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Everything posted by Grovyle91

  1. Great to hear that! Thanks! So I noticed. Hmm... I need to come with a better lay out. There are many new values in the map. Also, I've been working on something else for the past few days. I managed to create an hex editor control. This control works side-by-side with the already known values, so if you edit something (both the textboxes and the hex editor itself) it updates the lay out completely. Though it's beta as well, it works at my side so far. It would be awesome if I can add B/W save file support. Until then I'll keep updating the decrypted MG variant. So... very soon you can expect an update. Grtzz!!
  2. Yeah, that's the way I should've put it. Vista and 7 render my custom theme in WPF a lot better than XP. The functions still work in Windows XP, only the theme may be worse in XP than in Vista/7. As long the text is readable, it should be fine. I think you can better warn everyone before than explain everything afterwards. If the text is misaligned, try to grab the Segoe UI font from somewhere and install it. Windows XP doesn't have this font by default, but MGE does use it. Hmm... I've no experience with Mono. However, here you'll find the compatibility list: http://www.mono-project.com/Compatibility. For information: v1.4 beta 3 uses .NET Framework 2.0 WinForms (apparently supported) v1.4 final uses .NET Framework 4.0 WPF (not supported)
  3. I found it yes To be more precise, I've added some basic PGF editing in this new version! News: 12 October 2010 Yes, you're not daydreaming or something like that. I've finally finished the final version of 1.4 after six, long months. You can download it in the first post. However, I'm not supporting Windows XP completely anymore. Since WPF is mainly focussed on Windows Vista or higher, PMGE works the best on those operating systems. So, if you are still running Windows XP, it is possible you encounter some display errors. If any error occours which prevents the program from working, please do report it here. I may find a way to solve it. Now the updated features. I've updated HGSS ARDS export for those who still want it. I've changed the GUI in a way so it can open multiple files (tabbed editing FTW!). I've updated the ingame DPPtHGSS font (non-Japanese previews with Japanese characters now use the light version of these characters). And last but not least, basic editing of BW Mystery Gifts! (only PGF for now, not SAV). So... hurry and download it! Have fun!!
  4. Hmm... I've been too busy the last couple of days to work on this (and other projects). I think I'll finish the final version of MGE first (which I'm sure it won't take that long anymore). Since some more information is available about the MGs in B/W I'll work on that too. I'll be on IRC regularly from now on. So if you need me, I'll be there. And... I don't know some school terms in English, so the next part will be in Dutch... Ik moet voor deze week een handelingsdeel levensbeschouwing afmaken, een verslag natuurkunde afronden, donderdag ben ik heel de dag weg naar het FOM. Volgende week is het dan wel vakantie, maar de school heeft doodleuk verzonnen om de toetsweek direct na de vakantie te plannen... Ik kijk wel wanneer ik git kan installeren. Ik ga eerst Visual Studio zover proberen te krijgen om de werkende versie van versie 1.4 van mijn Mystery Gift Editor te compilen @StruckInHolland: de Engelse vertalingen zijn in git te vinden, ff hier zoeken op het forum brengt je vast wel naar de site. Ik weet hem niet zo even uit mijn hoofd. @bjfh: zou wel kunnen, ik zit her en der, niet overal altijd even actief... Grtzz!!
  5. Hi! So, the wondercards for the 5th generation is progressing Well, when I understand the full meaning of the PCA files and it works on the files, I will release the version WITH B/W support. But for now, I'm still working on some AR fixes (which I still cannot find because here it does work) and some buttons to work. And, Kopa... please read some manual or something on how the game understands the whole Mystery Gift meaning. You'll need PCD for the Wonder Card and PGT for the Gift itself, link those things together by setting the Wonder Card ID in the PCD section. Potatoo, it's saying you have the wrong filesize. You're trying to import a PKM yes? Then you'll need the Party PKM format, which is 236 bytes (the Box format is only 136 bytes, which isn't supported in the Mystery Gifts). Have I said already that I'm using tabs now? Well... it'll look like your internet browser with tabs meaning you can (theoretically) open unlimited SAV, PCD and PGT files to edit. Grtzz!!
  6. Actually, there needs to be a correction at the GTS return data... The first two bytes have nothing to do with the Pokémon itself. At 0x02 the Pokémon data starts. The rest follows. The length is still the same. I've edited my post. Grtzz!!
  7. <p><p><p><p><p>Ah! But of course!</p></p></p></p></p>

    <p><p><p><p><p>My notifications here are a mess, so I might have overlooked it.</p></p></p></p></p>


  8. Thanks! Regarding B&W, as I said in my post above: Supporting the new PKM shouldn't be much of a problem (since the PKM is almost identical), however, I don't know the AR codes of it yet. I'm working on releasing the next version without B&W support for now, then I'll be working on the B&W support.
  9. Thanks I'm expecting that from myself too, if .NET Framework wants to cooperate that is... It's just that I'm writing in version 4.0 now. Since the new version of PMGE will be written in WPF instead of WinForms, I needed this version to be released. With the older .NET versions the text wasn't clear at all times in WPF. However... sometimes the styling is a pain. But! I'm trying to add a feature that'll give the original style of Windows back. Windows XP doesn't like my new GUI, that's why. I'm sure many people will be happy with their WinXP Things I have yet to do (if not more) for v1.4: - Finishing custom styling - Finishing Folder Mode - Creating Mystery Gift Mode - Checking the problems with AR Export (and adding HGSS) - B&W support arrives at the time when I've figured out the location in the saves and implemented it in PMGE, not earlier, possibly later though ^^ Expected date: somewhere in October And WOW! I just saw that the bèta has been downloaded over 10000 times! O_O Thanks everyone for supporting it! Well... I'm going to bed now... it's past 2 AM here
  10. If you need help with something, I guess I can learn how github works In the past I've created a patch with xDelta as well... a long long time ago... Since I'm Dutch too I can help with the translation if wanted (don't ask me something Japanese though). I don't know how far it's progressing, so PM me when you've time. I'll see what I can do with git. Ltrzz!! Grovyle91
  11. <p><p><p><p><p>Hi everyone!</p></p></p></p></p>

    <p><p><p><p><p>I've been absent for the last 6 months I guess...</p></p></p></p></p>

    <p><p><p><p><p>I hope I'm able to work on the Mystery Gift Editor soon!!</p></p></p></p></p>


  12. Sorry guys I haven't been online for six months. Due some personal reasons I was not able working on this program. I hope that I'll release the next version in September or October. I'll have to look at every bug which's reported in the last months. However, I cannot guarantee that I'm able to fix every bug in the next weeks. Grtzz!! Grovyle91
  13. Regarding the new Black & White GTS... I've managed to get the details how the games and the server are communicating Which are the following: Checksum is XORed with 0x2db842b2 instead of 0x4a3b2c1d Hash is calculated from SHA1("HZEdGCzcGGLvguqUEKQN" + token) instead of "sAdeqWo3voLeC5r16DYv" + token The request from the DS to the BW server is not encrypted (unlike the GRNG with the checksum as seed in DPPt) Length of the request is 0x0E or 0x0F: 0x00 - 0x03: PID Trainer 0x04 - 0x07: Total length of the following statements 0x08 - 0x09: Pokémon ID 0x0A: Gender 0x0B: Min. Level 0x0C: Max. Level 0x0D: Unknown 0x0E: Total results 0x0F: Country [*]Host for BW is the same as DPPt: http://gamestats2.gs.nintendowifi.net/ [*]Root directory is different: /syachi2ds/web/worldexchange/ [*]Game ID of Black is 0x14, White is 0x15. [*]GTS return data is 296 bytes: 0x000 - 0x001: unknown (2 bytes) 0x002 - 0x0DD: Pokémon data (220 bytes) 0x0DE - 0x0ED: unknown (always zero?) (16 bytes) 0x0EE - 0x127: GTS specific data (58 bytes) The only difference is: 0x20 - 0x21: Trainer ID 0x22 - 0x23: Secret ID 0x24 - 0x33: Trainer Name For everything behind this point, add 0x02 to the DPPt server Have fun with it! Oh... if someone's interested, I've created a program which can search the GTS for a Pokémon like the game itself does. It's B&W compatible as well. Grtzz!! Grovyle91 P.S.: For anyone who's using my Mystery Gift Editor, I'm sorry I've been absent for the last six (?) months. Due some personal reasons I wasn't able to be online and fully working on the final version.
  14. Hi guys! I'm sorry I've been absent last month... I didn't find the time to work on the program (mainly because of my own copy of SoulSilver, some fanfics (reading over ~400k words and more than ~10 stories...), prepairing to reinstall Windows 7 here (unattended, it consumes VERY MUCH time and it still won't work as I want it), scripting in PHP, school, msn, skype...). Sometimes I need a break from something, otherwise I'll get a black out or something... Pingouin, thanks for answering some questions during my absence. GruntZ, yes, this program is made in Visual Studio, 2008 to be exact. The newer version is made in Visual Studio 2010, .NET Framework 3.0 will be required. However, I'm thinking about dropping the whole WPF concept since it's not natively supported by Windows XP (the whole GUI is screwed up, I figured last week). So I'm not sure, may be I'll seperate the GUI for WinXP and Vista+, but then again... it will take some time... Regarding translating the program, I'm not against that concept. I'll implement some function that it gets the translation from some text file, so that the whole program doesn't need to be recompiled. However, open source is something I have considered. Although it will be much easier with SVN, but I'm not an expert in this (read "a complete noob") . I've seen that Visual Studio has some function to support SVN within Visual Studio itself, but then again, I don't know how this works. And then for everyone, I'm still working on the Action Replay export and some more... I need another day or so to get these things straight and to pick up the project. Grtzz!! Grovyle91
  15. I know... but I'm quite busy right now. I've many tests at school the next 2 weeks I cannot work on the development every day. Well, as far as I know the AR codes are the same as Pokesav. So I'm convinced it should work. But when I add support for HG/SS, I'll take a look at it again if it's correct though. Right now I'm changing the way how the editing works when you only edit gifts and/or cards without a save file. Grtzz!!
  16. I'll release the next version after the EU games of HG/SS are released with support for both US and EU Action Replay support for HG/SS. Grtzz!!
  17. A new version came out! Version 1.4 bèta 3 contains 2 bugfixes. Thanks to Liras for reporting them. This fixes a problem when using the Mystery Gift related editor for D/P saves, and dropping a save file on the executable. There'll be no final version until it's completely rewritten for WPF, only new bètas which contains bugfixes if needed. Changelog Fixed an "index out of range" error that occoured when editing something in the MG related editor in a D/P save Fixed a problem when dropping a save file on the executable
  18. Ah... it has something to do with the gifts that's causing this bug. But I don't know for sure... Can I have your save file to take a look? Only the Pokéwalker doesn't work? Hmm... strange... I'm sorry I'm not an ARDS expert. I hope someone else comes with a solution :\
  19. Yeah, some other people also have trouble with it I figured (including myself sometimes). But the groupboxes have a semi-transparent color now so that the text is definately more readable. The buttons have that color permanently (regardless if the OS is WinXP or Win7), it's a feature in WPF, I can give every control a style, e.g. I can give the buttons more roundings or it can be an ellipse entirely, give it another color, etc.. For now the only controls which don't have another style, are the checkboxes and listboxes. I don't know if this style is well readable for someone who's color blind or something though. This background is now the standard background for every window in the program. For easier readings however, there's always a semi-transparent color hovering it. For now there's no option to turn the background off, if it's wanted however I'll add it back If you know how to use Pokesav, this should be no problem as this layout and its workings are based on Pokesav's Mystery Gift Editor.
  20. I've downloaded the events to my Diamond, as Platinum didn't exist by then. I just saw that I had saved the gifts somewhere on my sd card as back-up, I've included them Don't mind the NL tag I had added that to compare these with the US ones a long time ago. Just some more time before I've finished version 1.4 final! I'll show you a screenshot so you can get used to it I'm redesigning it completely and I'd like to hear if this main screen is better than the current. But please don't ask when it will be released, because I don't know yet. Grtzz!! PR2 Events.zip
  21. Then I don't know why mine is different... maybe it's the US/EU difference? (I assume you use the US version, as I'm using the EU version) Otherwise I'm clueless... :\
  22. I don't have PBR so I don't know... I only have the Ranger Darkrai somewhere in one of my back-up saves, but I'm certain that the Riolu was 0x801D as well. Isn't it downloadable from the event contribution thread then?
  23. As far as I know the AR codes are the same as Pokesav. I don't know much about AR codes myself, but I'm convinced it should work. Are there more people having trouble with the codes? Hmm... Mine Darkrai and Riolu from Ranger have strangly enough D/P/Pt/HG/SS support (0x801D). I don't know, but it's strange indeed... These flags are only used by the distributions itself (like the distribution rom) and probably the redistribution too. But it's still strange...
  24. Yeah, I'm not surprised that something's wrong with the PKM editing, it's not fully completed yet... Now I'm focussing on changing the GUI first, then I'll develop the editing further. And I need to say that the GUI will take some more time than I expected. I'm not sure what the best GUI is. Maybe I'll add support for loading a whole folder with PCDs and PGTs, but I don't know how to do this yet. Grtzz!!
  25. Well... It's the old Windows Classic theme in every Windows OS since Windows 95, but I call it the Win98 look. Personally I hate that theme..... Win7 ftw! The text in some boxes weren't displayed properly. So that's why. I've also seen that with this theme the buttons are transparant... actually it's my fault as the background color setting is set to transparant, but I haven't guessed that someone was still using this theme. Clearly some still do. However, when I've finished the new GUI everything will be better hopefully. It will only take some time until it's done though... Although WPF has some advantages, it also has its disadvantages, like missing some controls which I do need. I'm able to style every control though which can be handy sometimes. Most important: I can set any background to an alpha transparancy, so I'm able to make a control semi-transparant so that the text on it is more readable with the background enabled. Grtzz!!
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