PKHeX is a save editor for core-series Pokémon games. With it, users can manipulate various save files including: .sav, .dsv, .dat, .gci, .raw, and .bin types. PKHeX can also read and write: .pk files, which are individual Pokémon files, and .pgt, .pcd, .pgf, .wc, which are Mystery Gift files.
Version 19.11.15 of PKHeX has been released with improved legality checking, new features, minor changes, bug fixes, and added support for SW/SH.
Change log:
ExpandNew Update:
- Introducing Sword/Shield support! Thanks @SciresM and @sora10pls for troubleshooting prior to release!
- - Initial Legality Checking is provided. Please refer to the forums when reporting legality issues for Generation 8 parsing.
- - Bag editing, Pokédex, and Trainer Info editing is provided.
- Changed: PKHeX.Core.dll is now merged in with the main executable.
- Changed: PKHeX.WinForms spriting has now been split into a separate project. On build, it is merged into the main executable.
- Changed: .NET Core 3 support added for WinForms builds. .NET Framework 4.6 build is still the main build option.
- Changed: Project internals now use C# language version 8, the latest. Nullable compiler checks enabled for PKHeX.Core.
- Removed: Mono build no longer required due to font loading rework. No platform specific code remains!
- Changed: Slot grids are now generated instead of manually created. Party and Battle Box now appear differently.
- Changed: Encounter Slot generators now use game-specific logic to yield slots.
- Fixed: Gen6 Fashion for females now exposes the remaining fields.
- Fixed: Legality parsing for misc things fixed. Thanks @Rayqo, @steph9009, @iiippppk!
- Fixed: Mystery Gift received flags are now set correctly. Thanks tsubasa830!
- Fixed: Loading box data binaries now applies it to the current box. Thanks @PKMWM1!
- Fixed: Gen4 Poketch now behaves correctly in the editor, no longer deleting itself.
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