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Posts posted by Narwhal

  1. because I am left handed. I hate my handwriting =/

    I'm left handed too. Most left handed people use the right side of their brain, which does these things:


    uses feeling

    "big picture" oriented

    imagination rules

    symbols and images

    present and future

    philosophy & religion

    can "get it" (i.e. meaning)



    spatial perception

    knows object function

    fantasy based

    presents possibilities


    risk taking

    So left handed people are generally more creative than right handed people.

    Loading: Those brushes look pretty cool. I might try them out sometime. :)

  2. If there is a badge made i think the only ones to deserve it at the moment are Narwhal and Illithian they started long before half of use and have made some great work.

    also i thought Enkidu and jap guy were leaving?

    Enkidu and... (we don't have japanese keyboards, you know!) "that japanese guy" deserve it too. After all, "that japanese guy" made Illithian's AMAZING sig. :wink:

  3. Health conditions have a reason they happen, and a reason they stop, even if it seems like a miracle. So take a vote off of luck, and put it on other. :wink:

    Thank you Greencat for another debate! :rolleyes:

  4. Okami: Okay, those may have been miracles, or luck. Sometimes, your actions influence what happens, so you could be lucky if you barely avoided a dog biting flesh off of your arm, but you pulled it away, or got away, so you made the "luck" or "miracle" happen. That's just an example.

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