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Everything posted by Nessus

  1. Trade for Evolution! OT: ふぃえすた All other 7 Pokémon with this OT seem fine
  2. Trade For Evolution! OT: もみじ All 8 Pokémon seem to be missing from database... All 24 other OT's (listed in link below) seem fine https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/List_of_local_Japanese_event_Pokémon_distributions_in_Generation_V#Trade_for_Evolution.21_Pok.C3.A9mon
  3. PKHeX insists Souvenir Ribbon but event came with Classic Ribbon
  4. I have them only as pk7, they become legal if ribbon is removed if that helps?
  5. Yes it says that the events were released "with and without ribbon"... But if there was a legal event with ribbon then it should not be flagged was my thought
  6. Same thing happens with the German version of this event...
  7. Magmar (ID: 04014) flagged as illegal with Classic Ribbon
  8. If you don't mind I will list errors here rather than create a new topic every time?
  9. HAHA! This sort of thing always makes me chuckle!!
  10. Love being the 1st to DL
  11. Fair enough Thanks for the amazing work btw
  12. Is there a reason these are being reposted?? Thanks
  13. Card # 0606 - Lycanroc will not miss! Enjoy people! I have proof which I am willing to show moderators if requested Card # 0606 - Lycanroc will not miss!.wc7
  14. Not trading for me either
  15. Hi Kaph! Of course you are correct I am just pointing out official hack check is lacking Which amused me somewhat... I presume you'll edit PKHeX to not flag them after Bank support comes to SuMo? Thanks, Nessus.
  16. Rowlet - "Ominous Wind" marked as illegal egg move but is legal... TESTED! Can only obtain move when bred with Natu & Xatu (which cannot be transferred to SuMo at the moment) but still trades.
  17. You are 100% correct theSLAYER but it traded so I thought I'd post I'll report more anomalies if I discover any
  18. Salazzle - "Fake Out" marked as illegal egg move but is legal... TESTED
  19. Please use this thread to report moves that are flagged up as illegal but are in fact legal... PLEASE ONLY POST IF YOU HAVE TESTED YOUR POKÉMON USING "LINK TRADE" WHILE CONNECTED TO WIFI!!! (Wonder Trade has proven itself to not always be reliable for Legality checking). Nessus.
    Kaphotics is a hero of mine!
  20. It will not trade... Is this normal for this event??
  21. Do you have download proof too dude? Thanks
  22. Still looking folks!
  23. Awaiting your response, thanks
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