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Everything posted by Kalaxe

  1. I have lost the backsprite of naganadel so I will upload it along with the others .I will also upload the shinys.
  2. hi @theSLAYER, I'm not doing anything wrong, in fact I'm adjusting to the measures of other sprites on that same page. if you look at this sprite of altaria-mega (https://www.pkparaiso.com/imagenes/rubi-omega-zafiro-alfa/sprites/animados/altaria-mega.gif) <the resolutions are 124x142, while my back is Poipole is 138x177 a little bigger. Therefore, it is not me who is doing it wrong. Anyway, I have captured all the sprites of these pokemon (since I wanted to remove the background on my own, but I do not have much time) if you want to pass them too.
  3. @Ridaz stakataka back I have him, now I look for the file and I upload it, next to Blacephaleon and Naganadel. I'm going to try to climb the backs of the shinys now that I have more time. @Lessangel fantastic work man, you are a magnificent artist. Edit: I will try to capture all the backs of the shinys (S/M) when I finish the exams of the university. Surely by February.
  4. hi Lessangel, I have uploaded, by recommendation of ridaz, gifs. (they are in the same folder as the videos) I have also deleted them and left only the gifs, if that helps you. Edit: I leave here the link to make it more comfortable: https://mega.nz/#F!Vg9ERLpS!XKqEmbVxewzm12sm8uFUWg
  5. okey, I'm going to record it all over again, I delete the mega link and now I upload it all in gif
  6. hello ridaz, I have done what you said and I have captured the back of lycanroc with gyfcam. I think they have the same quality, even so I'll give you the video, compare and give me an opinion, thanks https://mega.nz/#!Y4EhCAKK!c2AogJTZEMLz8gs_R_4Sho1wwG1FKTILpcqby-Usgqc I almost always stay in PS if you want to make a quick query, I'm always on the dv room
  7. hi bossnecroz, i said that stakataka i have it I said that I made the backsprite stakataka, as did naganadel and blacephalon. I need to record the shinys, it's the only thing that's missing
  8. hi ridaz, I use bandicam to record it
  9. hi ridaz, thanks for answering, i have a question, Are you the same ridaz as the name of Pokémon Showdown? if so, it would be perfect to implement the new sprites in PS. if you are not, I'll take care of passing them to zarel or someone with relevance there.
  10. hi! BossNecroz. okey,First of all, thanks for offering you I'm going to upload the sprites on the back and pass the link here, so you can work several people. I need the shinys to capture, I hope to have them soon. On the other hand, I have already captured the backs of Naganadel, blacehop and Stakataka, the first 2 are not perfect but they are acceptable I think, but stakataka are perfect. Edit: Well, I've uploaded the files to mega, if someone else wants to help, it would be great Edit2: following the advice of ridaz, I have uploaded the gifs of the pokes and with better quality. https://mega.nz/#F!Vg9ERLpS!XKqEmbVxewzm12sm8uFUWg
  11. Hi guys! I have a question. If I share the videos captured from the backs of USUM pokemon Can you please remove the transparent background ?, I would do it but lately I do not have much time, I'm with university exams. I hope your answer
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