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Posts posted by Narwhal

  1. If you want to get into making sigs, I suggest a 500 X 125 pixel image. The Shaymin was messed up, because you painted it all green. Start with a green background, then paste it on. You can PM me with another sig attempt if you try again. I think I'm just good at it. I am good at drawing, so I wanted to make cool "drawings" on my computer. :)

  2. Each legendary (from now on, if there is a generation 5) should get it's own unique ability. That would make it more interesting. I feel like all legendaries have pressure, and that sucks. <O_o "gasp! he said sucks! AHHHH!!!! IT IS THE APOCALYPSE!!!! RUN!!!"

  3. Okay, here is what you should do:

    1. Buy a safe.

    2. Put your AR in the safe.

    3. Play your game for a few days without the AR.

    4. Take it out of the safe.

    5. Don't use it for a few more days.

    6. USE THE AR!!!

    I hope I helped. Also, all of my pokemon on Platinum are legit, except Shaymin. :( I missed the TRU event. The only cheats I use are always catch pokemon, HMs are erasable, max money, and walk through walls. :bidoof:

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