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Hereby I present you, the Pokémon Mystery Gift Editor!

As the name already suggests, you can edit Mystery Gifts from the 4th and 5th generation games. It also has some extra features like exporting Wonder Card images and generating Action Replay codes.

At the moment there's being worked on a new version. But if you want to use the editor right now, please go to the downloads section.

Keep in mind that I do not support these older versions anymore. So please do not report any bugs you find, as I do not intend to fix them in the version 1.x branch (the version 2.x branch will (almost) be a complete code rewrite).

I will host this project on GitHub as soon as I'm satisfied with the new code base. This means you can view and contribute to the source code and/or researches, which I'm encouraging you to do so.

Be it contributing to the core, GUI, language translations, various lists, etc., it does not matter. I can use all the help I need.


19 May 2013:

I have cleaned up this post a bit, the old one is still available at the end of this post.


See below in this post.

Known bugs

  • Version 1.4.3 has a problem with saving D/P/Pt/HG/SS saves, please use any lower version (which you can find here).


None available yet.

Planned features

None and everything at the same time.

My requests: Research & Development

None at the moment.

Old post for archiving purposes:

  Reveal hidden contents


Mod edit: Downloads can be found here:


  • Like 2

Well, I'd like to say congratulations on the great job. I do hope this will become useful to many.

I tested this briefly in mono and it seems to run ok. There is a small issue with the names containing é instead of e in Pokémon. For one I had to edit the name of the exe on windows for it to be recognized but there was still and issue with the config file. I did not have a suitable save to test completely so I don't know the extent to which that affects things. If it's not too much trouble, might I request that you not use é in the names of the config and the exe?

One again, good job.


Awesome work Grovyle! I like the program a lot, I haven't gotten around to testing all of it yet but from what I did it seemed to work great (Pearl & Platinum) I plan to test Heart Gold later on as well but I'm sure it'll work great. Text didn't get corrupted or anything either and umm let's see unlike SCV the é in the filename/config made no difference for me but I'm on windows (Win7 x64) Only thing I'd suggest is using the .pkm format instead of .bin since I don't think a lot of people are used to it. anyways once again great work!


Thanks! :D

  SCV said:
Well, I'd like to say congratulations on the great job. I do hope this will become useful to many.

I tested this briefly in mono and it seems to run ok. There is a small issue with the names containing é instead of e in Pokémon. For one I had to edit the name of the exe on windows for it to be recognized but there was still and issue with the config file. I did not have a suitable save to test completely so I don't know the extent to which that affects things. If it's not too much trouble, might I request that you not use é in the names of the config and the exe?

One again, good job.

I've never heard of that problem :P

I'll edit that é to an e in my next build. And actually, I want to get rid of that whole .exe.config concept. Uses too much bytes as its XML, but I need to look at my other projects where I've the code that will save to a custom file, then I'll import the settings myself (the only setting is the background thing :P). But I've written this on my mother's laptop instead of my own pc, as my pc is back to Alternate for repairation... :( So I need to check my external HDD for my documents.

One thing that already has been changed is the need for a save file before you can edit PGT or PCD files. When I've edited that é and the settings file, I'll post v1.1.

  Kaarosu said:
Awesome work Grovyle! I like the program a lot, I haven't gotten around to testing all of it yet but from what I did it seemed to work great (Pearl & Platinum) I plan to test Heart Gold later on as well but I'm sure it'll work great. Text didn't get corrupted or anything either and umm let's see unlike SCV the é in the filename/config made no difference for me but I'm on windows (Win7 x64) Only thing I'd suggest is using the .pkm format instead of .bin since I don't think a lot of people are used to it. anyways once again great work!

Well, same for me. I'm writing this on a WinXP machine and it's working. The only thing is that you mustn't delete the .exe.config file, otherwise the program won't run...

But, since I'm changing this in the next build, this problem is also fixed.

About that .pkm and .bin. I need to add the functionality to decrypt the Pokémon before you can export it to .pkm. I'll take a look at it when I got home from school and after my driver lessons this afternoon :) (wish me luck since it's my 2nd lesson and it has been freezing last night...)



Well I have just tested out this program with HG/SS. I works perfectly. There is nothing wrong at all. I love this program. This will be how I help with the event contribution thread from now on. Good job Grovyle91!!! Keep up the good work!


Congratulations Grovyle91! Great job you did there, I haven't tested the program yet, but it's clear the alpha version works perfectly based on other comments. You know what ? They say 60-80% of the developer's work start upon releasing his program, so good luck working with upcoming builds and i hope you get some good feedback. And btw, THIS SHOULD BE STICKIED!


Thanks everyone! :D

  codemonkey85 said:
Great job Grovyle91! I had a feeling when you first started posting that you would make an awesome developer. :D

If you need any help with the PKM encryption / decryption process, let me know. :)

It costed me an hour or two to figure out how the decryption works, I needed to take a look at the source code of PPSE before I realized that it was just one small thing that prevented me to get the right decryption.

If I'm stuck again somewhere, I'll let you know ;)



My SoulSilver save works perfectly, while my HeartGold one triggers this message :

  Reveal hidden contents

I have no idea why this problem occurs, maybe my mystery gift section is messed up ? Anyway, if you need my save file to fix this issue i'll give you for both games so you can compare :

Pokemon SS.sav

Pokemon HG.sav

I'll be really grateful if you could find a solution, but if it doesn't work, no big deal. I'll simply start over with a clean save.

Pokemon SS.savFetching info...

Pokemon HG.savFetching info...

Posted (edited)

This error occurs when the program wasn't able to find the unicode character of one of the characters in your Wonder Card. I'll take a look at it.

EDIT: I guess your save file got corrupted. I've tested your HG save with a newer build (with character replacing if a character hasn't been found, so that the program still loads your save file), but there were more characters that weren't found.

Am I right if your first Wonder Card is the 10th Anniversary Mew? From what I've seen what's corrupting this Wonder Card, is the Pokémon part of this card, it's copied and shifted a couple of bytes further in your save. Right over the text.

Did you do something unusual with your save file?

Edited by Grovyle91

You're right it's indeed the GS 10th anniversary mew, I inserted it using Pokesav HGSS 0.02, but i didn't know it would get corrupted. Thanks for taking the time to find this out, next time i'll make sure to use your program :)


Version 1.1 has been released! There are more internal code changes than GUI/feature changes in this build, mainly to prepare the PKM decrypting/encrypting in the next version. However, to make this version interesting, there are some handy changes in the GUI. Like that the changes are not lost when you switch to another Gift or Wonder Card (you still have to check if you've saved everything before you save the save file), or that you can edit a PGT or PCD file directly (without needing a save file at all) and there's a option to disable the automatic backup (use at your own risk). For the changelog and download, please go to the first post in this thread.

Since this version has all its critical code changed, you need to consider this version as not fully stable yet. In case if you have problems in this version, please use version 1.0 instead and report these bugs. However, I'm quite sure this version runs just as smoothly as the previous one, but you'll never know :P.

And thanks codemonkey for stickying this :D

  Poryhack said:
Had a brief look at it and just wanna say I'm glad you made this. Mine really wasn't sufficient for most purposes, which was fine with me because I'd hoped something else would come along. And now it has!

I'd like to point out that your avatar is a Treecko, while your "successor's" avatar is the evolved form, Grovyle. The hilarity!

And you're welcome, Grovyle91. I figure if an active and useful project crops up around here, it's a good idea to give it some attention. :D


I've finally found some time to release version 1.2. In this version the unencrypted PKM files are supported. Also, some properties of Pokémon are added, though read-only. I'll try to add some more in the next version. More in the changelog.

For the changelog and download, please go to the first post in this thread.


Hi Grovyle 91.

I'm urgood1. I saw your post on Pokémon Mystery Gift Editor (v1.2) saying that you wrote the program to import the PGT file. I tried to use yours to import the Enigma Crystal event into my SAV. However, I couldn't even open my SAV file.

In the beginning, I've changed my SAV size down to 512 KB from 1 MB. But when I loaded the SAV file again, this time it said, " '65535' is not a valid value for 'Value.' The value for 'Value' should be within the range of 'Minimum' and 'Maximum.' "

I saw everyone else's SAV files work just fine. I just don't get how mine just doesn't work. Would you please see what the problem is and solve it for me please? I'll try to post this message up in the tread along with my SAV file. Thank you very much sir and have a wonderful day!! =D

Best Regards,


Pokemon - Heart Gold (J) -original.sav

Pokemon - Heart Gold (J) - 512KB.sav

Pokemon - Heart Gold (J) -original.savFetching info...

Pokemon - Heart Gold (J) - 512KB.savFetching info...

  urgood1 said:
Hi Grovyle 91.

I'm urgood1. I saw your post on Pokémon Mystery Gift Editor (v1.2) saying that you wrote the program to import the PGT file. I tried to use yours to import the Enigma Crystal event into my SAV. However, I couldn't even open my SAV file.

In the beginning, I've changed my SAV size down to 512 KB from 1 MB. But when I loaded the SAV file again, this time it said, " '65535' is not a valid value for 'Value.' The value for 'Value' should be within the range of 'Minimum' and 'Maximum.' "

I saw everyone else's SAV files work just fine. I just don't get how mine just doesn't work. Would you please see what the problem is and solve it for me please? I'll try to post this message up in the tread along with my SAV file. Thank you very much sir and have a wonderful day!! =D

Best Regards,


First off, your save file shouldn't be 1MB. The proper size for any 4th gen pokemon save is 512KB. Either the savetype autodetection in your flashcard is bad, or you set it to the wrong size.

I'm not sure how you converted down to 512 KB but it appears it wasn't done correctly. I got it to work by just chopping the extra 512 KB off the end. You can download the fixed file below.


test.savFetching info...

  Poryhack said:
First off, your save file shouldn't be 1MB. The proper size for any 4th gen pokemon save is 512KB. Either the savetype autodetection in your flashcard is bad, or you set it to the wrong size.

I'm not sure how you converted down to 512 KB but it appears it wasn't done correctly. I got it to work by just chopping the extra 512 KB off the end. You can download the fixed file below.

Dear Poryhack,

Thank you for going through all the troubles with my SAV file. I think my R4i's autodetection was just being dumb to make the SAV files 1 MB, including both Platinum and Heart Gold SAV.

Now my questions are, "How did you chop down the other 512 KB end and make the file work just fine? Would you please teach me how to do that because I want to learn some new skills? And Would you do me another favor to chop down the other 512 KB from my newer Heart Gold SAV file because later on today, I had beaten 2 more gyms?"

If you could help me chop down the file and teach me how to do it, I'll be greatly appreciated! Thank you very much for your kindness and your consideration.

Best Regards,


4168 - Pokemon - Heart Gold (J).sav

4168 - Pokemon - Heart Gold (J).savFetching info...


Well i find this Program very Useful Great Work Grovyle, Im sure i will use this program a lot more then Pokesav for now on since i dont do hacking that much anymore.


Here is a bug i am reporting:

when i load a Sav file any changes made writes to Slot 2 instead of the Slot 1 Sav and it is using 2nd block when it loads the sav so i am unable to use this program all together unless i can write slot 2 to slot 1 or make my slot 1 corrupted!

i will also upload my sav file if you wish to take a look at it

Pokemon Platinum.sav

Pokemon Platinum.savFetching info...

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