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  1. Hello, I use the encounter data base but max raid mons there only has 4IVs. I want 6IV mons. As mentioned, the IV Searcher was working earlier and I was able to successfully create 4 mons. I just want to figure out what is causing the bug, even though the IV Searcher should be giving me the EC and PID of a 6IV mons from a max raid. Thank you for your input though.
  2. Hello! I have used the Overworld8/Max Raid IV Searcher plugin for PKHex, and it was working perfectly fine until it didn't. I was able to create 6IV Kyogre, Groudon, Rayquaza, and Dialga but when I tried creating Palkia and Giratina, it suddenly won't be legal. I then tried to recreate the previously successful mons, but now they get this error too. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong. Hope someone can help me. 0487 - Giratina - F56631CBE29E.pk8 0382 - Kyogre - E34F31C92860.pk8 0383 - Groudon - 05B731C8FA6A.pk8 0384 ★ - Rayquaza - BE6331C8FA6A.pk8 0483 - Dialga - 2C6731C9BD41.pk8 0484 - Palkia - 2033E96233DA.pk8
  3. I think I did this earlier. Try: !Ball=16 .TrainerSID7=(Your SID) .TrainerID7=(Your TID) Make sure to create a backup of your file in case we mess it up.
  4. Is there a way to randomize SID and TID? I tried: .TrainerSID7=$rand .TrainerID7=$rand But it didn't work. Hope you can tell me how to randomize these values
  5. Can I also ask for help re getting ultra shinies? My IDs are: SID - 3735 | TID - 124250 Thank you!
  6. Hi! Can I also ask help in getting my SID? Thank you! Zef - 2900-8041-8339
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