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Posts posted by Narwhal

  1. I didn't quite understand that...so we can't use our signatures?

    And yea, that's one cute pic :D

    I'd rather you not use your signatures, because they are advertising this thread, and we are on this thread, so we really have no need to use them. You can use them once in a while, but I would like you to edit some posts to remove your signature from them.

  2. Goldgross:


    Thanks, punky. :wink:

    ---------- Post added at 08:01 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:57 PM ----------

    Ok then...

    I realize that

    1. My renders aren't the best

    2. Your art is way better


    4. and that cows cant fly

    However, if the people like the work then it doesn't matter and plus there is always room for improvement so I guess there is a lot of room for me :tongue:

    You're using ghost mode aren't you?

    Don't beat yourself up about it, you only started, when? This month, possibly last month? You are doing well for how long you have been making images. :) And yes, I'm a poltergeist. Cows can fly, put 'em in an airplane. :P

  3. I understand that about Pokemonfan. The renders aren't very good, but they will get better if someone helps him, and it's okay to have a background like that, as long as the person who requests likes it. :) Sure, I'll change your status. :wink:

    Narwal see where it says how active each artist is can you making mine like on leave or somthing? i have to go somewhere if you could thanks

    im i getting better?

    i dont like the sig that Pokemonfan done

    1. The renders arnt good

    2. its probally just purple clouds with a twist and a lens flare

    but who am i to judge?

  4. TOP:

    Yes, I have heard the song. Hah, "=.=" O_o Well, if you want me to put my writing on the bottom, I will. :\ :( :frown: Never mind.

    =^-^= <Kitty will TAKE OVER THE WORLD! :P Thanks Greencat.

    Narwhal, this is totally random, but its killing me. WHY do you have the person you're quoting UNDER the text that you're responding. It doesn't make any sense at all.

    For example, in this post, I quoted you. The quote is on top of the text. Same with everyone else (Telos, Naru-chu, and kunai). Except you. Its just... eating my brain... =.=

    Anyway, I havn't made a sig in a while, so if I can actually manage to grab a request somewhere between you freaks ninjaing them, I'll make one. Especially since I'm leaving for a month in a few days. I'll check back though, but not all that often (2-3 times a week). So leave me a request plz okay? =D

    P.S. Narwhal... have you heard



    Yes, I have heard the song. Hah, "=.=" O_o Well, if you want me to put my writing on the bottom, I will. :):D

    ---------- Post added at 03:35 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:15 PM ----------

    pf should definetely join.

    Sure! But first, you need to stop having those EVIL WHITE PIXELS OF DOOM on your images. Ask telos about it. :wink:

  5. Yes, kunaidude34 is improving! As for you, telos, think you have become as good as I am, and better in some things! Here's your grade:


    If I was a teacher, which I sort of am... ;) that is what I would give you for a grade.

    Also, I think we shouldn't use our signatures as much here, they sort of just make the page longer.

    You are doing some great work kunai nice job :wink:
  6. Sure, I'll have a friend do it. :wink:

    :biggrin: That sigs amazing Narwhal! You could make that one look SO good, could you PLEASE :redface: make me another with all the details i gave to Telos. Oh and make the Gs normal and Meta brighter. If you'd like to know the details again i can PM you.

    Though i have to say, that baby must'v taken a long time to make.

    Metalbear, I'm on it! :)



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