Mewtwo TID 980718 Distribution Serial Code Location 2019 Pokémon Movie Dates Apr 12 to Sep 30, 2019 PID Cannot Be Shiny Games Let's Go Pikachu & Eevee
* ?1 ?2 Nature Quiet Card Per Save Multiples Allowed
Lv. 70 Moves (ITALIC means Relearnable) Psychic Shadow Ball Barrier Calm Mind Lang
Slot OT Name Nickname Preset
Lang JPN はかせ (default name) ENG はかせ (default name) FRE はかせ (default name) GER はかせ (default name) ITA はかせ (default name) SPA はかせ (default name) KOR はかせ (default name) CHS はかせ (default name) CHT はかせ (default name) Format Ver.1.0.7-0, Post Updated Date:20190425_0658
What can be done with these files
PKM creation with PKHeX (drag & drop the wondercard file in the spot where you want the Pokémon) In-Game Mystery Gift redemption with Switch Gift Data Manager5991 downloads
Giovanni's Mewtwo (US)
By Project Pokémon Bot in Generation 7 (Switch)
This gift was distributed to players in the US via the Pokémon Pass app. By accessing the app in any Best Buy store, players get serial codes that can be used to redeem this Mewtwo.
The giveaway dates on the app is between November 4th to November 14, 2019. That being said, some players have been able to access it as early as November 1st.
The redemption of the code is till March 5th, 2020.
As events for Let's Go Pikachu & Eevee are not region locked, the serial code can be redeemed on Switches of any region.
Wonder Card ID #0503: Mewtwo Gift Species Mewtwo TID 191104 Distribution Serial Code Location a lovely place Dates Nov 04 '19 to Mar 05, '20 PID Cannot Be Shiny Games Let's Go Pikachu & Eevee Nature Random Card Per Save Only One Allowed
Lv. 70 Moves (ITALIC means Relearnable) Amnesia Psychic Teleport Recover Lang
Slot OT Name Nickname Preset
Lang JPN Giovanni (default name) ENG Giovanni (default name) FRE Giovanni (default name) ITA Giovanni (default name) GER Giovanni (default name) SPA Giovanni (default name) KOR Giovanni (default name) CHS Giovanni (default name) CHT Giovanni (default name) Format Ver.1.0.8-3b4, Post Updated Date:20191102_0311
What can be done with these files
PKM creation with PKHeX (drag & drop the wondercard file in the spot where you want the Pokémon) In-Game Mystery Gift redemption with Switch Gift Data Manager5323 downloads
Giovanni's Mewtwo (EU)
By Project Pokémon Bot in Generation 7 (Switch)
In commemoration for the release of the TCG: Unified Minds expansion, an event Mewtwo was distributed to players in Europe via serial code.
Mewtwo was likely being distributed because it is one of the featured Pokémon for the new expansion.
Credits to Fade/seiferzero and Djoke12100 for helping us with this entry!
Wonder Card ID #0502: Mewtwo Gift Species Mewtwo TID 190801 Distribution Serial Code Location a lovely place Dates Aug 09, 2019
to Apr 30, 2020 PID Cannot Be Shiny Games Let's Go Pikachu & Eevee Nature Random Card Per Save Only One Allowed
Lv. 70 Moves (ITALIC means Relearnable) Amnesia Psychic Teleport Recover Lang
Slot OT Name Nickname Preset
Lang JPN Giovanni (default name) ENG Giovanni (default name) FRE Giovanni (default name) ITA Giovanni (default name) GER Giovanni (default name) SPA Giovanni (default name) KOR Giovanni (default name) CHS Giovanni (default name) CHT Giovanni (default name) Format Ver.1.0.8-2, Post Updated Date:20190811_0349
Original news article: https://projectpokemon.org/home/forums/topic/54201-lgpe-unified-minds-mewtwo/
What can be done with these files
PKM creation with PKHeX (drag & drop the wondercard file in the spot where you want the Pokémon) In-Game Mystery Gift redemption with Switch Gift Data Manager5500 downloads
Secret Club Krabby
By Project Pokémon Bot in Generation 7 (Switch)
This gift was distributed to players that are members of the Secret Club, to commemorate the registration of 100,000 members with the Pokémon Secret Club!
In order for players to join the Secret Club, players must pre-order Sword & Shield from a participating Japanese retailer.
Players would then receive a code that is required to register with the Secret Club.
The Trainer ID 000132 appears to be a pun based on Secret Club: 1 (hi from hitotsu - first) 3 (mi from mitsu - third) 2 (tsu; Japanese' roman pronunciation of 2) -> Himitsu (means secret)
Additionally, the words "Club" on the website have been replaced with a Krabby icon; Krabby's Japanese name (クラブ) has the exact same katakana characters as the word Club (クラブ).
Wonder Card ID #0004: ひみつ's Krabby Gift Species Krabby TID 000132 Distribution Serial Code Location a lovely place Dates Oct 04, '19 to Feb 03, '20 PID Shiny PID Games Let's Go Pikachu & Eevee Nature Random Card Per Save Only One Allowed
Lv. 15 Moves (ITALIC means Relearnable) Crabhammer Toxic Facade Bubble Beam Lang
Slot OT Name Nickname Preset
Lang JPN ひみつ (default name) ENG ひみつ (default name) FRE ひみつ (default name) ITA ひみつ (default name) GER ひみつ (default name) SPA ひみつ (default name) KOR ひみつ (default name) CHS ひみつ (default name) CHT ひみつ (default name) Format Ver.1.0.8-3b4, Post Updated Date:20191101_0406
What can be done with these files
PKM creation with PKHeX (drag & drop the wondercard file in the spot where you want the Pokémon) In-Game Mystery Gift redemption with Switch Gift Data Manager4551 downloads