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Pokemon Temp Data Offset Type Description Before Generation 0x0 u64 Encryption Constant If = 0xFFFFFFFF FFFFFFFF, random u32 0x8 u32 PID If = 0xFFFFFFFF, random 0xC u32 PID Type 1: Anti-Shiny 2: Forced Shiny 3: Random 0x10 u64 OT TID/SID If = 0xFFFFFFFF FFFFFFFF, random u32 0x18 u16 Species ID 0x1A u16 Form ID If = 0xFF, random according to personal info 0x1C u16 Level 0x1E u16 Gender If = 0xFF, random(252) according to personal info 0x20 u16 Nature If = 0xFFFF, random(25) 0x22 u8 Ability Number If = 0xFF, random 1/2; If = 0xFE random 1/2/H. 0x23 u8 PID Roll Count For PID type = 3 (random), related to shiny chance 0x24 u16 HP IV If = 0xFFFF, random(32) 0x26 u16 Attack IV If = 0xFFFF, random(32) 0x28 u16 Defense IV If = 0xFFFF, random(32) 0x2A u16 SpA IV If = 0xFFFF, random(32) 0x2C u16 SpD IV If = 0xFFFF, random(32) 0x2E u16 Speed IV If = 0xFFFF, random(32) 0x30 u16 Friendship If = 0xFFFF, set default friendship 0x34 u8 Perfect IV Count If > 0, clear all IV locks SOS Status Data RAM location: 0x30038E20 (USUM v1.2); 0x30038C44 (SM v1.2) Offset Type Description 0x10 u32 [624] SFMT RNG Table 0x9D0 u16 SFMT RNG Table Index 0x9D8 u8 Adrenaline Orb Used 0x9D9 u8 Chain Length 0x9DA u8 Ally Identifier? 0x9DB u8 Last SOS Call Succeeded Berry Pile Data RAM location: 0x32DE3208 (USUM v1.2) Offset Type Description 0x25 u8 Bit flag for Crabrawler existence 0x26 u16 Crabrawler level 0x28 u16 [6] Regular random berry ID
Self trading is not treated as legal. The pokemon that evolves by trade and doesn't have the memory of lastest handler is unnatural.
Looks like it's hardcoded. sub_77279C for static gifts v16 = v42 == 380; if ( v42 != 380 ) v16 = v42 == 381; if ( !v16 ) v16 = v42 == 25; if ( v16 ) // Latias/Latios/Pikachu { v53 = 3; // Perfect IVs count v27 = v4[5]; v28 = sub_6F72F8(v4[5], 1); if ( v28 != 6 ) { v29 = sub_6F3B30(v27, v28); if ( sub_6F4548() == 28 ) // Synchro v46 = sub_6F7300(v29); } } else { v17 = *(v3 + 22); if ( v17 != -1 ) LOWORD(v49) = *(v3 + 22); v18 = *(v3 + 23); if ( v18 != -1 ) HIWORD(v49) = *(v3 + 23); v19 = *(v3 + 24); if ( v19 != -1 ) LOWORD(v50) = *(v3 + 24); v20 = *(v3 + 25); if ( v20 != -1 ) HIWORD(v50) = *(v3 + 25); v21 = *(v3 + 26); if ( v21 != -1 ) LOWORD(v51) = *(v3 + 26); v22 = *(v3 + 27); if ( v22 != -1 ) HIWORD(v51) = *(v3 + 27); } if ( sub_6F31F8(16, v5) ) v23 = sub_6F5DE8(); // Goes to sub_3B274C else v23 = 0;
Afaik, cosplay Pikachu should be IV3. Will look for how the game treat it.
@Kaphotics I didn't find the exact source code, but I have a reasonable theory now. So basically the level of crabrawler only depends on the pile size. Big pile has 2 level higher crabrawler than the small one. RAM address 0x32DE3208 for berry piles status. + 0x25 is the bit flag for Crabrawler existence + 0x26 is the Crabrawler level + 0x28 is the regular berries table (6 x WORD) Several tests via debugger gives following results: https://github.com/wwwwwwzx/3DSRNGTool/blob/master/Data/BerryTrees.md And compare with the SuMo level range for Crabrawler, they are just the third highest level and the highest level. (For example, SuMo Route 10 level range: 24-27, scripted Crabrawler level is 25 for small pile size, 27 for big size) So I guess they didn't update this with USUM. To summarize, the level of first encounter was scripted inside the SuMo SOS encounter level ranges. But in USUM, they are out of range because the encounter table changes. A solution is adding following static encounter: new EncounterStatic { Species = 739, Level = 25, Location = 106, }, // Route 10 new EncounterStatic { Species = 739, Level = 28, Location = 110, }, // Ula'ula Beach new EncounterStatic { Species = 739, Level = 31, Location = 118, }, // Route 16 new EncounterStatic { Species = 739, Level = 32, Location = 120, }, // Route 17
Only Crabrawler will have this problem and need more time to find the source. sub_3A3584 (UMv1.2) is the subroutine for random encounter level. It gets called for any wild, including pokemon in dividing peak tunnel and in-battle SOS call. (So Lv 26-29 is still the correct range for ally Crabrawlers) The level of crabrawler first encounter is more like map resources such as berries pile size, and can be SRed as daily events, afaik.
Can confirm pokeradar should replace 4,5,10,11 Edited: I test slot 2, 10, 11 with the same patch as follow: I also checked slot 4,5. There are Grimer.
it should be a pkhex bug and I can help fix it. But I'm not sure if the nickname should be flagged.
Serebii showing incorrect info. You can check this website https://game8.jp/pokemon_sun_moon/128054 3 have HA 3 normal ability And another post shows goomy should have HA