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  1. Ignore my above it was bc of item clause All Pokemon work fine
  2. So a bunch of my pokemon wont work on pokemon stadium 2... Trying to get the ultimate comp version for me and my friends to play! This one like others mentioned do not have illegal moves. However ive gotten a lot of flags putting in moves that smogon has listed on the gen 2 GS comp forums. When I go to prime cup I can select a ton of pokemon that I genned but almost half of them the yes to confirm option is greyed out. So im assuming this is some sort of legality check. 205 ★ - Forretress - 3789.pk2
  3. can you batch edit to get rid of home trackers?
  4. from what i can tell and correct me if im wrong the first part of the tracker is individualized based on who uploaded it and the last few digits are for the exact pokemon....so if you were to do this correctly and wanted to send some out maybe just change up the last 2 digits on each one instead of putting every mon you plan to disperse on your own pokemon home account
  5. would it be a good idea to steal the home trackers yall are using instead of copying our own? for ban risk? or probably dont worry about it
  6. ok so for ppl wondering this theres now a slot with the pokemon home tracker on the page with the origin information....just copy and paste
  7. im dumb can you tell me how to do this?
  8. How do I use batch editor to edit pokemon in a specific box?
  9. Nailed it! Thanks brah Plz lock thread someone
  10. Didnt work unfortunately
  11. What am I doing wrong here then if only like 6 pokemon in all my boxes became square shiny lol
  12. So I've used batch editor to make my pokemon square shiny With boxes highlighted and "any" .PID=$shiny0 Seems to work but some of the mons have this strange yellow indicator now
  13. So idk why the last post was closed bc my question wasnt sufficiently answered...I understand creating from scratch is better but does anyone know what this flag means and how to fix it
  14. So I just updated pkhex and now all my pokemon are flagged and they weren't before
  15. Any ideas? I've tried everything
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