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Everything posted by Gamerboy820

  1. That stuff is kinda new to me and at the moment I have no access to my computer. I normally live in Japan but I came back to Canada for my Grandmother's birthday like I do every year, before the Covid crisis got really bad and now I can't get a flight back home for the force able future..... They wont let anyone leave Ontario.
  2. I am wondering if anyone has any codes for the Tracksuit dlc for Pokemon Sword Shield, I live in Canada and the event was not available here, neither was the Pokemon pass app and I was just wondering if anyone had a free code that I could have, thank you
  3. Would anyone be willing to inject some Pokemon and trade them to me? Preferably at the lowest possible level that Pokemon bank and home will allow. If the legendaries cannot be sent into Pokemon bank and home with nicknames, please just leave them with their normal name's. Seeing as I can rename them in Pokemon sword. Thank you in advance. Jirachi: Nickname Spaca Shayman: Nickname Mielikki Darkrai: Nickname Kira Mew: Nickname Myu Shiny Celebi: Nickname Mikuru Shiny Lugia: Nickname Galaxia moeletta: nickname melody Diance nickname Diora Keldeo nickname Kathie Magearna nickname Mal Zaerora Nickname Zynga Marshadow Nickname Marshie Victini: Nickname Victoria
  4. When would you be able to do it?
  5. I accidentally traded my Gigantimax mewoth, and now the event is over. I was wondering if anyone had any spare meowth's that they wouldn't mind trading away.
  6. Anybody able to help me get Marshadow and Zeraora in ultra sun for my pokedex
  7. Would anyone be willing to inject some Pokemon and trade them to me? Jirachi: Nickname Spaca Shayman: Nickname Mielikki Darkrai: Nickname Kira Mew: Nickname Myu ShinyCelebi: Nickname Mikuru Shiny Lugia: Nickname Galaxia moeletta: nickname melody Diance nickname Diora Keldeo nickname Kathie Magearna nickname Mal ZaeroraNickname Zynga Marshadow Nickname Marshie Victini: Nickname Victoria
  8. To start I would like to clarify that my request is going to sound a specific and perhaps a little strange to certain people. . Now that that is out of the way I would like to ask if anyone can trade any of the Pokémon I need with the certain nicknames I specify. It dose not matter what personality the Pokémon has nor what ability. Just as low of a level as you can. 1. Female shiny machop: Nickname Jukka ( I know, strangely specific) 2. Shiny female Bunery: Nickname Lopu 3. Jirachi: Nickname Spaca 4. Shayman: Nickname Mielikki 5. Darkrai: Nickname Kira 6. Mew: Nickname Myu 7. Shiny Celebi: Nickname Mikuru 8: Shiny Lugia: Nickname Galaxia 9. Shiny female Zubat: nickname Tabitha 10: moeletta: nickname melody 11: Diance: nickname Diora 12: Magearna: nickname Mal 13: Zaerora: Nickname Zynga 14:Victini: Nickname Victoria As I have stated previously; I know that this request is very specific and strange but I would just like to have these Pokémon again since my game decided it was just going to go berserk and delete my save file. Recently I learned that my little sister went on the gts and attempted to trade With some guy named Edou 78 for a arceus; all he wanted was a zigzagoon. When she tried it crashed the game and when she re booted it my save was gone with all of my beloved team members. Even if no one is able to help. I would still like to thank everyone for taking the time to read this. Have a good day
  9. . To start I would like to clarify that my request is going to sound a specific and perhaps a little strange to certain people. . Now that that is out of the way I would like to ask if anyone can trade any of the Pokémon I need with the certain nicknames I specify. It dose not matter what personality the Pokémon has nor what ability. Just as low of a level as you can. 1. Female shiny machop: Nickname Jukka ( I know, they are all strangely specific) 2. Jirachi: Nickname Spaca 3. Shayman: Nickname Mielikki 4. Darkrai: Nickname Kira 5. Mew: Nickname Myu 6. Shiny Celebi: Nickname Mikuru 7. Shiny Lugia: Nickname Galaxia 8. Shiny female Zubat: Tabitha 9. Shiny female Zorua: Nickname Zynga As I have stated previously; I know that this request is very specific and strange but I would just like to have these Pokémon again since my game decided it was just going to go berserk and delete my save file. Recently I learned that my little sister went on the gts and attempted to trade With some guy named Edou 78 for a arceus; all he wanted was a zigzagoon. When she tried it crashed the game and when she re booted it my save was gone with all of my beloved team members. Even if no one is able to help. I would still like to thank everyone for taking the time to read this. Have a good day
  10. . To start I would like to clarify that my request is going to sound a specific and perhaps a little strange to certain people. . Now that that is out of the way I would like to ask if anyone can trade any of the Pokémon I need with the certain nicknames I specify. It dose not matter what personality the Pokémon has nor what ability. Just as low of a level as you can. 1. Female shiny machop: Nickname Jukka ( I know, strangely specific) 2. Shiny female Bunery: Nickname Lopu 3. Jirachi: Nickname Spaca 4. Shayman: Nickname Mielikki 5. Darkrai: Nickname Kira 6. Mew: Nickname Myu 7. Shiny Celebi: Nickname Mikuru 8: Shiny Lugia: Nickname Galaxia 9. Shiny female Zubat: Tabitha As I have stated previously; I know that this request is very specific and strange but I would just like to have these Pokémon again since my game decided it was just going to go berserk and delete my save file. Recently I learned that my little sister went on the gts and attempted to trade With some guy named Edou 78 for a arceus; all he wanted was a zigzagoon. When she tried it crashed the game and when she re booted it my save was gone with all of my beloved team members. Even if no one is able to help. I would still like to thank everyone for taking the time to read this. Have a good day
  11. Thanks Man. If there is any way to repay you just let me know
  12. If your still able to trade with. Me @jasenyoface I will be on my 3ds anytime after 7 atlantic time tomorow and thanks for your help
  13. if your still able to trade id love tp my fc is 5284-1501-3722
  14. I am looking for some assistance in getting the last four berries I need in pokemon alpha saphire on the 3ds and a Darkrai as well. the berries i need are Enigma, Custap, Jaboca, and Rowap thanks for all your help in advance guys and if possible i will return the favor
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