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  1. I don't know, which is why I was vague in my reply. It's not something you can just quickly change with zero knowledge. https://github.com/gluck/il-repack Merging the assemblies after build might be fine to do, but again, I do not think you need to do this. Plugin files really should be kept as separate files.
  2. ILMerge or change the PKHeX.WinForms to build including dlls in a folder; change PKHeX's settings to load plugins from within the assembly. Ideally, you don't do this because there's no real need to.
  3. Hack your 3DS, then you can edit the save data from Gen7. Change the entity converter setting to allow backwards conversion / incompatible conversions. Then you can drop a pk9 into a pk7 and fix any remaining issues.
  4. Fake/flashcarts store their data differently; the contents in the file you've uploaded are not a Gen3 save file, or any fragment of such.
  5. 24/03/10 - New Update: Legality: Added Encounter Slot RNG correlation checks for Gen4 (and Gen3). Because Encounter Type PID mismatch wasn't enough! Gen3 correlations are complicated by vblanks, so with PKHeX's default settings it does not raise a flag. Basically, the program tries to check the encounter conditions (if you need a specific lead), and indicates if it is unable to determine how that frame was encountered.
  6. Hold control when requesting a legality report to get the verbose output. Refer to the change log for changes between PKHeX releases
  7. Open your Gen7 save file, enable the setting, drop in the pk9, fix any issues, then clone it and import until you find a satisfactory value after HOME migrates it.
  8. If the Trainer Info editor has badges editable, sure, but really, you should just play the game as intended. Usually, Pokémon with your OT will always obey you.
  9. Manual checks only at this time, not planned to figure out how to automatically verify.
  10. Invalid save file format, completely wrong size. I was able to rip out some PK6 files though (3 party, 41 from box). Should match what you mentioned (Treecko, Mightyena, and Pikachu-Rockstar are present). extract.rar
  11. As has been stated multiple times throughout this thread, this program is only built for specific ROMs that have not been adjusted. You're trying to use the Vanilla BB2/VW2 version on "redux" which is a different ROM build.
  12. main Same weird corruption as someone else in another thread, where 0x1F bytes of data gets misplaced in the box data somehow, causing a big misalignment. Should be 99.9999% good to go.
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