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Everything posted by kunaidude34

  1. 0.0 no........laptop? *twitches*............... noooooooooo! u r eviiiiiillllll!
  2. granted but it was all lost in a fire. i wish that i could be better at making sigs.
  3. granted but you didnt have enough money to get another one or another house, as it explodes your house 2 i wish that my little sister doesnt hate me..........
  4. hey uhhhh, darkrai? why u using one of neodraven's sigs?
  5. grsnted but after one battle, it is now forcibly released. i wish that pp wasn't so boring (as everyone's leaving:P)
  6. granted but they were only level 1 i wish that everyone would stop leaving pp...........
  7. <p><p><p><p><p>....................Okami's leaving for good 2.......................i can tell that my leave is gonna be pretty soon.</p></p></p></p></p>

  8. >:3 everyone's leaving! it's "I'm leaving to do this" or (as Okami said)"you'll be seeing less of me here"!i'm really getting to the point of just leaving! i'm dead serious.it's soooooooo boring around here.
  9. yah great sample best animal ever!
  10. granted but there was so little water that they could hardly get out a water gun(steamy ver.) i wish that ouran high school host club would freakin' have another season >:<
  11. granted but u have to go to school and do school-work instead with it being the holiday of extra school-work.
  12. maybe i can-no way! i don't even have the time to do av's!
  13. granted but on ur way there the plane crashes and u survive, so u have to swim the rest of the way. i wish that gamefreak came up with a better pmd game. like a pmd4 that produces a brand new story-line. and it is so awesome that they release it in the us.
  14. it's so boring around pp these days........... if it continues to do this, i'm gonna end up like Enkidu, and leave the place! *coughs randomly*........hmmm, wonder where that came from..........
  15. granted but the save file crashes and u have restart the whole thing. i wish that i had a pokemon great in all aspects ,has great movepools, great stats, and is usable in-game, and in tourneys, battles, and trades.that's legit and completely legal. and DOES NOT crash ur game.
  16. granted but they are now lacking all abilities of good stats and movepools. i wish that garchomp had another form after with large stats, and a great movepool.
  17. <p><p><p><p><p>hahahahahah! lol ur sig ROFL</p></p></p></p></p>

  18. Narwhal's gone? ...........will get to redoing it av. sorry. i forgot to do it today, but i promise i'll do it tomorrow,ok?
  19. <p><p><p><p><p>hello, and welcome too the forums <img src="<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/smile.png" alt=":)" srcset="<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/smile@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20" /></p></p></p></p></p>

  20. will do. Edit: it really isn't that good, but i'm sure Narwhal can also do it. and probably he can do it 10 x better.
  21. <p><p><p><p><p>i kno.......</p></p></p></p></p>

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