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Everything posted by juanpironi

  1. So ... If you dial PC 10,000, is it LEGAL or not? - Entonces... Si marca PC 10.000 es LEGAL o no?
  2. Thanks for trying to help me. I already solved it using the POKE SAVE (re-activating Poketch)
  3. If I choose any of the options marked in the image and save it the save. When I continue my game, it says this: Damaged game The previously saved game will be loaded.
  4. Yes, I'm in the stage where I can use it, I'm in Veilstone City, I'm in the casino and when I left I did not have the activated Poketch anymore. When you say activate the Poketch with PKHEX you mean as in the image below? If I select another function of the Poketch of which I have ACTIVATED and I save the save, at the beginning of the game, a message tells me: SAVE DAMAGED will be started from the last saved game. And I still do not have the Poketch function
  5. Hello my friends, please, I need help!!! I was playing Pokemon Diamond and I closed the Poketch function as you see in the image below. I Touch All the keys on my keyboard to see if it was activated and I do not succeed... I Use the DeSmuME EMULATOR HELP!!!!!
  6. They are ILEGAL PID ilegal u.u
  7. I also want all the Unowns shinies Do you have any saved?
  8. They already helped me with the problem. And the solution was that my save file was .SAV soPKHEX considered the game as CARTRIDGE. The only thing I had to do is rename the .SAV file to .DAT (VC format). And I already mark it as LEGAL. Thank you as well. My english sucks sorry
  9. I LOVE YOU ! XD THANKS !!!!!
  10. Hello my friends. I have played in the Virtual Console Pokemon Crystal in which it includes the event of the GS BALL when you finish the game (The League). I've captured Celebi in the forest ... but in the PKHEX it marks me as illegal. Why? :c
  11. Do you keep marking it as illegal? Play the Pokemon Crital in the VC that comes with the GSBALL EVENT. Catch Celebi but here he marks me as ILLEGAL. Why?
  12. HELLO! Could someone please send me PID/s with the most perfect IV/s possible for Unowns in 3 gen? I do not understand much how to generate them with RNG. So, I'd like you to send me the PID so I copy it and paste it with your respective IVS please. Greetings.
  13. Hi! Could someone help me understand what I'm doing wrong? I created an Wynaunt from Pokemon Emerald captured in MIRAGE ISLAND. With the PID 47521EB4 (Careful) HP 31, ATK 31, DEF 31, SPA 31, SPD 31, SPE 30, and I still mark it as ILLEGAL. Please help.
  14. Hi! Could someone help me understand what I'm doing wrong? I created an Wynaunt from Pokemon Emerald captured in MIRAGE ISLAND. With the PID 47521EB4 (Careful) HP 31, ATK 31, DEF 31, SPA 31, SPD 31, SPE 30, and I still mark it as ILLEGAL. Please help.
  15. Could you explain how to fill this field in Colosseum / XD with my PID number? Please.
  16. Hello friends, I have a question. I use this page to look for PIDs according to the Pokemon I'm looking for in the third generation (https://sites.google.com/site/ivtopidapplet/home ) I just copy the PID number and paste it into the PKHEX with the appropriate IVS to make it legal, to that I also add the SID that shows me the page so that my Pokemon becomes Shiny with my TID. Up here all good, the problem is... I can not find a page like the one mentioned for the Pokemon Colosseum/XD. The only one I found is this ( https://vinnycl.github.io/pokemonIVSXD/index.html ) but unlike the previous one, it does not have to make the Shiny Pokemon showing the SID to modify it and to become SHiny. Does anyone know a page or program as the first page that mentions that it can show the SIDs to make the Shiny Pokemon as I put the IVS? Sorry for my English. Thank you very much, I hope response.
  17. I LOVE YOU ! ♥ Thx!
  18. Hello friends, I have a question. When I want to edit in PKHEX my Butterfree from Pokemon Leaf Green in Pokemon Luna or Sol I get this error: Invalid Ribbons. If I edit it in Pokemon X and Y it happens the same, so I remove all ribbons and I decided to transfer my Butterfree to Pokemon Omega Rubi and play the Beauty contest, I completed it and they gave me the Beauty Master ribbon. When I go to the PKHEX to edit my Butterfree, it appears as: Invalid Ribbons: Bueaty Master. Why? What am I doing wrong...? If in the game they gave me that ribbon, is it a failure/bug of the PKHEX? Sorry for my English. I await an answer, greetings :)
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