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Posts posted by Narwhal

  1. Magic.:P Personally, I don't think I am that good. My birthday is coming up, and I'm going to get Photoshop CS4, probably.

    Sure, kunaidude34. Why not?

    EDIT:I couldn't find a flying picture of shaymin sky form, but here is your sig!

    Oh, the suspense!


    Simple, yet completely awesome for you.

    I am a saint. A SAINT! I am like Saint Patrick. :P

  2. Narwhal, I sent you a PM a while back. Did you get my reply with the link to the Notched-Ear Pichu pic or are you already done?

    I'm pretty sure I PMed you it or it is here. I will add it again.


    Then, there is this one, which I think is better:


    EDIT: UnderXRay, here's your sig:


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