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Everything posted by Grovyle91

  1. Hey guys, Most of you think the freezing is caused by a build-in anti-piracy code. But... I wanted to let you know there's also a possibility that there isn't enough free memory when you play HG/SS on a flashcard. Do anyone of you know the 'hack' in D/P/Pt with the layers of the map in Jubilife City (quickly moving through these layers to get Darkrai)? Well, I thought the freezing problem in HG/SS is may be the same problem. Because, while I was playing HG (on my M3), I was running through Violet City, but when I ran past the gym from the left, the right part of the city was blacked out (and actually no gym, because the area that was blacked out, was kinda overlapping the gym). That area wasn't loaded and I couldn't walk through it. It was just solid black. Then I moved upwards into a invisible warp (it was the door of the missing gym), but then the game froze completely in black. It's just a thought I'd like to share with you. I don't know if this is really the case, but since I've encountered this, I thought that it needed to be considered as a possibility: The game loads too much maps or other information in its memory, but forgets to dispose this in some way or something which cause these random freezes/crashes... Or, since I've read there were other flashcards without freezing, the problem might lay in the emulation of some flashcards. I don't know if someone of you have this or something samilar, but I haven't seen this anywhere at the moment (or I've searched with the wrong words). Too bad I didn't take a picture of it... but before I realized I entered the invisible gym. When this happens a next time, I'll make sure I take a picture of it Grtzz!!
  2. I changed some things with hexediting the save file. My name for example... that stupid Japanese games won't allow me more than five characters... which is very odd... I've noticed that there are 7 places for the chars. Even with Japanese it's possible to have 7 characters instead of max 5. And so I needed to change the OT in my Pokémon too... so I went to my hexeditor again... found the offsets, extracted the Pokémon, imported into Pokesav (*.bin in Party), changed my name, exported it to a bin file again and replaced it in the HG save. It's not that hard to change it, you just need to know which block you need to edit... Oh, and of course... the checksum must match with the edited block. Lucky me... HxD has a function to get the checksum from (a part of) the file, I just needed to know it was the CRC-16 CCITT algorithm. Grtzz!!
  3. For the first dialog it's: - I don't know the first one unknown to me and I guess you don't want to use it - Pokesav Pokémon File (*.pkm) - Pokémon File (*.bin) - XML Document (*.xml) - ARDS Code Text File (*.txt) - All Files (*.*) For the PID/IV generation dialog: PID - Algorithm - Nature - Ability - Gender - Shiny (yes/no) Then you probably want to know what each character in the table stands for... well, my best guess... try running Pokesav through Microsoft AppLocale. Then you'll see an X or an O instead of ?? or ?~. Good luck! Grtzz!!
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