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Posts posted by Atrius97

  1. Try using the Encounter Database on the latest dev build instead, there have been a few additional updates to Move Shop flag legality since:

    .MoveMastery=$suggest or $suggestAll are options for the Batch Editor on latest dev build as well, they should be able to correct any flag issues.

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  2. Masuda Method requires two compatible Pokémon with different language tags. You can see the language of a Pokémon in it's summary page ingame, in the upper right:image.png.9145f5a6fb025fee621c79b6cf4a0cde.png
    Any two language combinations will work, (English and Japanese, German and Chinese, etc.), as long as the two Pokémon have different languages, Masuda Method works.

    The language of your savefile does not matter, the Masuda Method would work with "an English savefile, 1 English parent, and 1 Japanese parent" but it would also work with "An English savefile, 1 Spanish parent, and 1 Korean parent".

  3. Please don't necro a post that hasn't been touched in 4 years.
    No, as far as I'm aware there are no glitches that remove the shiny lock for Victini, nor alter the PID to be shiny.
    Even if you found one, the result would be indistinguishable from simply cheating to get one.

  4. Serebii and Bulbapedia aren't the holy grail of documentation. There are often hidden values that are not shown to the player, or not immediately obvious. Alpha Pokemon always have one of their moves already mastered, despite not visiting the Move Shop, or being at the correct level to master it normally.

    Do not try to hand-generate pokemon if you don't know what you're doing, use the encounter database under Tools > Data and simply search for an Alpha Riolu encounter, or install and use AutoLegalityMod/PKHeX-Plugins to import/legalize one.

  5. Kurt/Kaphotics figured this issue out in the PKHeX Dev server.


    Probably some unrelated flag that stores if a box has pokemon data, that was never set by your "really early game progress" save file
    actually lol, looks like it is the game cleaning itself to remove junk data for fresh saves accessing the box for the first time.

    You need to progress the game further/open your boxes at least once before trying to edit the game in PKHeX. This isn't a bug with PKHeX, it's a feature of Pokemon Yellow.

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  6. 13 hours ago, LeCaillouBleu said:

    I can't manage to make a Cacturne from Sapphire, for some reason it always say that it was incorrectly transferred from a previous generation.

    Notice how the stats on the left are all 000 with a red background? That means it doesn't exist in that game. If you're trying to import a Cacturne into Sword/Shield, that's your problem, and that's why it says incorrectly transferred.

    It's only available in Gen 3 through Gen 7 (SMUSUM), and BDSP (but BDSP can't have transfers from past gen yet).

  7. Pokémon cannot be transfered between Gen 1/2 and Gen 3. It's not possible to trade them from Red/Blue to FireRed, and even with PKHeX it would be an incompatible transfer (not legally possible, there would be legality errors) 

    Even using an emulator that can simulate trades like VBA-link or mGBA, that trade still wouldn't work. 

    Sidenote, why do you care about a glitch to get unlimited shiny Ditto if you plan to use PKHeX and/or do an incompatible transfer anyway? You can just use PKHeX to make unlimited shiny Ditto in whatever game you want. 

  8. Cheat codes are often sloppy when editing values. Chances are it just sets everything to 999, doesn't bother to check if that's a possible value.

    If you have certain impossible values when going to interact with some of the legendaries or mythical pokedex entries, the game just soft-locks, or will even prevent you from catching that legendary/mythical because it refuses to spawn.

    This is also why you should keep savefile backups, with JKSV or Checkpoint. If you had an older savefile from BEFORE using that cheat, you would be able to just undo the damage yourself by restoring an old clean backup. Now if you want to fix it you unfortunately have to do Slayer's suggestion of fixing your pokedex progress by hand.

    • Ditto 1
  9. 1 hour ago, Grxxxeer said:

    Then, when transferred to Sword or Shield, the height is reverted to the average height of the species. When placed BACK in HOME, the new average value is what’s maintained, and the Pokémon no longer has the original LGPE height value.

    My hypothesis is that the values are reset back to zero in SWSH.

    Both of these assumptions are false. All Pokemon that originate from a Gen 8 game, LGPE, or GO have a HeightScalar and WeightScalar value, and these are retained regardless of transfers. (They're never "reset to zero" or altered in any way)

    SWSH displays the average height/weight for the species because those Height and Weight values are unused. They're generated, but SWSH doesn't do anything with them.

    When you transfer from LGPE to HOME, those Pokémon remain in the LGPE format and have their displayed height and weight properly scaled by those values. (LGPE converts them to HeightAbsolute and WeightAbsolute to display the variable sizes)

    When you transfer them into SWSH, they change to SWSH format, and stop using those values for Height/Weight calculation. This will be true for as long as they remain in the SWSH format.

    If you'd like to confirm this, use PKHeX to view a Pokémon in LGPE, transfer it into HOME, then SWSH, view that same Pokémon in SWSH, and confirm that the Height/Weight values under the Main tab are identical after the transfer.

    As a sidenote, BDSP and PLA also have HeightScalar and WeightScalar values. Like LGPE, PLA also uses them to calculate HeightAbsolute and WeightAbsolute to display the variable sizes ingame. There isn't any transfer compatibility between these games and HOME yet, but you can expect the same to be true for them as well. (aside from PLA's Alpha flag, which may be lost/become unused outside PLA)

    • Thanks 1
  10. 2 hours ago, pharohzeke said:

    Did you ever release the files to those event Pokemon?

    They're not actual event pokemon, these are fan-made and wouldn't be legal in any game, and I'm not sure the "files" for them ever existed in the first place.
    Whether the creators want to post any illegal fan-made event pkm files is up to them, but chances are they would have done it by now.

    Also this thread has been dead for 3 years, and clearly isn't going to be completed or see any new activity, so I'm going to lock it.
    In the future, please don't resurrect long-dead posts like this just to request files for event Pokémon that never existed in the first place.

    • Like 1
  11. 16 minutes ago, zoro69 said:

    I saw that people already reported the ones I noticed but wanted to add it to mine earlier to check

    If they had already reported the ones you noticed, and they don't already exist in the dev build of PKHeX, then they either weren't legal, or they weren't feasible/possible to implement.
    Check if they appear in this version of PKHeX, this is the latest dev build and will contain the newest updates, (before they're released in the stable builds):


    • Thanks 1
  12. It looks like you had multiple glitch pokemon in your boxes. After withdrawing the glitched starter Pikachu into party slot 6 (cannot be released, since it behaves as a starter Pikachu) and deleting several others until the boxes appeared no longer glitched/didn't contain any remaining glitch pokemon, the save loads:
    Chances are PKHeX just had trouble reading your boxes with all the garbage data that was there.

    • Like 2
  13. Alternatively, try unblocking the zip file under Properties before extracting PKHeX/unblocking the PKHeX.exe file.

    Also make sure you have the prerequisite .NET framework installed.

  14. I'm not sure what you mean by "double ability". If you're referring to Strong Jaw or Rock Head, just change the Ability dropdown in the Main tab of PKHeX.

    If you mean "I want it to have two abilities at the same time" that's not something PKHeX can help you with, because PKHeX can't change how the game works. You would have to create a ROM hack of the game that allows two abilities at once. Pokemon have one ability at a time (with the exception of Calyrex, but that's a few specific case).

  15. 1 hour ago, coolpokebutts said:

    This is probably gonna be the last post on this conversation. When you clone the event Genesect from a Japanese name it becomes English. Therefor it is 99.9 percent cloned.

    For starters this is incorrect. I'm not sure where you got the idea that "cloned events become english" but that's just outright not how "cloning" something works. Typically cloning an Pokémon results in an identical copy, not a language swapped one, regardless of method. (PKHeX, dupe glitch, cheats, etc.) There's zero reason for the language ID to change when every other value is retained when making a clone.

    Secondly, there was no need to revive a post from 8 months prior to post essentially just "misinformation with nothing to back it up".
    I'll be locking this topic now, this conversation has been over for the better part of a year, and the topic was explored in-depth, it didn't need a "last post".

    • Like 1
  16. The only "de-evolution" that has ever appeared in the games is Mega Evolutions reverting back to normal, (which are just battle-only forms, not actual species evolutions).

    For a Pokemon to be legal, you can only revert it as far back as the "untouched state it was originally obtainable in".
    If they distribute a Raichu as event Pokémon, it's already in that "untouched state", you can't make it into a Pikachu, because that pokemon "wasn't a Pichu/Pikachu in it's earliest legal state". You can only legally alter Pokémon into states that they could possibly be in if you were playing the game legitimately.

    There is nothing you can change in PKHeX to make that legal, because "legality" is determined by what's possible to do in the game.
    (If you figure out some secret ingame mechanic to de-evolve Pokemon in an unaltered retail copy of a game, please let us know :P)

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