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Posts posted by Narwhal

  1. Wow. Awesome! Do you want to join our sig thread?:confused::smile:

    Hey can you guys give me your opinion on this avatar its my first one ever,

    i didnt use any tutorials the renders where realy good but i had a rough time getting all the layers to blend, the background isnt a picture its an effect i made with a picture :) i made it in school with my portable photoshop in 5mins,

    infact im still in school so ill attach the avatar:)

  2. 4 hours for me. It's not like you have to use his banner, he won't kill you. :\

    We might as well everyone said the gengar one was better but everyone voted for the cubone one anyway......kinda stupid but in 2 and a half hours he will officially have won (because thats monday for me)

    so...who cares....?

  3. Well, another request missed. :\ Oh well... PM me if you get a request. I don't check my email often, so I don't know if there are posts here. :( I don't know if I'm allowed to ask for an avatar, but I want to test your skill. I would like an avatar with a Dratini and a Dragonair with my name in cursive-like letters (sort of like the ones in my avatar) and a bluish background. :) PM me when you're done. :D

  4. Well, one of the artists at my thread told me there was another one, and he was quite angry about it. He wanted me to do something about it, because I made the thread. I didn't know you both had a sig thread. So there could have been 3 threads, not 2. Thanks for telling me.

    Copy what? There can be more than one joint signature thread on a forum if I am not mistaken. We both have had our own signature threads on other forums and just decided to make a joint one, if thats copying you, then I guess we did.

    Anyway Illthian we will get right on it.

  5. I agree! I can't believe they are making, how many? 493+16 more Arceus types+3 more Deoxys forms+that other pichu+(possible) 4 more rotom forms+27 more unown letters+west gastrodon and shellos+giritina origin form+shaymin sky+2 more burmy/wormadam forms=552, if I am correct. :eek: Can't wait to have a wailord following me. O_O

    493 Pokémon following you, the makers of Pokémon out done themselves in that part.
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